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Stephan Pirnbaum :Person NeosCon :SPEAKS_AT Dresden :Conference :City :IN An Introduction to Neo4j :Talk :HOSTS :SPEAKS_ABOUT

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 The world is a graph ◼ Full of connected people, events, and other things ◼ Relations matter!

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 The IT-world is full of graphs ◼ Software Projects consists of Modules, Packages, Classes, ... All these are in relation to each other ◼ Where are JOIN-tables in reality (and how do you explain them)?

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 Data volume is increasing and getting more connected ◼ Online Transactions ◼ Social Networks ◼ Smart Devices

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 High value in data relationships ◼ Connecting data on a new way can improve existing and create new use case  Brings many advantages over competitors  There is plenty of data in todays world created every second

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 Relational DBs can‘t handle relationships well ◼ Cannot model or store data and relationships without complexity ◼ Performance degrades with number and levels of relationships and DB size ◼ Query complexity grows with need for JOINs ◼ Adding new types of data and relationships requires schema redesign

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Internal Applications  Master Data Management  Network and IT Operations  Fraud Detection  … Customer-Facing Applications  Real-Time Recommendations  Graph-Based Search  Identity and Access Management  Knowledge Graph  … 

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 Usage for Good ◼ Offshore Leaks ◼ Panama Papers ◼ Paradise Papers

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 Usage for Good ◼ Cancer Research Candiolo Cancer Institute ◼ Diabetes Research German Center for Diabetes Research

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 ACID-compliant  Transactional  Native graph storage and processing  Property-Graph-Model  Open Source and Commercial Licensing  Offers drivers for: Python, .Net, Java, PHP, …

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Werner Vogels, CTO of Amazon

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 „The Whiteboardmodel is the Graph Model“ ◼ No need for object-relational-mapping ◼ Same understanding of the data model for IT and business ◼ No need for complex Join-Tables and alike

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 Nodes ◼ Objects in the graph ◼ Stores data using name-value properties ◼ Can have labels attached  Relationships ◼ Relates nodes by type (Label) and direction ◼ Stores data using name-value properties Stephan :Person:Author Neo4j – Part 1 :WROTE :Article firstName: Stephan lastName: Pirnbaum birthday: 26.11.1993 title: Neo4j – Part 4 state: Published publishedOn: 5/11/2019

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WROTE STEPHAN Neo4j – Part 1 Relational Model Graph Model Author Article Author-Article STEPHAN Neo4j – Part 1 Neo4j – Part 3 Neo4j – Part 2 Neo4j – Part 2 Neo4j – Part 3

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 Let‘s model ◼ Article ◼ Tag ◼ Category ◼ Person ◼ Author ◼ Comment Master Data Activity

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:Person :Author :Article :WROTE :Category :CONTAINS :CONTAINS :Comment :Tag :WROTE :HAS_COMMENT :Person

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 Schema Design and Migration ◼ Neo4j has no schema in the classical sense ◼ Definition of indexes on properties possible ◼ Definition of uniqueness/existence constraints for properties possible

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 Cypher-Based LOAD CSV Capability  Command-Line Bulk Loader bin/neo4j-import  JSON/XML Loader  ETL Tool for RDBMS  NOSQL DB Access

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Stephan :Person:Author Neo4j – Part 1 :WROTE :Article Match (:Author{firstName: ‘‘Stephan“})-[:WROTE]->(article:Article) RETURN article Node Node Relationship LABEL PROPERTY LABEL VAR

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 Find all authors MATCH (a:Author) RETURN a.firstName, a.lastName

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 Find all articles of all authors grouped by author MATCH (p:Person)-[:WROTE]->(a:Article) RETURN p.firstName, p.lastName, collect(a {.title, .publishedOn}) AS Articles

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 Let‘s find out who has written articles which are tagged as „Neo4j“ ◼ In SQL… SELECT DISTINCT p.firstName, p.lastName FROM Person p LEFT JOIN Article a ON p.personId = a.personId LEFT JOIN ArticleTag aT ON a.articleId = aT.articleId LEFT JOIN Tag t ON aT.tagId = t.tagId WHERE = "Neo4j“

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 Let‘s find out who has written articles which are tagged as „Neo4j“ ◼ In Cypher ☺ MATCH (p:Author)-[:WROTE]->(a:Article), (a)-[:TAGGED_BY]->(t:Tag{name: “Neo4j“}) RETURN DISTINCT p.firstName, p.lastName

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 Find co-occuring tags ◼ Useful to identify new categories MATCH (t1:Tag)-->()<--(t2:Tag) RETURN,, count(*) AS cooccurences

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 Build a recommendation engine for articles :Person :Author :Article :WROTE :Category :CONTAINS :CONTAINS :Comment :Tag :WROTE :HAS_COMMENT :Person

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MATCH (p:Person)-[:COMMENTED]->(a1:Article), (peer:Person)-[:WROTE|:COMMENTED]->(a1), (peer:Person)-[:WROTE|:COMMENTED]->(a2:Article) WHERE NOT exists((p)-[:COMMENTED]->(a2)) RETURN a2.title, count(*) AS frequency ORDER BY frequency DESC LIMIT 5

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 Easy modelling of hierarchical data structures  Usage for powerfull recommendation engines ◼ data-modelling/ (WordPress)  Usage for page-view tracking ◼ (Drupal)

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 Click-Path analysis using Snowplow ◼ snowplow-event-data-in-Neo4j/  Structr is based on Neo4j:  CMS using GraphQL:

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Please ask questions to: Stephan Pirnbaum buschmais GbR Inhaber Torsten Busch, Frank Schwarz, Dirk Mahler und Tobias Israel [email protected] Dresden, 11.05.2019