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1 Spectrum Design Fest | Immersive Futures Lab Welcome to the Immersive Futures Lab ・ ・ As you enter the Lab, you will join a local council presiding over decisions shaping the future of one of three contexts: 入 3 1 Th e Workplace of the Future 1 Th e Shōtengai of the Future 2 Th e Ward O ff i ce of the Future 3

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2 Spectrum Design Fest | Immersive Futures Lab House Rules 1. Give everyone opportunity to speak - let someone fi nish their thought before you jump in! 2. All ideas are welcome - even if you disagree, you acknowledge the ideas of others. 1 . 言 - 自 見 2 . - 見 人 大 Game Play 方 1. In joining a table, you become a member of that context's presiding council. You are empowered, and responsible, for making decisions that will a ff ect how this context operates for all those who enter it. 2. You may move between tables, but you are encouraged to stay with one table until you have contributed to at least one decision. 3. Once added NOTHING can be removed! It can only be built upon. 4. Town Hall: If the facilitator identi fi es a point of tension, or di ff ering perspectives, they can call for a town hall. A town hall is a rapid discussion of perspectives that encourages all at the table to join the dialogue and in fl uence the decision. 5. Before adding things to the paper, you must share your idea verbally with the group! 1 . 人 2 . 1 1 3 . 一 4 . ( ) 見 見 見 見 ⾒ 見 5 . 口 自