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Continuous Integrate RESTful API with Swagger-codegen Daiki Matsudate / @d_date 2018/04/14 / Hakata.swift #1

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Daiki Matsudate @d_date

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ٕज़ॻయ4 ͘-03

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Thank you!!

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try! Swift NYC Sep. 4th & 5th

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Open Source Contributor

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Japanese: English: of-swagger-codegen-technical- committee-4965303ba5a4

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• Managing your API Spec (Open API Spec: OAS) with yaml file • Generate client / server side code with swagger-codegen • Building Mock server

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Swagger-Codegen for Swift • Swift 4.1 available (still using flatMap: not compactMap:) • Codable protocol • Required / Optional with Swift.Optional • API Client with Alamofire • RxSwift / PromiseKit / Default interface

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Swagger-codegen x Circle CI

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swagger-api / swagger-codegen swagger.yaml swagger-codegen -l swift4 -i swagger.yaml

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Automation with Swagger API.framework

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Automation with Swagger in Swift API.framework carthage update —-platform ios

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Automation with Swagger • circleci/openjdk:8-jdk-browsers • Run java -jar swagger-codegen-cli.jar generate -l swift4 -l swagger.yaml • Commit & push to github • Publish your code to Github Release (to make latest build) Upload client code to repo for api curl -H “Authorization: token $(GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN)” -X POST -d “{\”tag_name\”: \”$API_VERSION\”} -v #{organization name}/{repo name}/releases API.framework

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Automation with Swagger • brew tap yonaskolb/XcodeGen | brew install XcodeGen • xcodegen • Git push • Carthage build —no-skip-current —platform iOS | Carthage archive • Sh github_api_token=${GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN} owner={owner} repo={repo name} tag=LATEST (to upload your framework as binary) Generating xcode project for api client API.framework

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Automation with Swagger • Write github {organization name}/{repo name} in your Cartfile • Run carthage update —platform iOS Download latest framework with Carthage API.framework

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XcodeGen • Specify all your properties in your project.yml • Targets • Dependencies (cocoapods / Carthage) • settings ( reveal on project settings) • Scheme • Build scripts • Just run `xcodegen` Build your pbxproj. with project.yml

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Recap • Managing your API spec with Swagger • Building your API Client with Swagger-codegen • You can get Continuous Integrated API Client with Swagger-codegen x Cirlcle CI • You can get latest maintained Swagger-codegen with your PR

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Thank you!!