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Branching out to Jetpack Compose Chris Banes @chrisbanes Nacho López @mrmans0n !

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Optional section title 3

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Compose is on your device

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...but how?

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What we did was not perfect

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What we didn't was not perfect Your journey will be different

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8 Our journey

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Twitter for Android

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1000+ modules

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300+ UI modules

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30+ teams

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Late 2020: How do we make UI dev faster?

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How do we start using Compose? Late 2020:

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16 We started with a Button Hi friends! Hi friends! Hi friends! Hi friends! Hi friends!

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17 First, we had to sort out our theming ONE DOES NOT SIMPLY WRITE A COMPOSE COMPONENT

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18 Design system Doesn't map 1:1 to Material

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How do we implement our design system in Compose?

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Lots of layers to build upon Compose is layered Runtime Fundamental parts of the Compose runtime UI Fundamental building blocks for the Compose UI Toolkit Foundation Design system agnostic components such as base layouts and animation Material Opinionated implementation of the Material Design system for Compose UI

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Lots of layers to build upon Compose is layered Runtime Fundamental parts of the Compose runtime UI Fundamental building blocks for the Compose UI Toolkit Foundation Design system agnostic components such as base layouts and animation Material Opinionated implementation of the Material Design system for Compose UI Opinionated implementation of the Material Design system for Compose UI Material Compose

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Runtime Fundamental parts of the Compose runtime UI Fundamental building blocks for the Compose UI Toolkit Foundation Design system agnostic components such as base layouts and animation Material Opinionated implementation of the Material Design system for Compose UI Compose Android framework Fundamental parts of the Compose runtime android.view.* Mostly fundamental UI layer. Contains some Material concepts and styling AppCompat + AndroidX Backports framework functionality Material Design Components Provides off-the-shelf components for Material Views Layers which contain Material

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Most apps with their own design system will be somewhere in the middle Material 0

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To maintain platform consistency Touch highlights App chrome Elevation Material 0

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Material 0 Easier in Compose Build on Foundation Easier in Compose Everything is in one place and built as one Easier in views More difficult to use Compose components without using Material theming / concepts

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You either: Big decision alert map your design system to Material or start afresh using Compose Foundation We're moving to here We started out here

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2021 April May June July We had built out some of the core components and theming How do we actually use Compose across the app?

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We found 4 teams who were eager to adopt Compose EAPs Started small to work with the teams as closely as possible Very informal Early access partners

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Each team was soon to begin writing new UI EAPs Different requirements: lists, paging, text input, navigation Acted as a way to crowdsource our priority list Early access partners

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We quickly found that supporting 4 teams concurrently was a lot of work EAPs We were providing in-depth feedback, and filling gaps Early access partners

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Other teams then started using Compose, adding to the workload EAPs Those teams weren't always ready to support Compose Early access partners

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Other non-EAP teams then started using Compose, adding to the workload EAPs Those teams weren't always ready to support Compose Early access partners

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2021 mber December How do we spend less time on support?

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List of modules which are 'allowed' to use Compose Allowlist Teams could request to be added to the allowlist Enabled us to find out what support was required before they started ...also allowed us to set expectations on what support we could provide

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final def composeAllowedModules = project .fileContents("${project.rootDir}/path/to/allowlist.txt") .lines() final String modulePath = project.path final boolean moduleInComposeAllowlist = composeAllowedModules.anyMatch { it !" modulePath } if (!moduleInComposeAllowlist) { !# If the module is using Jetpack Compose but isn't in the allowlist!!$! tasks.withType(KotlinCompile).configureEach { task !% task.doFirst { !# We check to see if the Compose Compiler plugin has !# been added to the compiler args. final boolean usingComposeCompiler = (task as KotlinCompile) .kotlinOptions .freeCompilerArgs .any { it.contains('androidx.compose.compiler') } Allowlist Shepherds / /

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.fileContents("${project.rootDir}/path/to/allowlist.txt") .lines() final String modulePath = project.path final boolean moduleInComposeAllowlist = composeAllowedModules.anyMatch { it !" modulePath } if (!moduleInComposeAllowlist) { !# If the module is using Jetpack Compose but isn't in the allowlist!!$! tasks.withType(KotlinCompile).configureEach { task !% task.doFirst { !# We check to see if the Compose Compiler plugin has !# been added to the compiler args. final boolean usingComposeCompiler = (task as KotlinCompile) .kotlinOptions .freeCompilerArgs .any { it.contains('androidx.compose.compiler') } if (usingComposeCompiler) { throw new GradleException(!!$) } } } } Allowlist

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Allowlist Request form Are you available to spend the time learning Compose? Please state if you and your team will have enough time to onboard to Compose.

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Allowlist Request form Are you available to spend the time learning Compose? Please state if you and your team will have enough time to onboard to Compose. Do you have the time to iterate on Client UI's feedback? Please let us know if you have urgent time concerns to ship your feature.

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Allowlist Request form Are you available to spend the time learning Compose? Please state if you and your team will have enough time to onboard to Compose. Do you have the time to iterate on Client UI's feedback? Please let us know if you have urgent time concerns to ship your feature. What features from Compose do you need? Describe the features you anticipate you might need. If migrating from views, do you have metrics to make sure nothing regresses?

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Allowlist Request form Are you available to spend the time learning Compose? Please state if you and your team will have enough time to onboard to Compose. Do you have the time to iterate on Client UI's feedback? Please let us know if you have urgent time concerns to ship your feature. What features from Compose do you need? Describe the features you anticipate you might need. If migrating from views, do you have metrics to make sure nothing regresses? Is your whole team on board? Let us know whether your team is onboard and willing to do code reviews for this feature.

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Allowlist Request form Are you available to spend the time learning Compose? Please state if you and your team will have enough time to onboard to Compose. Do you have the time to iterate on Client UI's feedback? Please let us know if you have urgent time concerns to ship your feature. What features from Compose do you need? Describe the features you anticipate you might need. If migrating from views, do you have metrics to make sure nothing regresses? Is your whole team on board? Let us know whether your team is onboard and willing to do code reviews for this feature.

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2022 June July August Se

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Allowlist Any team can use Compose

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A group of engineers there to 'shepherd' Compose adoption Automatically added to all Compose code reviews Keep an eye on Compose usage and trends W ork-in-progress Shepherds

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A group of engineers there to 'shepherd' Compose adoption Goal: Keep expanding shepherds group from across the company Currently comprised from 5 teams Automatically added to all Compose code reviews W ork-in-progress Shepherds

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2022 October

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90+ Compose modules

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20+ Teams using Compose

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Using Compose at "

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Twitter for Android First commit in the repo from 2010 A lot of custom infra built in Infra usually created before OSS alternatives

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Examples of custom infra UI

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UI DI Examples of custom infra

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All our custom infra is properly val viewModel = weaverViewModel() val state by viewModel.watchAsState() supported

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val viewModel = weaverViewModel() val state by viewModel.watchAsState() val myObject = viewSubgraph().myObject All our custom infra is properly supported

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+ All our custom infra is properly documented

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+ ...and so on All our custom infra is properly documented

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72 documented properly

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74 Documentation for all levels

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75 Codelabs are great starter docs

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76 Codelabs

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No content

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Gotchas should be documented too

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Gotchas Using custom emoji is not possible yet Interop performance when in a RecyclerView Complex accessibility is limited And others... it's a live document!

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Best practices

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Tools, not rules Best practices?

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Tools, not rules Tooling We'll get there, but

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Tools P re v ie w s Infra &

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87 Previews multiple themes from Dolphin+

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88 Standard Lights out Dim 3 themes need previews Previews

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89 enum class ThemeVariant(private val themeSuffix: String) { } STANDARD(".Standard"), DIM(".Dim"), LIGHTS_OUT(".LightsOut"); !# !!$

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90 class ThemeVariantPreviewProvider : PreviewParameterProvider { override val values = ThemeVariant.values().asSequence() } enum class ThemeVariant(private val themeSuffix: String) { } !!$

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91 @Preview @Composable fun MyPreview( ) { HorizonTheme(themeVariant = variant) { MyComposable() } } @PreviewParameter(ThemeVariantPreviewProvider!&class) variant: ThemeVariant class ThemeVariantPreviewProvider : PreviewParameterProvider { override val values = ThemeVariant.values().asSequence() }

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91 @Preview @Composable fun MyPreview( ) { HorizonTheme(themeVariant = variant) { MyComposable() } } @PreviewParameter(ThemeVariantPreviewProvider!&class) variant: ThemeVariant class ThemeVariantPreviewProvider : PreviewParameterProvider { override val values = ThemeVariant.values().asSequence() }

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@Preview @Composable fun MyPreview( ) { HorizonTheme(themeVariant = variant) { MyComposable() } } @PreviewParameter(ThemeVariantPreviewProvider!&class) variant: ThemeVariant We use our own CompositePreviewProvider @PreviewParameter( ) @PreviewParameter( ) !&class

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93 @Preview @Composable fun MyPreview( ) { val (variant, myData) = model HorizonTheme(themeVariant = variant) { MyComposable(myData) } } @PreviewParameter( ) !&class MyPreviewProvider model: Pair val (variant, myData) = model themeVariant = variant myData

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94 Previews custom infra run in their own A that we don't c

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95 Previews run in their own Activity that we don't control

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97 val viewModel = weaverViewModel() val subgraph = viewSubgraph() val starter = rememberContentViewStarter() starter.onResult { result !% !!$ } val dialogController = rememberDialogController() when running on Preview Do not crash

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98 Do not crash

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98 Do not crash

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99 LocalInspectionM

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100 LocalInspectionMode .current = true // when in a preview

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101 LocalInspectionMode Provide defaults if set ent = true // when in a preview

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102 internal object HorizonFontFamily { val default: FontFamily @Composable @ReadOnlyComposable get() = when { LocalInspectionMode.current !% chirpFontFamily FontFeatures.isChirpEnabled() !% chirpFontFamily else !% FontFamily.Default } private val chirpFontFamily by lazy { !!$ } } Provide defaults if set A sensible default

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103 internal object HorizonFontFamily { val default: FontFamily @Composable @ReadOnlyComposable get() = when { LocalInspectionMode.current !% chirpFontFamily FontFeatures.isChirpEnabled() !% chirpFontFamily else !% FontFamily.Default } private val chirpFontFamily by lazy { !!$ } } A sensible default

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104 internal object HorizonFontFamily { val default: FontFamily @Composable @ReadOnlyComposable get() = when { LocalInspectionMode.current !% chirpFontFamily FontFeatures.isChirpEnabled() !% chirpFontFamily else !% FontFamily.Default } private val chirpFontFamily by lazy { !!$ } } A sensible default

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LiveEdit are pretty picky I want to believe

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106 Feature Parity with Views is no

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107 Feature Parity h Views is not quite there yet

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108 Feature Parity systems quite there yet AndroidView is a life saver!

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109 Gotchas

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@Composable @UiComposable fun AndroidView( factory: (Context) !% T, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, update: (T) !% Unit = NoOpUpdate ) { val context = LocalContext.current !# NoOp Connection required by nested scroll modifier. Th !# to influence nested scrolling with it and it is requir 110 AndroidView are pretty picky use Views when necessary

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111 Text for custom emoji TextField for media embeds and custom emoji weetView interop with our modular view collection

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112 Text

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113 Created a new composable as a Text facade Which one do we use? Compose or View? Decide via heuristics Allow forcing the wrapper Our facade share a similar API with Text Use the original as fallback Text

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No content

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4:55PM · May 13, 2021 6 16 46 Declarative programming (including Compose) usually takes 3-6 months of usage before people have the ""⚡holly-shit this is good" moment. @JimSproch Jim Sproch AndroidView is a life saver! Until then, you will struggle with it, you will fight it, it will frustrate you, and then it will all click in your mind six months later.

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4:55PM · May 13, 2021 6 16 46 Declarative programming (including Compose) usually takes 3-6 months of usage before people have the ""⚡holly-shit this is good" moment. @JimSproch Jim Sproch AndroidView is a life saver! Until then, you will struggle with it, you will fight it, it will frustrate you, and then it will all click in your mind six months later.

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Not everybody starts at the same page Onboarding to Compose

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Not everybody starts at the same page Onboarding to Compose Easy to make sneaky mistakes

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15h of review time per week per engineer Nth time you repeat the same feedback for a different person

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Nth time you repeat the same feedback for a different person h er er

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Static checks Best ROI for our team Scale really well Bikeshedding is time consuming and frustrating for all parts involved Quality error messages that link to the documentation

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Static checks

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Static checks Allows custom rules and has autofixes Lint has been breaking a lot with AGP updates over the years Really fast, runs in all our pre-commit git hooks Great IDE plugin (unofficial)

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Static checks 5:15PM · Mar 25, 2022 19 164 638 A big challenge to face when a big team with a large codebase starts adopting Compose is that not everybody will start at the same page. This happened to as at Twitter. @mrmans0n Nacho López $ Compose is %, allows for amazing things but has a bunch of footguns to be aware of.

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Static checks 5:15PM · Mar 25, 2022 19 164 638 A big challenge to face when a big team with a large codebase starts adopting Compose is that not everybody will start at the same page. This happened to as at Twitter. @mrmans0n Nacho López $ Compose is %, allows for amazing things but has a bunch of footguns to be aware of. Open source pretty please? Asking for a friend... 7:35PM · Mar 25, 2022 Harold @hidethepain

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Static checks 5:15PM · Mar 25, 2022 19 164 638 A big challenge to face when a big team with a large codebase starts adopting Compose is that not everybody will start at the same page. This happened to as at Twitter. @mrmans0n Nacho López $ Compose is %, allows for amazing things but has a bunch of footguns to be aware of. Open source pretty please? Asking for a friend... 7:35PM · Mar 25, 2022 Harold @hidethepain Y U NO DETEKT?!?1?1!?! 6:53PM · Mar 25, 2022 Android 4 lyf @hardcore_engineer

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Static checks Compose Rules Detekt

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Static checks Compose Rules Detekt

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Hoist all the things

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@Composable fun MyComposable(viewModel: MyViewModel = viewModel()) { MyOtherComposable(viewModel) } @Composable fun MyOtherComposable(viewModel: MyViewModel) { !!$ } Hoist all the things

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@Composable fun MyComposable(viewModel: MyViewModel = viewModel()) { MyOtherComposable(viewModel) } @Composable fun MyOtherComposable(viewModel: MyViewModel) { !!$ } Hoist all the things

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ViewModels should not be passed around: hoist state and send events back via lambdas @Composable fun MyComposable(viewModel: MyViewModel = viewModel()) { MyOtherComposable(viewModel) } @Composable fun MyOtherComposable(viewModel: MyViewModel) { !!$ } @Composable fun MyComposable(viewModel: MyViewModel = viewModel()) { val state by viewModel.state.collectAsState() MyOtherComposable(state) { value !% viewModel.someEvent(value) } } Hoist all the things

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@Composable fun MyComposable(list: ArrayList) { !!$ } @Composable fun MyComposable(state: MutableState) { !!$ } Don't use mutable types as params in a Composable Hoist all the things

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Avoid implicit dependencies

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@Composable fun MyComposable() { val viewModel by viewModel() !# !!$ } Avoid implicit dependencies

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Inject your ViewModels as default parameters @Composable fun MyComposable( viewModel: MyViewModel = viewModel() ) { !# !!$ } @Composable fun MyComposable() { val viewModel by viewModel() !# !!$ } Avoid implicit dependencies

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Inject your DI dependencies as default parameters @Composable fun MyComposable( ) { !# !!$ } @Composable fun MyComposable() { !# !!$ } ers val myObject = viewSubgraph.myObject myObject: MyObject = viewSubgraph.myObject Avoid implicit dependencies

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val myObject = viewSubgraph.myObject myObject: MyObject = viewSubgraph.myObject Implicit dependencies should be made explicit in the composable method signature @Composable fun MyComposable( ) { !# !!$ } @Composable fun MyComposable() { !# !!$ } val myObject = anyDependency() myObject: MyObject = anyDependency() ters Avoid implicit dependencies

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val LocalBanana = staticCompositionLocalOf { & } val LocalApple = compositionLocalOf { ' } New CompositionLocals should be avoided * unless they are necessary for app-wide infra Avoid implicit dependencies

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( needless recompositions

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@Composable fun UsersList(users: List) { LazyColumn { items(users) { user !% User(user) } } } ( needless recompositions

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( needless recompositions @Composable fun UsersList(users: List) { LazyColumn { items(users) { user !% User(user) } } }

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@Composable fun UsersList(users: List) { LazyColumn { items(users) { user !% User(user) } } } Use Kotlinx Immutable Collections * or Immutable wrappers ( needless recompositions @Composable fun UsersList(users: ImmutableList) { !!$ } (users: UserList) { !!$ } !' or… !( @Immutable data class UserList(val items: List)

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@Composable fun MyComposable(viewModel: MyViewModel = viewModel()) { OtherComposable(!!$) { viewModel.doSomething(it) } } ( needless recompositions

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@Composable fun MyComposable(viewModel: MyViewModel = viewModel()) { OtherComposable(!!$) { viewModel.doSomething(it) } } ( needless recompositions @Composable fun MyComposable(viewModel: MyViewModel = viewModel()) { OtherComposable(!!$, viewModel!&doSomething) } If possible, use method references instead of capturing lambdas

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Modifiers for the win

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@Composable fun MyComposable() { Column { Text("Hi~") } }

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@Composable fun MyComposable() { Column { Text("Hi~") } } @Composable fun MyComposable(modifier: Modifier = Modifier) { Column(modifier = modifier) { Text("Hi~") } } Always provide a modifier

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@Composable fun MyComposable(modifier: Modifier = Modifier) { Column(modifier = modifier) { Text( text = "Hi~", modifier = modifier ) } }

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@Composable fun MyComposable(modifier: Modifier = Modifier) { Column(modifier = modifier) { Text( text = "Hi~", modifier = modifier ) } } Do not reuse modifiers

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Static checks We wrote static checks, based on common issues we saw in code reviews We expanded the error messages for the rules and added links to the docs We created our best practices docs based on these custom rules Open source ) tools, not rules There are a couple internal rules still in our codebase, mostly around our internal MVI, DI and design systems use cases

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Testing We heavily use Writing comprehensive UI tests is tricky for us Almost all of our tests are JVM tests And tests? Very little device tests, managed by our Quality Engineering team

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Testing Still Screenshot tests for peace of mind For AndroidViews we use on top Paparazzi Still JVM tests

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Paparazzi Doesn't like so we remove it from Paparazzi-enabled modules We auto-clip transparency from renders to save space and make code reviews easier We also add borders around components Our Paparazzi composable runs with LocalInspectionMode set to true

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Using Compose at ! Docs available for all levels Optimize @Previews working reliably AndroidView to get feature parity Static checks to scale adoption Unit + screenshot test composables

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155 Benefits, gotchas & mistakes

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Benefits such fast much simpler API wow stateless very performance so testing much kotlin

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Benefits Working closer with UX Compose gave us a chance to reset our working relationship with UX and Product teams We can now iterate on component feedback much faster Creating the components has allowed us to influence the design system

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Gotchas Compose is moving fast Takes effort to keep everyone up to date Lots of experimental APIs, which are likely to change The separate layers and libraries can be daunting

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Gotchas Tied to Kotlin version Compose Compiler is tied to the specific version of Kotlin it was built against Recently stuck on an old version Compose due to being pinned to an old Kotlin version Due to various Kotlin / kapt issues

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Gotchas Tied to Kotlin version Compose Compiler is tied to the specific version of Kotlin it was built against Recently stuck on an old version Compose due to being pinned to an old Kotlin version You can pin just the Compose Compiler version, and upgrade Compose Runtime → Material as needed

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Mistakes Creating wrappers for small components It's very easy to create View wrappers for composables using ComposeView We've found that using many ComposeViews tends to scale badly in terms of performance Very easy to include multiple ComposeView instances in performance critical UIs (such as list items)

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Mistakes Creating wrappers for small components Be purposeful when choosing what composables to wrap Prefer wrapping medium → large pieces of UI, to negate the ‘cost’ of ComposeView For example, don't wrap your Button() composable like we did

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Thank You!