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TypeScript + lerna + yarn monorepos FTW Paris TypeScript #10 10/10/2017 1

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Me, myself & I Paul Souche Front End developer @S_A_N_T_E_C_H In love with TypeScript since 2014 @paul.souche paulsouche @paulsouche 2

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Multi repos : why ? - Monoliths no more - Build only the necessary - Clearer subversion history - Easier revert - 1 app > 1 repo - 1 service > 1 repo... 3

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Multi repos : but ... - Switch project all the time - Sequential builds - Evergreen anti pattern - Dependencies - Versioning - Features branch 4

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- Build everything everytime - Build order - Subversion Conflicts - Licenses 5 Did you said monorepo?

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Editor architecture 7 DEPENDENCIES COMMON 2 COMMON 1 APP 1 APP 2 APP 3 APP 4

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Lerna << Lerna is a tool that optimizes the workflow around managing multi-package repositories with git and npm >> 8

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Prerequisites 9

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Lerna project structure - lerna import - lerna bootstrap 10

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What it does 11

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Demo 12

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Yeah… But ? - devDependencies are the same so lerna bootstrap could be very slow for more packages (cache) - Build is sequential 13

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yarn workspaces 14

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Lerna config 15

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What happen to the structure 16

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Demo 17

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Build 18 - Several flags such as --parallel I won’t talk about - Bash is always the answer for uncommon problems

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That’s all folks THANKS References Lerna Yarn workspaces Demo 19