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Google, the international search whisperer. Using Insights from Google to Optimize Multi-Country Site Architecture, Navigation & Localization Gianluca Fiorelli for International Search Summit –

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No content

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Architecture localization

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We need to help people in the local markets to easily find what they really care

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And not making them wander into the abyss.

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How can we understand how our potential customers navigate through the 'Messy Middle'? And how do we account for differences in this journey across different countries? The Search Session space

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Sure! We can perform classic audience analyses.

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But imagine multiplying that research for all the targeted markets.

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What thing does know everything about everyone?

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What thing does know everything about everyone? Our old loved and hatred

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Let’s talk about minis

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Usually, the architecture and navigation never is localized but only translated.

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Usually, the architecture and navigation never is localized but only translated.

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And, in many cases, based on the catalogue. Core Set Units Commander Operative Personell Battlefield Upgrade Extra Star Wars: Legion Phase 2 Clone Troopers Anakin Skywalker Padme Amidala Rebel Specialists Vital Assets Phase 2 Clone Troopers Upgrade Card Pack Clone Wars Droidekas Yoda Cad Bane Imperial Specialists Crashed Pod B1 Battle Droids Essential Kit Blizzard Force Rebel Commandos Count Doku Darth Maul Republic Specialists Crashed X- Wing Imperial Stormtrooper s Dice Pack Echo Base Defenders Snowtroopers Darth Vader Ahsoka Tano Separatist Specialists Downed AT-T Rebel Troopers Movement Tools… Shadow Collective Stormtrooper s Iden Versio Chewbacca Imperial Bunker Premium Troops Bases Legion 501st Ewok warriors Leia Organa Din Djarin Barricades Separatist … … … …

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The question is: What people really look for when searching for something?

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Search Menu

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In the USA, the intent is clearly transactional, but in terms of “visual shopping”. Secondly, ”videos” tend to be the main source of information about the game.

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In the UK, the intent is identical than in the US. Visual Shopping and videos for finding information (like reviews about the game but also how to play it and how to paint its miniatures).

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In Spain, users are first interested in “viewing” the products related to the game and retrieve all information before eventually buying it. The intent, then, is more “commercial” than transactional.

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In Italy, the intent is transactional like in the US and UK. However, Google detects that Italians tend to compare products’ offerings in more websites.

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All users are mostly searching for visual information independently if they are North Americans, British, Italians or Spanish. This insight is key for the type of content we should prioritize, and the kind of strategy we should design for amplifying our content.

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Topic filters

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No content

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Topic Filters behave like People Also Ask (and are influenced by trends/seasonalities).

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No content

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USA The Topics immediately suggest to us which journeys, among those that a potential customer of ours can take, we need to prioritize. Generic Taxonomy ‘’Ecommerce’’ E-E-(A)-(T) Official website Clone Wars New Releases Review Game Factions Discontinued Reddit Rules Cheap

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UK Not always present. Only if the overall search trends pass a threshold, they are shown.

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IT Beware that Google also presents here “Shopping filters” (Reviews, Price). Generic Taxonomy ‘’Ecommerce’’ E-E-(A)-(T) Giocattolo Pacchetto di espansione Price (Shopping) Review (Shopping) Statuette (synonym for “minis”) Asmodee Fantasy Flight Game

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ES The Topics immediately suggest to us which journeys, among those that a potential customer of ours can take, we need to prioritize. Generic Taxonomy ‘’Ecommerce’’ E-E-(A)-(T) Expansión Price (Shopping) Review (Shopping) Figuras de acción Asmodee Fantasy Flight Game Buy (Shopping)

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Topic filter common how to paint game - BattleTech US - UK how to paint game - D&D US - IT - ES how to paint game - Fantasy IT how to paint game - HeroQuest IT how to paint game - Marvel IT how to paint game - wargames ES how to paint game - Warhammer IT mini material - metal US - UK mini material - resin UK - ES mini material - transparent US - UK paint set - starter kit IT paint technique - eyes US paint technique - for beginners ES paint technique - step by step ES paint techniques - easy US - UK paint techniques - fast US - UK paint type - acrylic paint US - UK painting issues - strip painting UK painting job - on commission IT painting tools - airbrush US - UK Section to create (informational) Section to create (informational) Section to create (informational) To put in evidence (commercial) To put in evidence (commercial)

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Tools for doing these analyses at scale:

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Tools for doing these analyses at scale: Sparktoro

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Tools for doing these analyses at scale: Scraping SERPs (h/t Ryan Jones)

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People Also Search For

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It's surprising how little attention is paid to People Also Search For, especially considering that it's used by AIO to expand the set of potential sources for its answers...

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They are a great source to understand the potential Search Journeys that our users/customers may take and in which we should be present.

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People Also Search For behaves like People Also Ask (and is influenced by trends/seasonalities).

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Once retrieved, we will do a Named Entity Recognition analysis (NER), to individuate similarities and differences between local interests and Search Journeys.

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Images Search tags

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Images Search tags are entity-based. They are entities associated to the one we are searching information for or attributes of that entity.

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Also Images Search tags behave like People Also Ask and are influenced by trends and seasonalities.

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It is essential to deduplicate shared entities/attributes and individuate local interests.

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At the same time, we must consolidate the individuated entities with the standard “catalogue” taxonomy and highlight items that need a new taxonomical definition.

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Tools for doing these analyses at scale:

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People also ask

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At this stage, the analysis of PAAs is mainly useful to identify search journeys that have not been discovered previously.

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Once again, explore PAAs in the targeted regions.

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Conducting a NER analysis and clustering is also useful to complement and integrate at a granular level the insights already obtained.

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Tools for doing these analyses at scale: AlsoAsked

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[Unit expansion]

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You could also think to use the Related ”questions” of Perplexity to expand your query set for entity analysis and clustering. However, Perplexity has not GEO versions, but it works well with different languages.

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You could also think to use the Related ”questions” of Perplexity to expand your query set for entity analysis and clustering. However, Perplexity has not GEO versions, but it works well with different languages.

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[Unit expansion]

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No matter what are our feelings about its visibility in the SERPs, Reddit always has been an incredible source for real questions.

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Tools for retrieving questions at scale: Reddit Insights

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The tool is free, but you will need to have OpenAI API and an account on Keyword Insights to obtain the best it can offer (cleaning and clustering).

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Websites ranking in Top 10

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While checking the 1st page ranking websites, annotate if SERP features like Videos, Images or Chat & Forums are present, and the differences between regional SERPs. Then conduct an entity analysis.

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Tools for retrieving entities at scale: WordLift for Sheets

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WordLift for sheets add-on allows to analyze the entities targeted by the pages in the Top 10 for the reference query. You will need to create as many sheets as the targeted regions are.

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Alternative: Natural Language Cloud by Google

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Alternative: by Ryan Jones.

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NER (Named Entity Recognition).

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Tools: ChatGPT

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A prompt to use could be something like this: ‘’Extract the named entities from the query phrases that belong to the Star Wars, Star Wars: Legion and miniature painting domains presented in the uploaded file. Then, organize the named entities you have extracted in a table composed by three columns: the first presents the most relevant domain each named entity is part of. The second column presents the named entity. On the third column, you will indicate if a named entity is shared by more than 1 domain and what they are”.

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Domain Named Entity Star Wars: Legion (Factions/Units) Din Djarin legion Star Wars: Legion (Factions/Units) army Star Wars: Legion (Factions/Units) units Star Wars: Legion (Factions/Units) 501st battle force Star Wars: Legion (Factions/Units) separatist battle force Star Wars: Legion (Factions/Units) shadow collective Star Wars: Legion (Factions/Units) bad batch Star Wars: Legion (Factions/Units) geonosians Star Wars: Legion (Factions/Units) ewoks Star Wars: Legion (Factions/Units) empire Star Wars: Legion (Factions/Units) clones Star Wars: Legion (Factions/Units) clone troopers Star Wars: Legion (Factions/Units) factions Star Wars: Legion (Factions/Units) vehicles Domain Named En ti ty Shared Domain Miniature Painting pai nt Miniature Painting gl ue Miniature Painting Luke Skywalker (as a paintin g s ubject) Miniature Painting ass emb ly ins tru ctio ns Star Wars Un iverse Ahso ka Yes Star Wars Un iverse Luke Skywalker Yes Star Wars: Legion (Factions/Units ) Din Djarin leg ion Star Wars: Legion (Factions/Units ) army Star Wars: Legion (Factions/Units ) uni ts Star Wars: Legion (Factions/Units ) 501 st battl e force Star Wars: Legion (Factions/Units ) sep aratis t battl e fo rce Star Wars: Legion (Factions/Units ) sh ad ow col lecti ve Star Wars: Legion (Factions/Units ) bad batch Star Wars: Legion (Factions/Units ) geo nos ians Star Wars: Legion (Factions/Units ) ewoks Star Wars: Legion (Factions/Units ) empire Star Wars: Legion (Factions/Units ) clon es Star Wars: Legion (Factions/Units ) clon e troop ers Star Wars: Legion (Factions/Units ) faction s Star Wars: Legion (Factions/Units ) vehicles Star Wars: Legion (Gameplay) game l ength Star Wars: Legion (Gameplay) si ngl e pl ayer Star Wars: Legion (Gameplay) skirmis h g ame Star Wars: Legion (Gameplay) rou nds Star Wars: Legion (Gameplay) dep loyment Star Wars: Legion (Gameplay) pani c rules Star Wars: Legion (Gameplay) skirmis h vs. standard Star Wars: Legion (Gameplay) acti vation s Star Wars: Legion (Gameplay) expansi ons Star Wars: Legion (Physical Compon ents ) table siz e Star Wars: Legion (Physical Compo nents) core s et Star Wars: Legion (Physical Compon ents ) model s Star Wars: Legion (Physical Compon ents ) mini atures Star Wars: Legion (Physical Compon ents ) starter set Star Wars: Legion (Res ources) redd it Star Wars: Legion (Res ources) amaz on Star Wars: Legion (Res ources) ebay Star Wars: Legion (Res ources) rul es Star Wars: Legion (Ro les) op erati ve Star Wars: Legion (Ro les) command er

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Domain Named En ti ty Shared Domain Miniature Painting pai nt Miniature Painting gl ue Miniature Painting Luke Skywalker (as a paintin g s ubject) Miniature Painting ass emb ly ins tru ctio ns Star Wars Un iverse Ahso ka Yes Star Wars Un iverse Luke Skywalker Yes Star Wars: Legion (Factions/Units ) Din Djarin leg ion Star Wars: Legion (Factions/Units ) army Star Wars: Legion (Factions/Units ) uni ts Star Wars: Legion (Factions/Units ) 501 st battl e force Star Wars: Legion (Factions/Units ) sep aratis t battl e fo rce Star Wars: Legion (Factions/Units ) sh ad ow col lecti ve Star Wars: Legion (Factions/Units ) bad batch Star Wars: Legion (Factions/Units ) geo nos ians Star Wars: Legion (Factions/Units ) ewoks Star Wars: Legion (Factions/Units ) empire Star Wars: Legion (Factions/Units ) clon es Star Wars: Legion (Factions/Units ) clon e troop ers Star Wars: Legion (Factions/Units ) faction s Star Wars: Legion (Factions/Units ) vehicles Star Wars: Legion (Gameplay) game l ength Star Wars: Legion (Gameplay) si ngl e pl ayer Star Wars: Legion (Gameplay) skirmis h g ame Star Wars: Legion (Gameplay) rou nds Star Wars: Legion (Gameplay) dep loyment Star Wars: Legion (Gameplay) pani c rules Star Wars: Legion (Gameplay) skirmis h vs. standard Star Wars: Legion (Gameplay) acti vation s Star Wars: Legion (Gameplay) expansi ons Star Wars: Legion (Physical Compon ents ) table siz e Star Wars: Legion (Physical Compo nents) core s et Star Wars: Legion (Physical Compon ents ) model s Star Wars: Legion (Physical Compon ents ) mini atures Star Wars: Legion (Physical Compon ents ) starter set Star Wars: Legion (Res ources) redd it Star Wars: Legion (Res ources) amaz on Star Wars: Legion (Res ources) ebay Star Wars: Legion (Res ources) rul es Star Wars: Legion (Ro les) op erati ve Star Wars: Legion (Ro les) command er Physical Components Faction/Units Roles Gameplay Miniature Painting Star Wars Universe (Lore)

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Using the APIs ChatGPT annotate-named-entities-recognition-labeling-tasks 9d48b2a19103 openai-chatgpt-api-46738191f375 Alternatives: Anthropic, Huggingface, Gemini.

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Alternative: Keywords Insights

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Remember that the clustering work we are doing now for architecture can be re- used after for both internal linking optimization and content creation.

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Remember, we only had the taxonomy based on the catalogue. Core Set Units Commander Operative Personell Battlefield Upgrade Extra Star Wars: Legion Phase 2 Clone Troopers Anakin Skywalker Padme Amidala Rebel Specialists Vital Assets Phase 2 Clone Troopers Upgrade Card Pack Clone Wars Droidekas Yoda Cad Bane Imperial Specialists Crashed Pod B1 Battle Droids Essential Kit Blizzard Force Rebel Commandos Count Doku Darth Maul Republic Specialists Crashed X- Wing Imperial Stormtrooper s Dice Pack Echo Base Defenders Snowtroopers Darth Vader Ahsoka Tano Separatist Specialists Downed AT-T Rebel Troopers Movement Tools… Shadow Collective Stormtrooper s Iden Versio Chewbacca Imperial Bunker Premium Troops Bases Legion 501st Ewok warriors Leia Organa Din Djarin Barricades Separatist … … … …

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Now we can create complimentary taxonomies based on local interests about “factions”… Republic Separatists Rebels Empire Shadow Mercenaries Legion 501st Separatist Invasion Force Echo Base Defenders Blizzard Force Shadow Collective Boba Fett Anakin Skywalker Count Doku Han Solo Emperor Palpatine Gar Saxon IG-Series Assassin Droids Yoda Darth Maul Cassian Handor General Veers Black Sun Enforcers Swoop Bike Riders Padme Amidala B1 Battle Droids Rebel Commandos Boba Fett Pyke Syndicate Troop Soldiers Bossk Phase 1 Clone Troopers Droidekas Rebel Troopers Stormtroopers Mandalorian Super Commando Pyke Syndicate Troop Soldiers Republic AT-RT DSD1 Dwarf Spider Droid T-47 Airspeeder Imperial Royal Guards Mandalorian Super Commando Republic Specialists Separatist Specialists Rebels Specialists Imperial Specialists … … … …

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… or lore-based… Kashyyyk Scarif Hoth Endor Jakku Phase 2 Clone Troopers Jin Herso Blizzard Force Han Solo Iden Versio Super Tactical Droid Cassian Handor General Veers Leia Organa Imperial Stormtroopers Wookie Warriors Rebel Commandos Snowtroopers Ewok Warriors Moff Gideon Yoda Director Orson Krennic AT-ST Walkers Rebel Veterans Leia Organa NR-N99 Persuader Class Tank Droid Imperial Shoretroopers Echo Base Defenders Darth Vader Rebel Trooper B1 Battle Droids … Han Solo Imperial Stormtroopers Imperial Specialists … T-47 Airspeeder AT-ST Walkers Rebel Specialists … … …

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… or nature of the game unit or game type or material of the minis and so on. Troops Heroes Vehicles Rebel Fleet Troopers Luke Skywalker Republic AT-RT Unit Rebel Pathfinders Darth Vader A-A5 Speeder Truck Clan Wren Ahsoka Tano T-47 Airspeeder Imperial Dark Troopers Sabine Wren AAT Trade Federation Battle Tank Scout Trooper Lando Calrissian DSD1 Dwarf Spider Droid Inferno Squad Asajj Ventress AT-ST Walkers Phase 1 Clone Troopers Grogu SD1 Dwarf Spider Droid Black Sun Enforcers Boba Fett Downed AT-T … … … Battles Skirmish Star War: Legion Core Set Blizzard Force Clone Wars Core Set Echo Base Defenders Separatist Invasion Force 501st Legion Shadow Collective Hard Plastic Resin (3D Printed) STL (Digital)

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But we also had the opportunity to create a consistent taxonomy for the informational content we must produce to target the exploration phase of the Search Journeys. Star Wars: Legion – mini painting guide. Before painting For beginners Advanced mini painting What paints to choose Painting recipes Work-table Priming With sprays bottles Wet blending Acrylics Painting Luke Skywalker How to assemble Figure 1 Basecoat Stippling Contrast / Speedpaint Painting Darth Vader Figure 2 Lighting Slapchop Inks Painting Stormtroopers Tools Brushes Shadow Painting… Skin Oil Painting Clan Wren Wet Palette Layering Face Painting Leia Organa Handles Glazing NMM Painting Ahsoka Tano What glue Basing Airbrush .. … … …

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Based on the local interests, we will localize the main navigation so to improve UX (and localize internal linking too). Products Choose your faction Battle or Skirmish? Units’ type How to play How to paint Prodotti Scegli la fazione Ricrea le battaglie Unità Come giocare Come dipingere

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Google Trends

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Remember, that a taxonomy evolves over time: new product lines, others discontinued, seasonality, new painting techniques...

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We will use Google Trends to always keep the taxonomy up to date.

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And we will do it for all the target markets, because the product is global, but the interests are local.

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Tool to use: Keytrends.

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The SERPs analyses we did also give us the opportunity to start surfacing potential co-marketing opportunities with creators.

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Tool to use: VidIQ.

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Our previous work indicated us how the interest for a big percentage of topics is common between regions, but that others are searched in just one or two of them.

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Knowing this, we can distribute the content production between local teams better and more efficiently. EN team Shared topic 1 EN topic 1 Localization ES topic Localization IT topic ES team ES topic 1 Localization shared topic 1 Localization IT topic 1 Localization EN topic 1 IT team IT topic 1 Localization shared topic 1 Localization ES topic 1 Localization EN topic 1

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Ontology and entity salience

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Surviving the fall of the Galactic Empire, Moff Gideon soon takes command of a massive Imperial force in disarray, reorganizing it to counter the newly established New Republic. Armed with the Mandalorian black lightsaber, Moff Gideon will find his fiercest opponents in Mando, Grogu, and the Mandalorians led by Bo-Katan Kryze. ENTITY SALIENCE and CONTEXT An entity represents a phrase in the text that is a known entity, such as a person, organization, or place. The relevance score of an entity provides information about the importance or centrality of an entity throughout the text of the document. Scores close to 0 are less important, while scores close to 1.0 are very important.

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Surviving the fall of the Galactic Empire, Moff Gideon soon takes command of a massive Imperial force in disarray, reorganizing it to counter the newly established New Republic. Armed with the Mandalorian black lightsaber, Moff Gideon will find his fiercest opponents in Mando, Grogu, and the Mandalorians led by Bo-Katan Kryze. ENTITY SALIENCE and CONTEXT Surviving the fall of the Galactic Empire, Moff Gideon soon takes command of a massive Imperial force in disarray, reorganizing it to counter the newly established New Republic. Armed with the Mandalorian black lightsaber, Moff Gideon will find his fiercest opponents in Mando, Grogu, and the Mandalorians led by Bo-Katan Kryze. ENTITY SALIENCE and CONTEXT An entity represents a phrase in the text that is a known entity, such as a person, organization, or place. The relevance score of an entity provides information about the importance or centrality of an entity throughout the text of the document. Scores close to 0 are less important, while scores close to 1.0 are very important. Moff Gideon appears in all three seasons of The Mandalorian that have aired so far. Played by cult actor Giancarlo Esposito (Breaking Bad), Moff Gideon has been the subject of many theories by fans of the series, such as his role in cloning Emperor Palpatine or his own death at the end of the third season.

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ENTITY SALIENCE and CONTEXT ENTITY SALIENCE and CONTEXT An entity represents a phrase in the text that is a known entity, such as a person, organization, or place. The relevance score of an entity provides information about the importance or centrality of an entity throughout the text of the document. Scores close to 0 are less important, while scores close to 1.0 are very important. Surviving the fall of the Galactic Empire, Moff Gideon soon takes command of a massive Imperial force in disarray, reorganizing it to counter the newly established New Republic. Armed with the Mandalorian black lightsaber, Moff Gideon will find his fiercest opponents in Mando, Grogu, and the Mandalorians led by Bo-Katan Kryze. Moff Gideon appears in all three seasons of The Mandalorian that have aired so far. Played by cult actor Giancarlo Esposito (Breaking Bad), Moff Gideon has been the subject of many theories by fans of the series, such as his role in cloning Emperor Palpatine or his own death at the end of the third season. Moff Gideon, like all Star Wars: Legion minis, comes in hard plastic. Easy to assemble, it faithfully reproduces the face of the actor Giancarlo Esposito who played him in The Mandalorian. His main role in this army is to support the Dark Troopers as a linebacker and additional threat The mini is accompanied by 1 unit card, 1 upgrade card, 3 command cards, 1 token, and 1 instruction sheet. The Moff Gideon miniature comes not painted.

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ENTITY SALIENCE and CONTEXT ENTITY SALIENCE and CONTEXT An entity represents a phrase in the text that is a known entity, such as a person, organization, or place. The relevance score of an entity provides information about the importance or centrality of an entity throughout the text of the document. Scores close to 0 are less important, while scores close to 1.0 are very important. Tras sobrevivir a la caída del Imperio Galáctico, Moff Gideon pronto toma el mando de una enorme fuerza imperial en desorden y la reorganiza para contrarrestar a la recién establecida Nueva República. Armado con el sable de luz negro mandaloriano, Moff Gideon encontrará a sus oponentes más feroces en Mando, Grogu y los mandalorianos liderados por Bo-Katan Kryze. Moff Gideon, como todas las miniaturas de Star Wars: Legion, está hecho en plástico duro de alta calidad. Fácil de ensamblar, reproduce fielmente la cara del actor Giancarlo Esposito, quien interpretó a Moff Gideon en la serie de televisión El Mandaloriano. Su papel principal en este ejército es apoyar a los Dark Troopers como linebacker y amenaza adicional. La miniatura viene acompañada de 1 carta de unidad, 1 carta de mejora, 3 cartas de mando, 1 ficha y 1 hoja de instrucciones. La miniatura de Moff Gideon viene sin pintar.

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The entity research done can also allow us to optimize for visual search.

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And we can do all these things simply by really knowing how to look at SERPs, how people search for answers by navigating them, and by studying how and why Google displays what it displays and suggests the paths it suggests.

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And, above all, after having come to really know the reality that surrounds the website, for which we are designing the SEO strategy.

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May the Force be with you.