How to Write
Bad Eclipse Plug-ins
Alex Blewitt
Originally presented at Eclipse Night London
16 September 2015
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Bad Eclipse Plug-ins
• This talk will present anti-patterns for
Eclipse plug-in development
• Use these techniques in order to degrade a
user's experience of Eclipse
• Bad plug-ins don't just happen by accident!
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Bad Eclipse Plug-ins
• This talk will present anti-patterns for
Eclipse plug-in development
• Use these techniques in order to degrade a
user's experience of Eclipse
• Bad plug-ins don't just happen by accident!
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First impressions
• First impressions last - make them count
• Display a splash screen specifically for your plug-in
• Otherwise how will they know what plug-in they
have installed?
• Use new Shell() and resize to size of window for
maximum effect
• Preferably whilst they're in the middle of something
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First impressions
• First impressions last - make them count
• Display a splash screen specifically for your plug-in
• Otherwise how will they know what plug-in they
have installed?
• Use new Shell() and resize to size of window for
maximum effect
• Preferably whilst they're in the middle of something
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Have a Dialog with user
• If a splash screen won't fit then consider a
Dialog instead
• For maximum benefit, show whilst typing –
easier to accidentally press one of the buttons
• Register a KeyListener on the SWT container
to receive notifications of when they are typing
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• Dialogs are great for rentware
• Remind the user to pay up or the software will
stop working
• Allow the dialog to be dismissed, but come back
• Bonus points for having it in a different place
• Punch the Money!
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• Dialogs are great for rentware
• Remind the user to pay up or the software will
stop working
• Allow the dialog to be dismissed, but come back
• Bonus points for having it in a different place
• Punch the Money!
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• Dialogs are great for rentware
• Remind the user to pay up or the software will
stop working
• Allow the dialog to be dismissed, but come back
• Bonus points for having it in a different place
• Punch the Money!
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• Dialogs are great for rentware
• Remind the user to pay up or the software will
stop working
• Allow the dialog to be dismissed, but come back
• Bonus points for having it in a different place
• Punch the Money!
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Interactive dialog
• Dialogs can be interactive too
• Why not add a payment field into the dialog?
• Take a credit card number
• Add a field listener to validate number; use the
LUHN check to determine if card is valid
• Enable payment button when valid
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Interactive dialog
• Dialogs can be interactive too
• Why not add a payment field into the dialog?
• Take a credit card number
• Add a field listener to validate number; use the
LUHN check to determine if card is valid
• Enable payment button when valid
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Interactive dialog
• Dialogs can be interactive too
• Why not add a payment field into the dialog?
• Take a credit card number
• Add a field listener to validate number; use the
LUHN check to determine if card is valid
• Enable payment button when valid
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• Another option is to use Mylyn Notifications
• Pop-up dialogs in bottom right of screen
• Problems with this approach
• Notification goes away after inactivity
• User doesn't get distracted
• Limited click-through conversion rate!
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Combine them!
• Splash screen AND field input
• What's not to like?
• Use them to unlock functionality
• Good way of populating marketing lists
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Combine them!
• Splash screen AND field input
• What's not to like?
• Use them to unlock functionality
• Good way of populating marketing lists
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Assume the Networks
• Only successful people use Eclipse
• Clearly they can afford in-flight WiFi ✈
• If their computer isn't connected, it's their fault
• Make sure to log lots of errors (or just fail)
• Automated Error Reporter is lonely
• Who uses firewalls anyway? ⛔
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On the Job – the UIJob
• Your plug-in is the most important plug-in the
user has installed
• Instead of running a Job in the background, use
UIJob instead
• Especially if using the filesystem or network
• Everyone loves the beachball!
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Reporting Progress
• IProgressMonitor allows progress to be reported
• Can avoid giving any hints by avoiding setting
amount of work - use UNKNOWN (-1)
• Ignore cancellations
• Pretty animations!
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Bundle Activator
• Bundle-Activator is an opportunity for delays
• Eclipse start-up is serial activation of activators
• Single bundle can take down Eclipse!
• Thread.sleep(1000000…)
• Even if bundle does nothing useful, leave the
Activator in there – shows you used a template
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Bundle Activator
• Bundle-Activator is an opportunity for delays
• Eclipse start-up is serial activation of activators
• Single bundle can take down Eclipse!
• Thread.sleep(1000000…)
• Even if bundle does nothing useful, leave the
Activator in there – shows you used a template
258 classes out of
762 bundles can't
be wrong!
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Activators are the
• When you reference a class from a bundle it
triggers activation automatically if the following:
• Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy
• Referring to a class is enough to cause delays!
• Useful in combination with static blocks
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Activators are the
• When you reference a class from a bundle it
triggers activation automatically if the following:
• Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy
• Referring to a class is enough to cause delays!
• Useful in combination with static blocks
static {
ImageDescriptor img = …
Added 100k+ to application load by
triggering ImageRegistry creation
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Laziness is overrated
• Why be lazy when you can be active?
• Better to be fit
• IStartup provides ultimate active extension
• earlyStartup() – use resources actively at start
• Use UIJob().schedule(0) for immediate effect
• Don't use declarative services – multi threaded
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IInterface and
• Eclipse ❤ Iinterfaces
• Put IInterface and IImplementation in same
bundle so they won't get lost
• Bonus: refer to the interface, activate the
• Ensure you always cast the interface to hidden
internal implementation class to prevent reuse!
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• Even better, interfaces can be versioned!
• IInterface2
• IInterface3
• IInterface4
• IInterface∞
Never delete code!
Never revoke an API!
If it was good enough for Eclipse
2.1 then it is good enough for you!
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Avoid new-fangled code
• Most Eclipse APIs don't use generics –
why should you?
• Avoid new annotations like @Inject and
@EventTopic – these aren't yet decades old
• Why use command and handler when Action is
still used by the platform?
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Graphics Leaks
• SWT is a great library for being able to leak resources
• Just forget to call dispose() on your Resource
• Don't use:
• ImageRegistry, ColorRegistry, FontRegistry
• Sleak, SWTBot
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• Use splash screens, dialogs and interruptions
• Rentware is highly popular
• Assume the network is always available
• Use UIJob instead of Job to block the interface
• Don't estimate progress; or check for cancel
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• Put all your complex logic in Bundle Activators
• Run tasks in IStartup with zero delay for priority
• Use static blocks of code to avoid lazy code
• Mix interface & implementation in same bundle
• Avoid declarative services, @Inject, commands