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Intro Alex Ley Product Manager Pivotal OSBAPI PMC Member @alexevade 2

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Topics 3

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Topics • What is the Open Service Broker API? 3

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Topics • What is the Open Service Broker API? • What can I do with the API today? 3

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Topics • What is the Open Service Broker API? • What can I do with the API today? • What can I do with the API tomorrow? 3

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Topics • What is the Open Service Broker API? • What can I do with the API today? • What can I do with the API tomorrow? • Getting involved! 3

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4 What is the Open Service Broker API?

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7 Often this takes MONTHS

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8 Service Broker API Create a Service Cloud Platform Service Broker

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9 Bind a Service username : admin password : secret Service Broker API Cloud Platform

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10 Service Broker Using a Service

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11 Service Broker API

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13 Service provider experience

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13 Service provider experience •Implement a service broker that conforms the the Service Broker API v2 Specification

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13 Service provider experience •Implement a service broker that conforms the the Service Broker API v2 Specification •Simple interface

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13 Service provider experience •Implement a service broker that conforms the the Service Broker API v2 Specification •Simple interface •Synchronous or Asynchronous provisioning

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14 > cf create-service-broker mybrokername someuser somethingsecure > cf enable-service-access myservice Operator experience

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15 > cf push > cf create-service redis small myredis > cf bind-service my app myredis > cf restart my app Developer experience

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16 Service Broker API

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17 “By standardizing the industry on the Open Service Broker API, we can build a foundation for an ecosystem that transcends a single community” Abby Kearns Executive Director - Cloud Foundry

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19 1. Define and evolve the Open Service Broker API as a specification, using a clear release process to support any downstream implementations

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19 1. Define and evolve the Open Service Broker API as a specification, using a clear release process to support any downstream implementations

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19 1. Define and evolve the Open Service Broker API as a specification, using a clear release process to support any downstream implementations 2. Create a conformance test suite to verify both consumer and producer behaviors

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19 1. Define and evolve the Open Service Broker API as a specification, using a clear release process to support any downstream implementations 2. Create a conformance test suite to verify both consumer and producer behaviors

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19 1. Define and evolve the Open Service Broker API as a specification, using a clear release process to support any downstream implementations 2. Create a conformance test suite to verify both consumer and producer behaviors 3. Advocate broad industry adoption in support of the end user community

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20 Broad industry adoption in support of the end user community

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No content

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22 Proposed change

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22 Proposed change OSBAPI WG reviews & collaborates

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22 Proposed change OSBAPI WG reviews & collaborates Community Feedback

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22 Proposed change OSBAPI WG reviews & collaborates Community Feedback Reference implementation

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22 Proposed change OSBAPI WG reviews & collaborates Community Feedback Reference implementation OSBAPI WG & community feedback

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22 Proposed change OSBAPI WG reviews & collaborates Community Feedback Reference implementation OSBAPI WG & community feedback Spec changed and released!

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23 What can I do with the API today?

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24 Create a services marketplace!

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27 Create a service broker!

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28 Types of broker

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28 Types of broker •Standard Broker

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28 Types of broker •Standard Broker •Route Services

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28 Types of broker •Standard Broker •Route Services •Volume Services

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29 Service Plans

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29 Service Plans •What does a user get?

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29 Service Plans •What does a user get? •How much does it cost?

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29 Service Plans •What does a user get? •How much does it cost? •What extra inputs can users send?

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30 What can I do with the API tomorrow?

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32 plans: - schemas: service_instances: create: parameters: update: parameters: service_bindings: create: parameters: Input Schemas

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33 Improved Authorization & Authentication

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35 How can get involved with the OSBAPI?

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36 Come and share your expertise and add your use cases! Weekly call: Slack: Feature Discussion:

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Questions? 38 @alexevade