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Automate Workflow with Ruby . Didik Wicaksono

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•github: @firewalker06 •twitter: @did1k

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I work at

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We inspire people through Cooking

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I’m with ID-Ruby Community •We will have our first Ruby Conference in Indonesia on Oct 6th-7th ( •Please support our association: PERKODI (

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!" > 50 engineers, serving 66 countries with 17 languages

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⛏ Workflow in a glance •Starts with a Hypothesis •Organize Task •Development & Code Review •Deploy & Announce Release

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I’m sure you already familiar with these services

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Workflow breakdown •discuss hypothesis •create a card •assign card •create a branch •do magic •push a branch •create a pull request •code review •merge pull request •deploy code •announce release in Slack •mark card / checklist as completed

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Looks repetitive •On Slack •discuss hypothesis •On Trello •create a card •assign card •On local •create a branch •do magic •push a branch •On Github • create a pull request • code review • merge pull request • Back to local again • deploy code • Back to Slack again • announce release in Slack • Finally on Trello • mark card / checklist as completed

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If its repetitive, we can automate!

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Looks good? •On Slack •discuss hypothesis •On local •create a card •assign card •create a branch •do magic •push a branch •create a pull request •code review •merge pull request •mark card / checklist as completed •On Slack • deploy code •announce release in Slack

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Lets begin!

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trello-flow We uses a lot of Trello boards

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trello-flow • •available commands: ‣ git open 
 # Open relevant card/all users card in browser ‣ git start
 git start 
 # choose card, assigns self & creates branch ‣ git finish 
 # checks off task, opens PR ‣ git cleanup 
 # cleans up merged card branches

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Some element of code reviews can be automated

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• •Ruby static code analyzer •enforce styleguide •run in development

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• •uses rubocop to review Ruby •supports various languages including js, coffeescript and scss •integrated with Github

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CP-8 Cookpad Bot

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CP-8 Cookpad Bot • • This little fella helps simplify your frequent labelling in Github • Deployable to Heroku

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CP-8 Cookpad Bot Opening a PR with "[WIP]" in the title adds WIP label

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CP-8 Cookpad Bot Approving changes adds Reviewed label

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CP-8 Cookpad Bot Tells you when a PR has no updates

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CP-8 Cookpad Bot Attach and moves Trello cards around

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capistrano-fiesta • fiesta •integrates Github pull requests and Slack •compiles list of github PR since last release

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capistrano-fiesta reads “Release note” in PR description

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capistrano-fiesta Sends slack announcement

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capistrano-fiesta compiles list of PR in[repo]/releases

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Ruby + Bot = Ruboty

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ruboty • •its a bot, built in Ruby •deployable to Heroku •supports various chat services and some DBs

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Everyday on Cookpad •Trello-flow •Rubocop and Hound •CP-8 Bot •Capistrano-fiesta •Ruboty

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Everyday on Cookpad •Trello-flow •Rubocop and Hound •CP-8 Bot •Capistrano-fiesta •Ruboty