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1 Data Visualiza+on & Storytelling Daan Bakboord – Quistor We make your business intelligent

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2 Quistor: Your JD Edwards Partner of Choice Customers Worldwide 150+ JD Edwards Cloud SoluEons Business Intelligence Mobile SoluEons Custom Development & IntegraEon 10 Years In Business Value Proposi+ons Managed Services 24 7 3+2 Delivery Centres 170 Employees 10 European Offices 35y Average Age Oracle PlaEnum Partner 1000+ years JD Edwards experience

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3 Who am I? hSp:// hSps:// hSps:// Daan Bakboord •  Managing Consultant Oracle Business AnlyEcs at Quistor InternaEonal –  Oracle BI EE (OBIEE) –  Oracle BI ApplicaEons (OBIA) –  Oracle BI Cloud Services (BICS) •  InformaEon Architecture –  TOGAF –  Archimate

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4 Data VisualizaEon & Storytelling •  Business AnalyEcs in general –  Data VisualizaEon –  Storytelling •  Oracle Business AnalyEcs in specific –  Oracle Cloud AnalyEcs •  Visual Analyzer

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5 Stay ahead of the CompeEEon Differen+ate Change Improve Innovate Invest

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6 Come into AcEon Make a Desicion

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7 Trust your “Gut Feeling”

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9 Gut Feeling or a Business Intelligence System?

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10 We are in the InformaEon Age We Generate and Collect losts of Data. Why not use this data to support our deciscion making process? –  Use VisualizaEons –  Combine Data sets –  Get answers on any device

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11 Business AnalyEcs – OperaEonal ReporEng – “Monitoring” Drive towards Innova;on with Opera+onal Repor+ng Represents the Current state of the different areas of your business. (Real-;me) Opera;onal Informa;on to support their Daily work.

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12 Business AnalyEcs – Strategic AnalyEcs – “OpEmizaEon” Drive towards Innova;on with Opera+onal Repor+ng Represents the Current state of the different areas of your business. (Real-;me) Opera;onal Informa;on to support their Daily work. Strategic Analy+cs Represents the state of the business as a whole. Historical, Trending, Predic;ve and Benchmarking AnalyEcs

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13 Business AnalyEcs – Visual Discovery – “InnovaEon” Drive towards Innova;on with Opera+onal Repor+ng Represents the current state of the different areas of your business. (Real-;me) Opera;onal Informa;on to support their daily work. Strategic Analy+cs Represents the state of the business as a whole. Historical, trending, predic;ve and benchmarking AnalyEcs Visual Discovery IdenEfy PaEerns and Opportuni;es for Innova;on.

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14 TradiEonal BI versus Data Discovery

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15 Data Discovery

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16 Business AnalyEcs to get insights from Data Business Data Ac+on Business AnalyEcs; Make Informed Decisions with Timely, Data-Driven Answers to Business Ques+ons.

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17 Which is More Clear? Case: Analyze the Sales figures from the Fitness and Sports business and see how they can apply to the Electronics Business

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18 Oracle Data VisualizaEon - Self Service and Visual Data Discovery Guidance Through Exploratory Analysis Visual Grammar •  Apply Visual Grammar to data selecEons made by users •  Update visualizaEon based on data selecEon Keyword Search •  AutomaEc indexing of all relevant arEfacts for Keyword Search •  Update visualizaEon based on selected search PaPern Brushing •  Highlight CorrelaEons between visualizaEons for PaSern Brushing Visual Data Discovery Visual Analyzer

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19 Oracle Visual Analyzer in AcEon – Excel Spreadsheet Drive change by converEng Data into Insight: •  Capture Data •  Understand the Data •  Process the Data •  Visualize the Data •  Share the Insights

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20 Visual Analyzer in AcEon – ScaSer Chart 2nd highest units, low margin (cheap product) Top Units & Revenue

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21 Visual Analyzer in AcEon – ScaSer Chart – Add Size (Discount) Discount seems to be driving change.

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22 Visual Analyzer in AcEon – ScaSer Chart – Add Color (Brand) Fit4Ac+on & FitQuip are our top brands Low sellers from top brands. Time to freshen the porZolio?

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23 Visual Analyzer in AcEon – ScaSer Chart – Add Shape (Channel) Most revenue comes from in-Store sales

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24 Visual Analyzer in AcEon – Add Datasource (SampleApp) What is driving the Sports and Fitness business? Add SpampeApp Datasource to include informaEon about eg. Time, Place and Customers.

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25 Visual Analyzer in AcEon – Horizontal Stack Bar – Add Customer Segment Babyboomers contribute the least to the business. Opportunity to grow? Babyboomers contribute the least to the business. Opportunity to grow?

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26 Visual Analyzer in AcEon – Line Graph – Month and Revenue Sports & Fitness has overtaken Electronics. What happened? New Data set available? Marke+ng?

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27 Visual AnalyEcs – “See the Signals” Visual Story Data Combine Visualiza+ons with correct Data and a good Story. Our Brains are beSer suited to process Images Turn complex data sets into Easy to Digest and supporEng insights IdenEfy interesEng PaEerns and Opportuni;es and previously unknown trends “See the Signals” on any device (Desktop, mobile and tablet) Share a story with your colleagues

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28 Call to AcEon •  Curious what the Oracle Data VisualizaEon can offer you? –  We can setup a Proof of Concept •  Your requirements •  Your data •  Do you want to do more with data relevant to you? –  Why not discuss your Big Data Use Case? –  Let us help you with a Proof of Value •  Is the Oracle Business AnalyEcs offering sEll a bit unclear? –  We can demisEfy the offering for you

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29 QuesEons?

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30 Let’s get SOCIAL

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31 The Netherlands HQ PO BOX 478 4600 AL Bergen op Zoom Steenbergsestraat 49 4611 TD Bergen op Zoom T +31 164 213 300 F +31 164 213 309 Belgium Doornaardstraat 63 2160 Wommelgem T +31 164 213 300 F +31 164 213 309 Italy Via G. Verdi, 422070 Rovello Porro Como T +39 02 9675 4372 F +39 02 8736 5807 Czech Republic Machine House Pobrezni 620/3 Prague 8 186 00 T +420 234 098 911 F +420 234 098 912 Training centre InternaEonal Business Center Pobrezni 620/3 186 00 Prague 8 Spain C/ Medea, 4. 4ºC 28037 Madrid T +34 911 400 920 F +34 911 400 923 Training centre Calle San Lorenzo, 23 (1ª planta) 29001 Málaga France 60, avenue Charles de Gaulle 92573 Neuilly sur Seine cedex T +33 01 72 92 05 04 F +33 01 72 92 05 99 United Kingdom Connect House Kingston Road, Leatherhead KT22 7LT Surrey T +44 1372 365035