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Labor and Innovation for Empathy and Motivation to Improve Accessibility Eiji Fukushima / LINE Taiki Shiraishi / Demae-can Makoto Nakano / Y ahoo! JAPAN Azusa Tomita / LINE

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Eiji Fukushima / LINE • Executive Officer • As the head of the Front-end Development Center, I take a leading role in front-end development for all of LINE’s services. I spent some time working in a production company, then later joined NAVER Japan (now LINE) in October 2009. I have been involved in development of user interfaces (UI) for searching and other services until now.

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Azusa Tomita / LINE • Markup Engineer • Front End Development Center, LINE Corporation • Launch Accessibility TF • Disseminating information on accessibility

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Main Activities The guidelines published by the W3C are difficult to understand and too voluminous to read without accessibility knowledge. We reorganized the content into a lightweight, easy-to-understand form so that in-house planners, designers, and developers can quickly read and understand them. Guidelines and checklists

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User interviews User interviews were conducted to gain a more concrete understanding of the actual problems faced by the visually impaired parties and the differences in the degree of disability and medical conditions they experience. We were able to interview a total of 12 visually impaired parties working at LINE as our first target. Main Activities

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Main Activities To raise awareness of accessibility within the company, we started Accessibility Meetup as an internal study session. The first meeting was attended by more than 150 participants, of which more than half of them used English/Korean translations, with a wide range of users. Accessibility Promotion

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Makoto Nakano / Yahoo! JAPAN • Designer • UI guideline determination and operations, as well as accessibility improvement, for service apps. • KURO-OBI(black belt) • Digital Agency • Web Accessibility Infrastructure Committee(WAIC) WG1

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Election in the Dark

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Yahoo! JAPAN Weather Normal Deuteranopia Protanopia Tritanopia

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Color Blindness

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Taiki Shiraishi / %FNBFDBO • Web Frontend Developer • Front End Development Group, Commerce Department, Product Division, Demae-can. • Development of a Demae-can service website

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Development for the Demae-can service website We are replacing it with next.js and improving accessibility in the process. Main Activities

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アクセシビリティ向上を始めた動機 Motivation to start improving accessibility

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何をモチベーションにアクセシビリティの向上を続けているか What motivates you to continue improving accessibility?

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どうやってアクセシビリティの活動に周りを巻き込むか How to involve others in accessibility activities

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今後の活動について About Future Activities

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Thank you