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๭ϨγϐαΠτͷ Ruby 1.9.3 ରԠͰۤ࿑͠·ͨ͠ mrkn Kenta Murata What a hard work to make the recipe sharing service available on Ruby 1.9.3! 2013.03.16 #odrk03 1

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Kenta Murata (mrkn) DevInfra Engineer at COOKPAD Inc. Ruby committer 2

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Kenta Murata (mrkn) DevInfra Engineer at COOKPAD Inc. Ruby committer 4

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Kenta Murata (mrkn) DevInfra Engineer at COOKPAD Inc. Ruby committer BATMAN 4

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Run on 1.9.3-p392 since 26 Feb 2013 5

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Run on 1.9.3-p392 since 26 Feb 2013 We’ll move to 2.0.0-p0 next month !!! 5

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REE 1.9.3 2.0.0 809 576 497 REE 1.9.3 2.0.0 1773 1305 1166 ฏۉϨεϙϯελΠϜ [ms] 90% Line [ms] 6

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1.9.3 ҠߦͰ ۤ࿑ͨ͠ࣄ 9

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Ϛδίϝ then/do ͷ୅ΘΓͷ : Πϯελϯεม਺ΛϒϩοΫύϥϝʔλʹ࢖͏ͳ Temp le ͷΦʔϓϯϞʔυ͸ ‘w+’ Hash ͷॱং໰୊ Array#to_s ͱ Hash#to_s (time .. time).include? time Date#step with ActiveSupport::Duration enum_with_index lambda ͷҾ਺Ϛονϯά next Ͱ͸ϝιου͔Βൈ͚ΒΕͳ͍Α ଟॏ୅ೖ Symbol#to_int ͷͪΐͬͱྑ͍࿩ ਖ਼نදݱͷඇޓ׵ੑ nkf, kconv, jcode, iconv ΦϦδφϧ String#blank? ActiveRecord ͱ ϝʔϧ 10

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# coding: utf-8 11

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౰࣌͸ΈΜͳॻ͍ͯ͘Εͳ͔ͬͨ 12

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script/insert_magic_comment 13

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#! /usr/bin/env ruby # coding: utf-8 def has_magic_comment?(content) if content.lines.first =~ /\A#!/ first_line = content.lines.take(2).last else first_line = content.lines.first end comment = first_line.sub( /(?:\"(?:[^"]|\\\")*\"|\'(?:[^']|\\\')*\'|[^#]*)#/, '').strip comment =~ /\b(?:en)?coding\s*:\s*(?:utf|UTF)-?8\b/ end def insert_magic_comment(path) content = open(path, 'rb') {|io| } rescue $! return if Exception === content || content.empty? content.force_encoding('BINARY') if content.respond_to?(:force_encoding) unless has_magic_comment?(content) if content =~ /[^\x00-\x7E]/m $stderr.puts "inserting magic comment to #{path}" open(path, 'wb') do |io| io.puts "# coding: utf-8" io.write content end end end end if ARGV[0] == '--pre-commit' open("|git diff --cached --name-only HEAD") do |io| while path = io.gets path.strip! next unless path =~ /\.rb$/ insert_magic_comment(path) end end else require 'find' Find.find(Dir.pwd) do |path| next unless path =~ /\.rb$/ insert_magic_comment(path) end end 14

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if condition: when condition: while condition: 16

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items.each do |@item| 17

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view template ಺Ͱࢄݟ 18

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<%# index.html.erb %>
<% @items.each_with_index do |@item, idx| -%>
<%= render ‘item’ %>
<% end -%>
<%# _item.html.erb %> name<%= @item.title %> description<%= @item.description %> ... 19

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ϨϯμϦϯά͞ΕΔ·Ͱ syntax error ͕஗Ԇ͢Δ 20

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Ͳͷ partial view ͔ Βࢀর͞ΕͯΔ͔ௐ΂ Δͷ͕େมͳͷͰ୯७ ʹ @ ΛऔΔͱࢮ͵ 21

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શͯෛ࠴Ͱஔ͖׵͑ͨ 22

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<%# index.html.erb %>
<% @items.each_with_index do |item, idx| @item = item -%>
<%= render ‘item’ %>
<% end -%>
<%# _item.html.erb %> name<%= @item.title %> description<%= @item.description %> ... 23

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Tempfile ͷΦʔϓϯ Ϟʔυ͕ ‘w+’ ݻఆ໰୊ 24

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default_external ͸ UTF-8 25

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ςϯϙϥϦϑΝΠϧʹ JPEG Λॻ͖ࠐΊͳ͍ 26

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͓ྉཧͷࣸਅΛอଘ Ͱ͖ͳ͍ʼʻ 27

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tf.set_encoding(‘BINARY’) \ ! if tf.respond_to? :set_encoding 28

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Hash ͷॱং໰୊ 29

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# ruby-1.8.7 ͷ৔߹ {:a => 1, :b => 2}.to_a #=> [[:b, 2], [:a, 1]] # ruby-1.9.3 ͷ৔߹ {:a => 1, :b => 2}.to_a #=> [[:a, 1], [:b, 2]] 30

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Hash ͷ map ʹΑΔ݁ ՌΛݕূ͢Δςετͱ͔ 31

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to_s ͷڍಈͷมԽ 32

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Array#to_s ͕ join(“”) ૬౰ͩͬͨ 33

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# ruby-1.8.7 ͷ৔߹ %w(a b c).to_s #=> “abc” # ruby-1.9.3 ͷ৔߹ p %w(a b c).to_s #=> "[\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"]" 34

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# ruby-1.8.7 ͷ৔߹ [:foo].to_s #=> “foo” [:foo].first.to_s #=> “foo” # ruby-1.9.3 ͷ৔߹ [:foo].to_s #=> “[:foo]” [:foo].first.to_s #=> “foo” 35

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໌࣏తʹ to_s ΛݺΜ ͰΔίʔυͳΜͯͦ Μͳʹͳ͍ 36

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# ruby-1.8.7 ͷ৔߹ “#{[:foo]}” #=> “foo” “#{[:foo].first}” #=> “foo” # ruby-1.9.3 ͷ৔߹ “#{[:foo]}” #=> “[:foo]” “#{[:foo].first}” #=> “foo” 37

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Hash#to_s ͕ to_a.join(“”) ૬౰ͩͬͨ 38

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# ruby-1.8.7 ͷ৔߹ p({:a => 1, :b => 2}.to_s) #=> “b2a1” # ruby-1.9.3 ͷ৔߹ p({:a => 1, :b => 2}.to_s) #=> "{:a=>1, :b=>2}" 39

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(time .. time).include? time 40

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class Range def include_with_warn?(obj) if Time === self.begin caller.tap do |callstack| repository_root = File.expand_path( '../../../../../../../', __FILE__) + '/' offending_line = callstack.find {|line| File.expand_path(line.split(':').first). start_with?(repository_root) } || callstack.first $stderr.puts "[WARN] can't iterate from Time since 1.9 at #{offending_line}" end end include_without_warn?(obj) end alias include_without_warn? include? alias include? include_with_warn? end 41

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Date#step ͕ ActiveSupport::Duration Λ ڋઈͩ͢͠ 42

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# Ruby 1.9.3 Ͱಈ͔ͳ͘ͳͬͨίʔυ begin_date = Date.parse(“2013/03/01”) end_date = Date.parse(“2013/06/30”) begin_date.step(end_date, 1.week) do |date| ... end 43

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require 'date' class Date def step_with_warn(*args, &block) unless Numeric === args[1] || args[1].nil? $stderr.puts "\n[WARN] non-Numeric object is given for the 2nd argument of step at #{caller[0]}" $stderr.flush end step_without_warn(*args, &block) end alias step_without_warn step alias step step_with_warn end 44

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enum_with_index 45

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each_with_index 46

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lambda ͷҾ਺Ϛονϯά 47

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# ApplicationHelper ͷத def init_handler(foo) {|h, k| h[k] = lambda {} }.merge(foo) end # ΞϓϦέʔγϣϯίʔυ಺ init_handler(@handlers) ... @handlers[:foo].call(model) 48

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wrong number of arguments (1 for 0) 49

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# ApplicationHelper ͷத def init_handler(foo) {|h, k| h[k] = lambda {|*args| } }.merge(foo) end # ΞϓϦέʔγϣϯίʔυ಺ init_handler(@handlers) ... @handlers[:foo].call(model) 50

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# ApplicationHelper ͷத def init_handler(foo) {|h, k| h[k] = proc {} }.merge(foo) end # ΞϓϦέʔγϣϯίʔυ಺ init_handler(@handlers) ... @handlers[:foo].call(model) 51

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ࢿྉ࡞ͬͯͯࢥͬͨ 52

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# null_proc.rb module NullProc class << self def call(*args); end alias [] call end end # ApplicationHelper ͷத require ‘null_proc’ def init_handler(foo) {|h, k| h[k] = NullProc }.merge(foo) end 53

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next Ͱϝιου͔Β ൈ͚Εͳ͘ͳͬͨ 54

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class FooController def show ... next if params[:bar].blank? ... end end 55

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࣮૷Λ Chanko ͔Β ίϯτϩʔϥຊମ΁Ҡ ಈ͢Δͱ͖ʹى͖Δ 56

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Chanko ͸ Rails Ξ ϓϦέʔγϣϯΛ؆ ୯ʹ֦ு͢Δ࢓૊Έ 57

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֦ுػೳ͸ϒϩοΫ Ͱ࣮૷͢Δ 58

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Chanko ͷதͰ࣮૷͞ ΕͯΔؒ͸ɺ֦ுػೳ ͷத͔Β୤ग़͢Δͱ͖ ͸ next Λ࢖͏ 59

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࣮૷Λ Chanko ͔Β ίϯτϩʔϥຊମ΁Ҡ ಈ͢Δͱ͖ʹ return ʹஔ׵͠๨ΕΔ 60

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ଟॏ୅ೖ 61

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# Ruby 1.8.7 lambda {|*a| b = *a }.call(1) #=> 1 # Ruby 1.9.3 lambda {|*a| b = *a }.call(1) #=> [1] 62

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ΧϯϚΛ෇͚Ε͹ྑ͍ 63

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# Ruby 1.8.7 lambda {|*a| b, = *a; b }.call(1) #=> 1 ↑ # Ruby 1.9.3 lambda {|*a| b, = *a; b }.call(1) #=> 1 ↑ 64

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Symbol#to_int 65

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# Ruby 1.8.7 {:foo => “hello world”}[:foo][:bar] #=> nil # Ruby 1.9.3 {:foo => “hello world”}[:foo][:bar] #=> can't convert Symbol into Integer (TypeError) 66

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Ruby 1.9 Ͱ Symbol#to_int ͕ফ ͓͔͑ͨ͛Ͱόά͕ ໌Β͔ʹʂʂ̍ 67

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ྑ͍࿩ 68

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ਖ਼نදݱͷඇޓ׵ 69

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\s ͷҙຯ (ޙड़) 70

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\w ͱ \W ͱ \p{Word} 71

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\w ͕ US-ASCII ͷൣ ғʹมΘͬͨ 72

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\p{Word} ͸ 1.8 Ͱਖ਼ نදݱίϯύΠϧΤ ϥʔʹͳΔ 73

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\w → \p{Word} \W →ɹ ???? ɹ 74

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if RUBY_VERSION >= ‘1.9’ word = ‘\p{Word}’ re = /(?!#{word})./ else re = /\W/ end 75

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ಠࣗͷ String#blank? 76

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class String def blank? self =~ /\A[\sɹ]*\z/m end end ↑ IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE 77

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໰୊͸ IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE ͷํ͡Όͳͯ͘ \s ʹ͋Δ 78

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# for 1.8 class String UTF8_WHITESPACE_CHAR_PATTERN = /(?:\s|\xE3\x80\x80)/.freeze UTF8_BLANK_PATTERN = /\A(?:#{UTF8_WHITESPACE_CHAR_PATTERN})*\z/.freeze end # for 1.9.3 class String NON_BLANK_SPACE_CHARACTERS = "\u00A0\u1680\u180E\u2000-\u200B\u202F\u205F".freeze private_constant :NON_BLANK_SPACE_CHARACTERS UTF8_WHITESPACE_CHAR_PATTERN = /(?:(?![#{NON_BLANK_SPACE_CHARACTERS}])\p{Space})/.freeze UTF8_BLANK_PATTERN = /\A(?:#{UTF8_WHITESPACE_CHAR_PATTERN})*\z/.freeze end 79

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จࣈΤϯίʔσΟϯάม׵ܥ 80

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NKF ޓ׵ϝιου 81

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# Ruby 1.8.7 class String def to_win31j_from_utf8 NKF.nkf(‘-W -s -m0 -x’, self) end end # Ruby 1.9.3 class String def to_win31j_from_utf8 encode('Windows-31J', 'UTF-8', invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: '') end end 82

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kconv ͷϝιουͰ ܯࠂΛग़͢ 83

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# Ruby 1.8.7 class String def tosjis_with_warn $stderr.puts “[WARN] ... #{caller[0]}” tosjis_without_warn end alias tosjis_without_warn tosjis alias tosjis tosjis_with_warn end # Ruby 1.9.3 class String def tosjis $stderr.puts “[WARN] ... #{caller[0]}” encode(‘Windows-31J’, invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: '') end end 84

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ܯࠂΛग़͢Α͏ʹͯ͠ ͓͘ࣄͰɺαʔϏε ։ൃΤϯδχΞ͕ؾ ෇͍ͯमਖ਼ͯ͘͠ΕΔ 85

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ActiveRecord ͱ 86

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1.8 Ͱ͸ ͕ 4 Λ ฦ͢ͷͰྫ֎͕ग़ͳ͍ 87

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if Rails.application.config.whiny_nils require 'active_support/whiny_nil' end if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9' class NilClass def id_with_warn(*args) return 4 unless File.expand_path(caller[0]). starts_with?(Rails.root) message = " was called at #{caller[0]}" if defined? Logger'', message) else $stderr.puts message end 4 end alias id_without_warn id alias id id_with_warn end end 88

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ϝʔϧؔ܎ 89

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ଧ౗ tmail 90

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tmail → mail.gem 91

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ۤߦ 92

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tmail ͷόάʹґଘ ͨ͠ίʔυ͕͋ͬͨ 93

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·ͩઓ͍͸ऴΘͬͯ ͳ͍ɾɾɾ 94

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ײ૝ 95

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ྑ͘ͳ͍ίʔυΛېࢭ ͢Δඇޓ׵ੑ͸େ׻ܴ 96

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items.each do |@item| 97

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ศརͩͬͨࣄ͕Ͱ͖ ͳ͘ͳΔͱ൵͍͠ 98

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# Ruby 1.9.3 Ͱಈ͔ͳ͘ͳͬͨίʔυ begin_date = Date.parse(“2013/03/01”) end_date = Date.parse(“2013/06/30”) begin_date.step(end_date, 1.week) do |date| ... end 99

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Ҡߦ TIPS 100

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Ruby ͷόʔδϣϯผ ʹϞϯΩʔύονΛ ੔ཧ 101

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lib/ monkey_patches/ ruby/ 1.8/ array/ object/ string/ blank.rb conversion.rb encoding.rb multibyte.rb 1.9/ array/ object/ string/ blank.rb conversion.rb encoding.rb multibyte.rb 2.0/ common/ 102

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# config/initializers/000_load_libs.rb FileUtils.chdir(‘../../../lib’, __FILE__) do # load monkey patches for ruby first Dir[‘monkey_patches/ruby/**/*.rb’].sort.each do |fn| version = fn.split(‘/’)[2] case when version == ‘common’ # do nothing when RUBY_VERSION < ‘1.9’ next unless version == ‘1.8’ when RUBY_VERSION < ‘2.0’ next unless version == ‘1.9’ when RUBY_VERSION < ‘2.1’ next unless (‘1.9’...‘2.1’).cover? version else next unless version >= ‘2.1’ end require fn end end 103

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৽͍͠όʔδϣϯͰ ૿͑Δϝιου͸ ύονͰಋೖ͢Δ 104

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Object#singleton_c lass 105

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# for 1.8 class Object def singleton_class class << self self end end end 106

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String#bytesize 107

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# for 1.8 class String alias bytesize size end 108

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String#b 109

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# for 1.8 class String def b self end end # for 1.9 class String def b dup.force_encoding(‘ASCII-8BIT’) end end 110

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String#force_enco ding 111

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# for 1.8 class String def force_encoding(enc) self end end 112

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࣮͸͜ΕͰ͸ବ໨ 113

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respond_to? (:force_encoding) Ͱ 1.9 ͔Ͳ͏͔൑அͯ͠ΔϥΠϒ ϥϦ͕͍͔ͭ͘ଘࡏ͢Δ 114

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# for 1.8 class String def method_missing_with_force_encoding(name, *args, &block) if name == :force_encoding self else method_missing_without_force_encoding( name, *args, &block) end end alias method_missing_without_force_encoding method_missing alias method_missing method_missing_with_force_encoding end 115

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ΤϯίʔσΟϯάม ׵ 116

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from ͱ to ͷΤϯ ίʔσΟϯάΛݶఆ ͢Δͱಋೖ͠΍͍͢ 117

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ͨͬͨ͜Ε͚ͩͰΞϓ Ϧέʔγϣϯίʔυ͔ Β RUBY_VERSION Λ ݮΒͤΔ 118

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͓·͚ 119

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irb(main):005:0> keys = (:a .. :d).to_a => [:a, :b, :c, :d] irb(main):006:0> values = (1 .. 4).to_a => [1, 2, 3, 4] irb(main):007:0> Hash[] => {:a=>1, :b=>2, :c=>3, :d=>4} 120

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·ͱΊ 122

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REE 1.9.3 2.0.0 809 576 497 REE 1.9.3 2.0.0 1773 1305 1166 ฏۉϨεϙϯελΠϜ [ms] 90% Line [ms] Use Ruby 2.0.0 !!! 123

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