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Quick Start Guide of Kaggle: Machine Learning Competitions with Python SciPy Japan 2020 0900-1230, October 30 Speaker: Shotaro Ishihara 1

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Abstract As you may know, Kaggle is a high-profile machine learning competition platform. In Kaggle, data scientists from all over the world are using Python to build machine learning models. In this hands-on tutorial, you'll learn the basics of machine learning and Kaggle by running the Notebook-style source code. The objective is to help participants learn how to compete and learn with Kaggle using Python. 2

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Table of Contents 0900-0935 Introduction: What is machine learning & Kaggle? 0940-1045 Practice 1: From participation to submission 1100-1145 Practice 2: How to boost your score 1150-1230 Conclusion: Wrap up & future resources 3

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Announcements Resources: kaggle-tutorial Questions are welcome by both English and Japanese Zoom Chat in the tutorial GitHub Issues after the tutorial 4

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Profile: Shotaro Ishihara Data scientist at Nikkei Kaggle " Adoption Prediction" 1st place Tier: Kaggle Master Host of "Kaggle Days Tokyo" offline competition 『PythonではじめるKaggleスタートブック』(講談社) INMA "30 Under 30 Awards", Grand Prize in Asia/Pacific 5

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Introduction What is machine learning & Kaggle? 6

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In this section, you will learn ... ☑ What is machine learning? ☑ What is Kaggle? 7

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What is machine learning? 8

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AI, Machine learning, and Deep learning This is a relationship among them. Artificial intelligence (AI) Machine learning Supervised learning Logistic regression Random Forest Deep learning Unsupervised learning Reinforcement learning 9

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What is Artificial intelligence? There are two main approaches to AI research: . Create a machine with human intelligence itself . Let a machine do a specific task that humans can do with their intelligence Most current researches are in the latter position. 10

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What is machine learning? General term for technology that enables computers to acquire human-like learning ability Artificial intelligence ∋ Machine Learning The recent "artificial intelligence" boom has been driven by the rapid growth of machine learning research 杉⼭将, 『イラストで学ぶ機械学習』, 講談社 11

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What machine learning can do? Supervised learning Unsupervised learning Reinforcement learning 12

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Supervised learning By giving several (problem, answer) pairs, it can acquire the ability to answer questions that it has not been taught. ⽯原ら, 『PythonではじめるKaggleスタートブック』, 講談社 13

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Concept of supervised learning 14

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Exercise 1 1.1 Calculate the area of a circle with a radius of 3. 1.2 When a ball was dropped from a bridge, it reached the surface of the water 2 seconds later. Calculate the distance between the bridge and the surface of the water with gravitational acceleration g. 15

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Answer 1 There are well known theories / formulas. 1.1 A = π × r2 1.2 y = × 2 1 g × t2 16

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Exercise 2 f(0) = 3 f(1) = 5 f(2) = 7 f(3) = 9 f(4) = 11 f(5) =? 17

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Answer 2 f(x) = 2 × x + 3 f(0) = 3 f(1) = 5 f(2) = 7 f(3) = 9 f(4) = 11 f(5) = 13 18

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Exercise 3 f(0.42) = 3.24 f(1.223) = 5.23 f(2.84) = 7.02 f(3.43) = 9.24 f(4.58) = 11.22 f(5) =? 19

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Answer 3 f(5) ≈ 12 20

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Characteristic of supervised learning To introduce a rule from past results. If we don't know the exact rules, they'll give us an answer that looks "good". 21

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Examples of supervised learning Image Recognition (Google Image Search) Voice recognition (Siri) Automatic spam classification (Gmail) Machine Translation (DeepL) 22

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Unsupervised learning To gain useful knowledge from data. There's a lot of data in the world without labels. 23

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Examples of unsupervised learning Classification Anomaly detection clustering/ 24

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Reinforcement learning The goal is to get a computer to acquire the same ability as supervised learning. Give a computer not data but "environment" Action / State / Reward Instead of considering each piece of data separately, we give a "reward" of the "state" after a series of "actions" as the correct answer. 久保隆宏, 『Pythonで学ぶ強化学習 ⼊⾨から実践まで』, 講談社 25

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Examples of reinforcement learning Computer games (AlphaGo) Automatic control of robots Advertising distribution 26

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What is Kaggle? 27

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Kaggle: Machine Learning Competitions A competition platform for testing the performance of different machine learning models, mainly for supervised learning. Organized by Google-owned Kaggle. Data scientists from around the world participate. 28

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Overview of Kaggle ⽯原ら, 『PythonではじめるKaggleスタートブック』, 講談社 29

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DeNA's Kaggle ranking system 30

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What we can do in Kaggle? Use Python or R to create machine learning models Stay tuned for the next Practice section! 31

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In this section, you learned ... ☑ What is machine learning? Supervised learning Unsupervised learning Reinforcement learning ☑ What is machine Kaggle? 32

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Practice Python tutorial with Kaggle Notebooks 33

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In this section, you will learn ... From participation to submission ☑ Participation in a competition ☑ How to use Python environment in Kaggle ☑ Loading packages ☑ Loading datasets ☑ Feature engineering ☑ Training and prediction of machine learning algorithms ☑ Submission to the leaderboard 34

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In this section, you will learn ... How to boost your score ☑ Exploratory data analysis ☑ Adding hypothesis-based features ☑ Switching machine learning algorithms ☑ Hyper parameters tuning ☑ The importance of validation ☑ Ensembling 35

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Titanic: Machine Learning from Disaster Competition page: 36

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Exploratory data analysis Get insight of data and the task There is no free lunch What I did in the past competition: prediction/discussion/88773 ⽯原ら, 『PythonではじめるKaggleスタートブック』, 講談社 37

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Exercise 4 Let's come up with at least 3 hypotheses that might contribute to the better prediction. Tool You can use useful packages such as pandas_profiling , matplotlib , and seaborn . 38

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Adding hypothesis-based features Be careful for reproducibility Then, add hypothesis-based features 39

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Switching machine learning algorithms In general, LightGBM works better in tabular competitions. sklearn: https://scikit- LightGBM: Neural Network:, 40

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Decision Trees 41

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Grandient Boosting 42

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Hyper parameters tuning . Hand tuning . Use Optuna: 43

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The importance of validation Why do we need validation? There is a limitation of submission The risk of overfitting ⽯原ら, 『PythonではじめるKaggleスタートブック』, 講談社 44

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Hold out ⽯原ら, 『PythonではじめるKaggleスタートブック』, 講談社 45

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Cross validation ⽯原ら, 『PythonではじめるKaggleスタートブック』, 講談社 46

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Ensembling Diversity boosts the score 47

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In this section, you learned ... From participation to submission ☑ Participation in a competition ☑ How to use Python environment in Kaggle ☑ Loading packages ☑ Loading datasets ☑ Feature engineering ☑ Training and prediction of machine learning algorithms ☑ Submission to the leaderboard 48

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In this section, you learned ... How to boost your score ☑ Exploratory data analysis ☑ Adding hypothesis-based features ☑ Switching machine learning algorithms ☑ Hyper parameters tuning ☑ The importance of validation ☑ Ensembling 49

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Conclusion Wrap up & future resources 50

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In this section, you will learn ... ☑ Summary of this tutorial ☑ Future resources 51

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Workflow in Kaggle competitions . Understand the competition and the task . Create benchmark Simple feature engineering Training and prediction Validation . Exploratory data analysis and hypothesis . Check validation and submission scores . Back to 3 (Sometimes 1 or 2) 52

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Recommended way for beginners to participate . Understand the competition and the task Read competition page Read EDA Notebooks . Create benchmark Utilize public Notebooks . Improve benchmark Utilize public Notebooks and Discussions . Do ensembling 53

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Which competitions? There are several perspectives Medal Type of dataset Schedule Code competitions Competition platform competitions 54

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Future resources 『PythonではじめるKaggleスタートブック』(講談社) Kaggleに登録したら次にやること 〜 これだけやれば⼗分闘え る!Titanicの先へ⾏く⼊⾨ 10 Kernel 〜 Weekly Kaggle News 『Kaggleで勝つデータ分析の技術』(技術評論社) 『Approaching (Almost) Any Machine Learning Problem』 kagger-ja slack 55

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In this section, you learned ... ☑ Summary of this tutorial ☑ Future resources 56