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Componentize your app with Polymer +Rob Dodson @rob_dodson

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when presented with an abundance of choice, you can feel increasingly unsure of whether yours is the right one - Addy Osmani

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What is Polymer?

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Polymer is not a framework.

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Existing Frameworks Applications Web Platform Web Components built with Polymer (or not)

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The Polymer Experiment

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Data binding is sweet! Reuse other components Easy to get started

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actual Polymer engineer

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1.0 121kb 42kb 0.5

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1.0 0.5 121kb 42kb

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Let me show you

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Success! Your first component!

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Polymer({ is: 'quick-alert' });

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Local DOM - The DOM an elements is in charge of creating and managing

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.alert { background: green; }

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Light DOM - The world outside your component’s Local DOM

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Success! Your first component!

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Success! Your first component!

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Properties & Data Binding

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Polymer({ is: ‘name-tag’, properties: { first: String, last: String } }); Property type

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Polymer({ is: ‘name-tag’, properties: { first: String, last: String, age: { type: Number, value: 42 } } }); Default value

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Polymer({ is: ‘name-tag’, properties: { first: String, last: String, age: { type: Number, value: 42, observer: ‘_ageChanged' } } }); Observer function

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Polymer({ is: ‘name-tag’, properties: { first: String, last: String, age: { type: Number, value: 42, observer: ‘_ageChanged’, notify: true } } }); Notify event / bindings

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Polymer({ is: ‘name-tag’, properties: { first: String, last: String, fullname: { type: String, computed: ‘_computeFullName(first, last)' } } }); Computed property

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Success! Your first component!

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quick-alert.html Polymer({ is: 'quick-alert', properties: { shown: { type: Boolean, value: false, notify: true } } });

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Thanks for signing up! Sign up for our newsletter

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Thanks for signing up! Sign up for our newsletter

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Thanks for signing up! Sign up for our newsletter

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Styling & Theming

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.alert { background: green; }

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.alert { background: var(--quick-alert-background); }
A custom property

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.alert { background: var(--quick-alert-background, green); }

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quick-alert { --quick-alert-background: #FF5722; }

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.alert { background: green; @apply(--quick-alert-theme) }

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quick-alert { }

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quick-alert { --quick-alert-theme: { }; }

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quick-alert { --quick-alert-theme: { background: linear-gradient(135deg, #3D7EAA, #FFE47A); font-size: 24px; text-shadow: 0px 3px 0px #909090, 0px 5px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); }; }

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Elements Building blocks for a better web

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There’s an element for that!

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core paper

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core paper

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There’s an element for that!

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Applications Combining elements into something great

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Polymer Starter Kit

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Polymer Starter Kit

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Image: App templates

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Navigation Cards Layout

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Navigation List Detail

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List Card Over

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Image: Responsive breakpoints

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Material Design breakpoints

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App-wide Theming #303f9f CSS custom properties --dark-primary-color --light-primary-color --accent-color --primary-text-color #303f9f --dark-primary-color --light-primary-color --accent-color --primary-text-color

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Web App install banner Mobile Web defaults Meta theme color

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Offline-first (in your app)

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// While there is only one cache in this example, the same logic will handle the case where // there are multiple versioned caches. var expectedCacheNames = Object.keys(CURRENT_CACHES).map(function(key) { return CURRENT_CACHES[key]; }); event.waitUntil( caches.keys().then(function(cacheNames) { return Promise.all( { if (expectedCacheNames.indexOf(cacheName) == -1) { // If this cache name isn't present in the array of "expected" cache names, then delete it. console.log('Deleting out of date cache:', cacheName); return caches.delete(cacheName); } }) ); }) ); }); // This sample illustrates an aggressive approach to caching, in which every valid response is

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There’s an element for that!

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Service Worker caching Take your app offline with ease

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There’s an element for that too!

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Push Notifications Stay informed of messages from your app

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Production-ising Apps

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Build process out of the box

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Live-reload and cross-device development

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Polymer Starter Kit + Angular 2 The best of both worlds

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angular/zone.js #138

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index.html …

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Polymer Starter Kit

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index.html …
Menu … Delete this element and move the content to your own Angular template

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my-app.ts @Component({ selector: 'my-app' }) @View({ templateUrl: 'views/my-app/my-app.html' }) // Component controller export class MyAppComponent { } bootstrap(MyAppComponent);

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Menu Home

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Remove old data bindings: {{param.user}}

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Remove old data bindings: {{param.user}} Remove event handlers: on-iron-select=“onMenuSelect"

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Remove old data bindings: {{param.user}} Remove event handlers: on-iron-select=“onMenuSelect" Update routes: selected=“{{route}}”

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Remove old data bindings: {{param.user}} Remove event handlers: on-iron-select=“onMenuSelect" Update routes: [selected]=“route”

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my-app.ts // Component controller export class MyAppComponent { }

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my-app.ts // Component controller export class MyAppComponent { page('/', () => { this.route = 'home'; }); page('/users', () => { this.route = 'users'; }); page('/contact', () => { this.route = 'contact'; }); // add #! before urls page({ hashbang: true }); }

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Adding components Dealing with content distribution

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Local DOM - The DOM an elements is in charge of creating and managing

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index.html ... ...

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index.html ... // Tell Polymer to use Shadow DOM var Polymer = Polymer || {}; Polymer.dom = 'shadow'; ...

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NativeShadowDomStrategy? Shady DOM Adapters?

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NativeShadowDomStrategy? Shady DOM Adapters? Ship Shadow DOM!

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Listening for events Going old school

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my-app.html …

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my-app.html …

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my-app.ts import {Component, View, bootstrap, ElementRef} from 'angular2/angular2'; constructor(elementRef: ElementRef) { // Access DOM with elementRef.domElement } Access the DOM for this component

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my-app.ts // Show toast when Service Worker registration completes var el = elementRef.domElement; var sw = el.querySelector('platinum-sw-register'); var toast = el.querySelector('#caching-complete'); sw.addEventListener('service-worker-installed', function() {; });

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Recap Wow, that was a lot of stuff

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Polymer is lean, and production ready

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Components for nearly any app, out of the box.

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Components for nearly any app, out of the box. Complete build chain for bringing your app to production.

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Components for nearly any app, out of the box. Complete build chain for bringing your app to production. Flexible app theming using custom properties

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Components for nearly any app, out of the box. Complete build chain for bringing your app to production. Flexible app theming using custom properties Responsive app layout boilerplate & routing

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Components for nearly any app, out of the box. Complete build chain for bringing your app to production. Flexible app theming using custom properties Responsive app layout boilerplate & routing Material Design ready

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Polymer Summit September 15, 2015 Amsterdam

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+Rob Dodson @rob_dodson Thank You!