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Taming snakes with reactive streams Trainer @thoughtram

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Dominic Elm ABOUT ME

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Blogging Dominic Elm ABOUT ME Trainer @thoughtram @elmd_ =

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Blogging Dominic Elm ABOUT ME Trainer @thoughtram @elmd_ =

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• What is reactive programming? • Why it is important? • How to think reactively • Learn common operators and how to accumulate state • Implementing Snake with RxJS WHAT TO EXPECT

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Read the article here

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WHAT IS REACTIVE? Reactive programming is programming with asynchronous data streams. A stream is a sequence of ongoing events ordered in time that offer some hooks with which to observe it. Source: Andre Staltz

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WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Modern web apps are highly interactive and asynchonous, e.g. DOM Events HTTP Requests Web Sockets Animations Server Sent Events

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WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Managing async is hard

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WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? How do we deal with such interactive experience and asynchrony?

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WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? How do we deal with such interactive experience and asynchrony? Introducing RxJS

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RxJS brings the concept of functional reactive programming to the web Makes it easy to deal with all sorts of synchronous and asynchronous data streams Introduces Observable type to represent data streams

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map( => ) Producer (source stream) Operators (pipeline) filter( ) Consumer myStream$.subscribe(console.log) let myStream$

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Observables are… Composable Proxies for values Single or Multiple Values First-class objects Immutable Lazy Cancelable

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Observables are… Composable Proxies for values Single or Multiple Values First-class objects Immutable Lazy Cancelable

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Let’s learn how to think reactively

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OUR GOALS • Re-implement Snake • Only use HTML5, JavaScript and RxJS • Transform programatic event-loop (imperative) into a reactive-event driven app • NO external state outside the observable pipeline

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Modifying state that is visible to other functions = Side Effect

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map( => counter++ ) filter( ) Producer (source stream) Result (result stream) Operators (pipeline) let counter = 0; 0 1 2

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map( => counter++ ) filter( ) Producer (source stream) Result (result stream) Operators (pipeline) let counter = 0; 0 1 2 External State

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map( => counter++ ) filter( ) Producer (source stream) Result (result stream) Operators (pipeline) let counter = 0; 0 1 2 Side Effect External State

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map( => counter++ ) filter( ) Producer (source stream) Result (result stream) Operators (pipeline) let counter = 0; 0 1 2 Side Effect External State

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Functional programming tries to avoid side effects

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Side effects increase the complexity of a function

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Side effects are not evil and sometimes not avoidable

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Have clear intentions for introducing side effects

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scan((acc, ) => acc++, 0) filter( ) Producer (source stream) Result (result stream) Operators (pipeline) 0 1 2

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scan((acc, ) => acc++, 0) filter( ) Producer (source stream) Result (result stream) Operators (pipeline) 0 1 2

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1. Breaking up a problem into smaller pieces 2. Identifying inital triggers 3. Composing final event stream APPROACH

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BUILDING BLOCKS • Steering mechanism • Player’s score • Snake • Apples

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BUILDING BLOCKS • Steering mechanism • Player’s score • Snake • Apples

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STEERING MECHANISM Keydown Events = Initial Trigger

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let keydown$ = fromEvent(document, 'keydown'); let direction$ = keydown$.pipe( map((event: KeyboardEvent) => DIRECTIONS[event.keyCode]), filter(direction => !!direction), startWith(INITIAL_DIRECTION), scan(nextDirection), distinctUntilChanged() );

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let keydown$ = fromEvent(document, 'keydown'); let direction$ = keydown$.pipe( map((event: KeyboardEvent) => DIRECTIONS[event.keyCode]), filter(direction => !!direction), startWith(INITIAL_DIRECTION), scan(nextDirection), distinctUntilChanged() ); DIRECTIONS is a key/value map for all possible directions, e.g. DIRECTIONS[39] = { x: 1, y: 0 }

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let keydown$ = fromEvent(document, 'keydown'); let direction$ = keydown$.pipe( map((event: KeyboardEvent) => DIRECTIONS[event.keyCode]), filter(direction => !!direction), startWith(INITIAL_DIRECTION), scan(nextDirection), distinctUntilChanged() );

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let keydown$ = fromEvent(document, 'keydown'); let direction$ = keydown$.pipe( map((event: KeyboardEvent) => DIRECTIONS[event.keyCode]), filter(direction => !!direction), startWith(INITIAL_DIRECTION), scan(nextDirection), distinctUntilChanged() );

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let keydown$ = fromEvent(document, 'keydown'); let direction$ = keydown$.pipe( map((event: KeyboardEvent) => DIRECTIONS[event.keyCode]), filter(direction => !!direction), startWith(INITIAL_DIRECTION), scan(nextDirection), distinctUntilChanged() );

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let keydown$ = fromEvent(document, 'keydown'); let direction$ = keydown$.pipe( map((event: KeyboardEvent) => DIRECTIONS[event.keyCode]), filter(direction => !!direction), startWith(INITIAL_DIRECTION), scan(nextDirection), distinctUntilChanged() );

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BUILDING BLOCKS • Steering mechanism • Player’s score • Snake • Apples

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PLAYER SCORE snake$ apples$ [{…}, {…}, {…}] [{…}, {…}, {…}]

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PLAYER SCORE Input snake$ apples$ [{…}, {…}, {…}] [{…}, {…}, {…}]

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PLAYER SCORE Input snake$ apples$ [{…}, {…}, {…}] [{…}, {…}, {…}] Input

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PLAYER SCORE Input snake$ apples$ [{…}, {…}, {…}] [{…}, {…}, {…}] Input ⚡ Circular Dependency

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PLAYER SCORE Input snake$ apples$ [{…}, {…}, {…}] [{…}, {…}, {…}] Input ⚡ Circular Dependency

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PLAYER SCORE snake$ apples$ length$: BehaviorSubject 5 6 7 snakeLength$

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PLAYER SCORE snake$ apples$ Propagate collision length$: BehaviorSubject 5 6 7 snakeLength$

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PLAYER SCORE snake$ apples$ Propagate collision length$: BehaviorSubject 5 6 7 snakeLength$ Input

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PLAYER SCORE snake$ apples$ Propagate collision length$: BehaviorSubject Input 5 6 7 snakeLength$ Input

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PLAYER SCORE snake$ apples$ Propagate collision length$: BehaviorSubject Input 5 6 7 snakeLength$ Input Input

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let length$ = new BehaviorSubject(SNAKE_LENGTH); let snakeLength$ = length$.pipe( scan((step, snakeLength) => snakeLength + step), share() ); let score$ = snakeLength$.pipe( startWith(0), scan((score, _) => score + POINTS_PER_APPLE), );

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let length$ = new BehaviorSubject(SNAKE_LENGTH); let snakeLength$ = length$.pipe( scan((snakeLength, _) => snakeLength + 1), share() ); let score$ = snakeLength$.pipe( startWith(0), scan((score, _) => score + POINTS_PER_APPLE), );

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let length$ = new BehaviorSubject(SNAKE_LENGTH); let snakeLength$ = length$.pipe( scan((snakeLength, _) => snakeLength + 1), share() ); let score$ = snakeLength$.pipe( startWith(0), scan((score, _) => score + POINTS_PER_APPLE), );

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BUILDING BLOCKS • Steering mechanism • Player’s score • Snake • Apples

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SNAKE What is the inital trigger for the snake?

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SNAKE What is the inital trigger for the snake?

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let ticks$ = interval(SPEED); let snake$: Observable> = ticks$.pipe( withLatestFrom(direction$, snakeLength$, (_, direction, snakeLength) => [direction, snakeLength]), scan(move, generateSnake()), share() );

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let ticks$ = interval(SPEED); let snake$: Observable> = ticks$.pipe( withLatestFrom(direction$, snakeLength$, (_, direction, snakeLength) => [direction, snakeLength]), scan(move, generateSnake()), share() );

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let ticks$ = interval(SPEED); let snake$: Observable> = ticks$.pipe( withLatestFrom(direction$, snakeLength$, (_, direction, snakeLength) => [direction, snakeLength]), scan(move, generateSnake()), share() );

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BUILDING BLOCKS • Steering mechanism • Player’s score • Snake • Apples

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APPLES When do we need to update the list of apples?

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APPLES When do we need to update the list of apples?

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let apples$ = snake$.pipe( scan(eat, generateApples()), distinctUntilChanged(), share() ); let appleEaten$ = apples$.pipe( skip(1), tap(() => length$.next(1)) ).subscribe();

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let apples$ = snake$.pipe( scan(eat, generateApples()), distinctUntilChanged(), share() ); let appleEaten$ = apples$.pipe( skip(1), tap(() => length$.next(1)) ).subscribe();

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Let’s compose our streams to create the scene$

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let scene$: Observable = combineLatest( snake$, apples$, score$, (snake, apples, score) => ({ snake, apples, score }) );

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Let’s render the scene$

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let game$ = interval(1000 / FPS, animationFrame).pipe( withLatestFrom(scene$, (_, scene) => scene), takeWhile(scene => !isGameOver(scene)) ).subscribe({ next: (scene) => renderScene(ctx, scene), complete: () => renderGameOver(ctx) });

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let game$ = interval(1000 / FPS, animationFrame).pipe( withLatestFrom(scene$, (_, scene) => scene), takeWhile(scene => !isGameOver(scene)) ).subscribe({ next: (scene) => renderScene(ctx, scene), complete: () => renderGameOver(ctx) });

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let game$ = interval(1000 / FPS, animationFrame).pipe( withLatestFrom(scene$, (_, scene) => scene), takeWhile(scene => !isGameOver(scene)) ).subscribe({ next: (scene) => renderScene(ctx, scene), complete: () => renderGameOver(ctx) });

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THANK YOU! Trainer @thoughtram