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Architectural Patterns of Resilient Distributed Systems YOW 2016

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Ines Sombra @Randommood

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Globally distributed & highly available

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Today’s Journey Forest Company 1 2 3 4 Motivation Resilience in literature Resilience in industry Conclusions Tie it all together Foundational knowledge Why Ines cares & you should too What are others doing?

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Resilience is the ability of a system to adapt or keep working when challenges occur

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Defining Resilience Fault-tolerance Evolvability Scalability Failure isolation Complexity management

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How can we construct more resilient systems?

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It’s what really matters

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The Team

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Trim all edges by 25% http:/ / Crop the image square and resize the width to 200px http:/ / 1000 × 667 px 92 KB 200 × 200 px 9 KB

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CDN Image Opto Origin Image Opto Image Opto Image Opto Image Opto ImageOpto 101

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Origin Image Opto Image Opto Image Opto Image Opto Image Opto CDN ImageOpto 101

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Origin Image Opto Image Opto Image Opto Image Opto Image Opto CDN ImageOpto 101

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Origin Image Opto Image Opto Image Opto Image Opto Image Opto CDN ImageOpto 101

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Origin Image Opto Image Opto Image Opto Image Opto Image Opto CDN ImageOpto 101

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Resilience in Literature

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Harvest & Yield Model

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Fraction of successfully answered queries Focus on yield rather than uptime (think amazon during xmas) Yield

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From Coda Hale’s “You can’t sacrifice partition tolerance” Server A Server B Server C Baby Animals Cute Fraction of the complete result Harvest

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" 100% harvest

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From Coda Hale’s “You can’t sacrifice partition tolerance” Server A Server B Server C Baby Animals Cute X 66% harvest Fraction of the complete result Harvest

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☹ 66% harvest

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From Coda Hale’s “You can’t sacrifice partition tolerance” Server A Server B Server C Baby Animals Cute X 33% harvest Fraction of the complete result Harvest X

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33% harvest $

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Randomness to make the worst-case & average-case the same Replication of high-priority data for greater harvest control Degrading results based on client capability #1: Probabilistic Availability

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Break into subsystems Only provide strong consistency for the subsystems that need it Use orthogonal mechanisms #2 Decomposition & Orthogonality 1 2 3 4 5

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If your system favors yield or harvest is an outcome of its design “ ” ~ Fox & Brewer

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Harvest & Yield applied ImageOpto favors harvest Consistent hashing based on pristine image Replication to secondary nodes Orthogonality in CDN side Origin CDN IO X

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Cook & Rasmussen model

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Economic failure boundary Unacceptable workload boundary Accident boundary Pressure towards efficiency Reduction of effort error margin Marginal boundary Safety Campaign Incident! Operating point Cook & Rasmussen

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error margin Original marginal boundary R.I.Cook - 2004 Acceptable operating point Accident boundary New marginal boundary! Flirting with the margin

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Engineering resilience requires a model of safety based on: mentoring, responding, adapting, and learning System safety is about what can happen, where the operating point actually is, and what we do under pressure Insights from Cook’s model

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Build support for continuous maintenance Resilience is operator community focused Know it’s going to get moved, replaced, and used in ways you did not intend Engineering system resilience

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Cook & Rasmussen applied Unexpected use-cases Acceptable workload boundary influenced a redesign Use response to incidents as educational opportunities Origin CDN IO

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Borrill's model

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 engineering Reactive
 ops unk-unk Probability of failure Rank Cascading or catastrophic failures & you don’t know where they will come from! Same area as other 2 combined A system’s complexity

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 engineering Reactive
 ops unk-unk Failure areas need != strategies Probability of failure Rank % & ' ☠'

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Thinking about building system resilience using a single discipline is insufficient. We need different strategies “ ” ~ Borrill

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Code standards Programming patterns Full system testing Metrics & monitoring Convergence to good state Hazard inventories Redundancies Feature flags Dark deploys Runbooks & docs Canaries System verification Formal methods Fault injection Classical engineering Reactive Operations Unknown-Unknown Strategies to build resilience

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System verification Formal methods Fault injection Classical engineering Reactive Operations Unknown-Unknown Strategies to build resilience Code standards Programming patterns Full system testing Metrics & monitoring Convergence to good state Hazard inventories Redundancies Feature flags Dark deploys Runbooks & docs Canaries

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 in Industry

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Library vs service? Service and client library control + storage of small data files with restricted operations Engineers don’t plan for: availability, consensus, primary elections, failures, their own bugs, operability, or the future. They also don’t understand Distributed Systems Key insights from Chubby %

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Key insights from Chubby Centralized services are hard to construct but you can dedicate effort into architecting them well and making them failure-tolerant Restricting user behavior increased resilience Consumers of your service are part of your UNK-UNK scenarios

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ImageOpto insights Dependencies are hard: customer setup, customer inputs, caching layer, & libraries - we have to be resilient from all of them Unk-Unks also lay in hidden dependencies (reduce as many of them as possible)

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Ship something out earlier with a limited API. Continuously invest in design of functionality and operability “ ” ~ Me today

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In design What compromises does your system make as things go bad? Resilient systems are designed for high yield & variable harvest

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Unawareness of proximity to error boundary means we are always guessing Complex operations make systems less resilient & more incident-prone You design operability too! Operations matter

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Adding resilience may come at the cost of other desired goals (e.g. time, performance, simplicity, cost, etc) Redundancies help Not all complexity is bad

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IN DESIGN OPERABILITY UNK-UNK Are we favoring harvest or yield? Are we resilient to our dependencies? Use orthogonality & decomposition Theory matters! Am I providing enough control to my operators? Operators impact resilience Narrowing your API helps The existence of this stresses diligence on the other two areas tl;dr The goal is to build failure domain independence

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