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InfluxDB + Prometheus Paul Dix CTO @ InfluxData @pauldix

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Open Source Time Series Database

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• OSS - MIT License • Written in Go • SQL-ish query language • Time Series Merge Tree storage engine & inverted index • Commercial Enterprise - HA + Scale Out Clustering

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Data Model Measurement cpu,host=serverA,num=1,region=west idle=1.667,system=2342.2 1492214400000000000 Tags Fields nanosecond epoch

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float64, int64, bool, string uint64 in next release

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Example Query select percentile(90, value) from cpu where time > now() - 12h and “region” = ‘west’ group by time(10m), host

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Process: • OSS - MIT License • Written in Go • Process, monitor, alert, act/execute • TICK script • Streaming & Batch • Store data back into InfluxDB • User Defined Functions • Service Discovery & Pull

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Collect: • OSS - MIT License • Written in Go • Agent deployed across infrastructure • Input plugins - system, docker, postgres, mysql, cassandra, elastic, hadoop, redis, nginx, apache, etc. • Output plugins - InfluxDB, Graphite, Kafka, etc.

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Why is a competitor at Promcon?

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What is Prometheus?

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Prometheus Server

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Alert Manager

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Exposition Format

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Client Libraries • Supported • Go • Java • Python • Ruby • Community • C++ • C# • Node.js • PHP • etc…

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API /api/v1/series /api/v1/label//values

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Remote Read/Write API

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Prometheus is more than just the server

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Influx + Prometheus today

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We’re embracing pull & push

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Prometheus Scrape Targets Kapacitor

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Remote Read/Write

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Prometheus Config # Remote write configuration (for Graphite, OpenTSDB, or InfluxDB). remote_write: - url: "http://localhost:9201/write" # Remote read configuration (for InfluxDB only at the moment). remote_read: - url: "http://localhost:9201/read"

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metric -> measurement labels -> tags value -> only field (float64)

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Remote Read Protobuf over HTTP

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Reads message Query { int64 start_timestamp_ms = 1; int64 end_timestamp_ms = 2; repeated LabelMatcher matchers = 3; } enum MatchType { EQUAL = 0; NOT_EQUAL = 1; REGEX_MATCH = 2; REGEX_NO_MATCH = 3; } message LabelMatcher { MatchType type = 1; string name = 2; string value = 3; }

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Remote Read JSON over HTTP

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Unnecessary Overhead

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Can we push down processing?

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Influx + Prometheus future

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First, pull remote gateway into InfluxDB!

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Influx Data Model tags + value + time

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Like Prometheus message Sample { double value = 1; int64 timestamp_ms = 2; } message LabelPair { string name = 1; string value = 2; } message TimeSeries { repeated LabelPair labels = 1; // Sorted by time, oldest sample first. repeated Sample samples = 2; }

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metric is __name__ label

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But we’ll continue to support int64, bool, string, and uint64

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IFQL - (Influx Functional Query Language) select(database:"foo",where:{'metric'="requests"}) .range(start:-4h) .window(period:10m) .sum() .interpolate(start:-4h,every:10m,value:{mean($)})

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Decouple QL from Processing from Storage

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No content

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DAG { "operations": [ { "id": "select", "kind": "select", "spec": { "database": "mydb" } }, { "id": "range", "kind": "range", "spec": { "start": "-4h", "stop": "now" } }, { "id": "sum", "kind": "sum" } ], "edges": [ { "parent": "select", "child": "range" }, { "parent": "range", "child": "sum" } ] } }

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Pushdown Predicates

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Opportunities to improve storage/remote?

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Bulk Write

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Long term storage and query for Prometheus SaaS & On-Premise

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Thank you @pauldix