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Exploiting Dependency Confusion By Tuhin Bose

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root@kali:~#whoami Bug Bounty Hunter CISO at DSPH Crowdsource Security Researcher at Detectify B. Tech in Cyber Security and Digital Forensics

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Conclusion & QNA Packages & Dependencies Public registry vs private registry Attacking Live Targets AGENDA Dependency Confusion Attack

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Packages and Dependencies

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The term "package" is used to describe code that's been made publicly available. A package can contain a single file or many files of code. Generally, a package helps you to add some functionality to your application. A dependency in programming is an essential functionality, library or piece of code that's essential for a different part of the code to work.

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Public registry vs private registry

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Dependency Confusion

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What happens if malicious code is uploaded to npm under these names?

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Attacking Live Targets

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Step1: List all packages package.json js files For JS files, always look for the keyword require and import

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Step2: Filter all private packages

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Step3: Publishing Your Package

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@tuhin1729 [email protected]