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State of the Pony Dr Russell Keith-Magee DjangoCon US 2013

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Image credit: why the lucky stiff

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The DSF Mission • Support development of Django • Promote use of Django • Protect IP and long-term viability • Advance the state of the art

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The DSF Mission • Support development of Django • Promote use of Django • Protect IP and long-term viability • Advance the state of the art

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Conferences • DjangoCon AU/PyCon AU 2013 • Kiwi PyCon 2013 • PyCon UY 2012 • RuPy 2012 • PyArkansas 2012

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Sprints • November: • Stockholm, Los Angeles, Toulouse • February: • Japan, San Francisco, Utrecht, Kraków, Córdoba • DjangoCon US

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Other grants • Getting Started with Django • DjangoCon US travel grants • Django Bogota startup capital

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Grants committee

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Corporate Members • Amarus Digital Media • AxiaCore • Butchershop Creative • Caktus Consulting • ChrisDev • Codetalkrs • Divio • Elysium Digital • Energy Solutions • Imaginary Landscape • Inoa Technologies • Mediaphormedia • Memset • Microsoft • The Open Bastion • OpenEye Scientific Software • Potato • Readability • Skyveri • Tryolabs • • Yeti • Yipit

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The DSF Mission • Support development of Django • Promote use of Django • Protect IP and long-term viability • Advance the state of the art

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Code of Conduct required for sponsorship

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Community Code of Conduct

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The DSF Mission • Support development of Django • Promote use of Django • Protect IP and long-term viability • Advance the state of the art

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No content

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Trademark Licensing Agreement

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Trademark Licensing • Service identification • Django-related projects • Groups and Events • Merchandise • Products and community services • Domain names

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Trademark Licensing • Can’t claim you are official • Can’t use Django’s font or color scheme • Events must have a code of conduct • Can’t cast Django project into disrepute • Declaration of profits

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Doesn’t apply to Nominative Use

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The DSF Mission • Support development of Django • Promote use of Django • Protect IP and long-term viability • Advance the state of the art

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Django 1.5 • Initial Python 3 transition • Custom User models

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Django 1.6 • Formal Python 3 transition • Transaction improvements • Persistent database connections • unittest2-compatible Test discovery

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Django 1.7 • Schema migration • 2013 Google Summer of Code projects • ./ validation refactor • Composite foreign keys

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Django LTS

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The Future?

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The DSF Mission • Support development of Django • Promote use of Django • Protect IP and long-term viability • Advance the state of the art

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Technical challenges

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“Real-time” web

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Rich client interfaces

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The DSF Mission • Support development of Django • Promote use of Django • Protect IP and long-term viability • Advance the state of the art

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Social challenges

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Attracting new users

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Attracting new developers

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How do we make great ideas happen?

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Improved development tools and processes

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Funding open source

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Where does the money come from?

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A Django Fellow?

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Per aspera ad astra

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Questions? [email protected] @freakboy3742