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#YoastCon #YoastCon News is at the cutting edge of SEO Barry Adams May 2023

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#YoastCon Advance Warning “The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves and wiser people so full of doubts.” - Bertrand Russell

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#YoastCon #YoastCon

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#YoastCon #YoastCon How does Google work?

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#YoastCon #YoastCon Web Search Engines Crawling Indexing Ranking

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#YoastCon Google’s model Crawl Queue Crawling Processing Index Render Queue Rendering Index Index

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#YoastCon #YoastCon 1. Crawling Ranking Crawling Indexing

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#YoastCon Three ‘layers’ of Googlebot? Crawling Processing Render Queue Rendering Crawling Crawling Index Crawl Queue Crawl Queue Crawl Queue

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#YoastCon Three ‘layers’ of Googlebot 1. Realtime crawler 2. Regular crawler 3. Legacy content crawler

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#YoastCon Realtime Crawler • Crawls VIPs ➢ Very Important Pages; Webpages that have a high change frequency and/or are seen as highly authoritative News website homepages & key section pages • Main purpose = discovery of valuable new content ➢ i.e., news articles • Rarely re-crawls newly discovered URLs ➢ Unless they’re new VIPs

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#YoastCon Regular Crawler • Google’s main crawler; ➢ Does most of the hard work ➢ Probably the crawler that fetches page resources

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#YoastCon Legacy Content Crawler • Crawls VUPs ➢ Very Unimportant Pages; URLs that have very little link value and/or are very rarely updated ➢ Re-crawls URLs that serve 4XX errors

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#YoastCon Robots.txt = Crawl Management … or is it? User-agent: Googlebot-News Disallow: /

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#YoastCon User-agent: Googlebot-News Disallow: / Robots.txt = Crawl Management … or is it? Robots.txt disallow for index management?!

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#YoastCon What can non-news sites learn from this? 1. Turn key pages into VIPs; Make them more valuable by; - Improving link value - Increasing change frequency 2. Use robots.txt disallow rules to manage indexing & ranking; For example, block Googlebot-Image to prevent product images from showing in Image search

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#YoastCon #YoastCon 2. Indexing Crawling Indexing Ranking

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#YoastCon Indexing and Rendering Crawl Queue Crawling Processing Index Render Queue Rendering Index Index

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#YoastCon Indexing and Rendering Render Queue Rendering Crawl Queue Crawling Processing Index Index Index

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#YoastCon Indexing and Rendering Rendering takes time, and news doesn’t have time. Indexing is initially with raw HTML only. Crawl Queue Crawling Processing Index Render Queue Rendering Index Index

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#YoastCon Rendering isn’t the only shortcut… Google wants publishers to noindex syndicated content. Because Google sucks at identifying duplicate content. At least, it can’t de-duplicate quickly.

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#YoastCon Indexing is a multi-layered set of processes Render Queue Rendering Crawl Queue Crawling Processing Index Processing Processing Processing

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#YoastCon What about the Index itself? Render Queue Rendering Crawl Queue Crawling Processing Index Index Index

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#YoastCon Three Crawlers… Three Indices? Realtime crawler Regular crawler Legacy content crawler RAM storage SSD storage HDD storage

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#YoastCon Three Layers of Index Storage 1. RAM storage ➢ Pages that need to be served quickly and frequently Includes news articles but also popular content 2. SSD storage ➢ Pages that are regularly served in SERPs but aren’t super popular 3. HDD storage ➢ Pages that are rarely (if ever) served in SERPs

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#YoastCon It’s probably more complicated Realtime crawler Regular crawler Legacy content crawler RAM storage SSD storage HDD storage

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#YoastCon What can non-news sites learn from this? 1. Make indexing easy for Googlebot; Put all your critical content in the HTML source Don’t rely on rendering to load valuable content 2. There’s no such thing as a duplicate content penalty; However, duplicate content on a single site means the site is competing with itself… and that’s stupid.

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#YoastCon #YoastCon 3. Ranking Crawling Indexing Ranking

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#YoastCon Search Intent – first BERT, then MUM

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#YoastCon However…

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#YoastCon Most tools are out of date

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#YoastCon Google Trends is better, but lacks numbers

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#YoastCon Very few tools are (near) real-time

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#YoastCon And even fewer accurately report on SERP features

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#YoastCon SERP Features • Many SERP features are volatile; ➢ None more than Top Stories & other news boxes • Top Stories are triggered when two conditions are met; ➢ Sudden increase in search volume ➢ Sudden increase in publishing volume

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#YoastCon SERP Features and CTR

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#YoastCon Who gets the Top Stories Top Spot? • Topical Authority • Authorship • E-E-A-T Expressions of the Knowledge Graph

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#YoastCon Knowledge Graph Arnold Schwarzenegger Bodybuilding Predator (1987) Governor of California Maria Shriver Ronnie Coleman JFK

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#YoastCon Knowledge Graph Arnold Schwarzenegger Bodybuilding … … … Predator (1987)

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#YoastCon Internal Linking to Topic Hubs

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#YoastCon Knowledge Graph Arnold Schwarzenegger Predator (1987) … … … Bodybuilding

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#YoastCon What can non-news sites learn from this? 1. Understand the intent behind the keywords you’re targeting; Don’t try to rank content that doesn’t match the intent If there are SERP features, try to get into those 2. Improve your Knowledge Graph presence; Category pages = topic hubs Use internal linking to your advantage markup helps Google connect the dots

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#YoastCon #YoastCon So why is news at the cutting edge of SEO?

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#YoastCon News websites… … are crawled the most … are crawled the fastest … are indexed the quickest … are ranked according to the latest signals … are ranked based on the best interpretation of intent

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#YoastCon From News SEO you can learn… … how Google crawls websites … how Google indexes content … how Google evaluates quality and authority … how SERP features impact on ranking and traffic … and much, much more.

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#YoastCon #YoastCon Thank You @badams /in/barryadams/