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Load balancing 101 Smoke and mirrors.

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What is load balancing Spreading load over multiple workers, servers, cores, processes, and time. ● A queue of discrete requests/jobs/transactions and workers which can complete this work ● A slew of concurrent, long lived connections

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When do you have a load balancing problem? Always.

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What can you load balance? ● HTTP level load balancing ● Socket level load balancing ● Queue + slow legacy system

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Queue everything and delight everyone (when you can, at the right priority)

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Every man and his dog has a load balancer these days ● HAProxy ● Nginx ● Amazon ELB ● Varnish ● Pound ● Apache mod_proxy_balancer ● Gearman ● Celery ● ØMQ ● keepalived etc.

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Load balancing terms ● Hardware: ○ Fast/Efficient ○ Fixed circuitry/purpose ○ In-stream decisions ○ Reason people get Cisco qualifications ○ SPoF (can be mitigated) ● Software ○ Plethora of options ○ Performance tradeoffs ○ More cleverness ○ More deployability

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Scheduling ● Round robin ● Least-connections ● Random! ● Clever ○ Make decisions based on latency, worker load, geography, etc. (e.g. ELB) ○ Dynamic: see Varnish DNS Director and Nginx Resolver / Nginx lua ○ Hash Based: Consistent hashing based on incoming request data: see haproxy map Links:

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Session stickyness / Persistence: ● Sticky: route requests from known/seen requestors to the same backend worker ○ Source IP ○ Cookie-based ○ How does this work in high availability? ● Non-sticky: don't stick to backend workers ○ Means you have to be clever about shared session state

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Health checks ● Do them right ● Check frequently, but not too much ● Check that you're getting a valid response from the backend ○ not just that port 80 is open ○ is it accepting http? ○ is the page loading? ○ is it loading correctly (ie, is the DB up?) ● Build a url which gives you good health indicators, and tell the LB to check it ● Spend time configuring your LB error pages

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Example 1 - naïveté level 8 ● Requests land on ● Redirect with HTTP 302 Found to http://web {1,2,3} Kakness: ● Discuss

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Example 2.0 - Let's use hardware! ● Buy a hardware load balancer ● Plug it in ● Packets are free to roam! Kakness ● Discuss

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Example 2.1 - let's use software! ● User hits ● Proxies to backend worker servers ● Responses flow freely Kakness: ● Discuss

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Example 3 - let's use DNS! ● User requests ● DNS round robins you an IP ● Be careful about TTL! Kakness ● Discuss

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Cool links Varnish cleverness: Link header: Nginx cleverness: Heroku's ugly secret:

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Thanks? Collaborated by ● Adrian Moisey ● Bradley Whittington ● Bearnard Hibbins ● Jonathan Hitchcock ● Simon de Haan