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Building Healthy Teams Jon McCartie Senior Manager, Technical Support Heroku

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Hi there! ! I’m Jon McCartie. I work at Heroku. I help people help people fix things.

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Heroku is a platform as a service that enables developers to build, run, and operate applications entirely in the cloud.

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$ heroku create sushi Creating sushi... done $ heroku buildpacks:add softtrends/dotnetcore.postgress.buildpack $ git push heroku master ----> Heroku receiving push ----> Compiling app… ----> Done! deployed to heroku

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Management is not… • "I made it!" • Having all the big ideas • Hall monitor

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•"I made it!" •An entirely new set of skills •Having all the big ideas •Bringing the best ideas from the team •Hall monitor •Empowering people to do their best work Management is…

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You Win When Your Team Wins

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Where We're Going 1.Select action-oriented people 2.Clarify what and why 3.Find and develop individual strengths 4.Maintain a Sustainable Pace 5.Evaluate Everything 6.Create a High-Feedback Culture

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#1 Select action- oriented people

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• Recruit "do-ers" not just "thinkers" • It's easier to educate a do-er than activate a thinker Select action-oriented people

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"If you have the right people on the bus, the problem of how to motivate and manage people largely goes away." Jim Collins, Good To Great

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What To Look For • Humble • Teachable • Passionate • Humble • Hungry • Smart* *common sense about people Lencioni Mine

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Clarify the "what" and "why" #2

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• WHAT: What have we come together to do? What's the problem or the opportunity? • WHY: There is a purpose to work beyond making money. Clarify the "what" and "why"

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"A clear common compelling task that is important to the individual team members is the single biggest factor in team success." Pat McMillan, Performance Factor

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Simon Sinek

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Find and develop individual strengths #3

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• What are you best at? • What work brings the best out of you? • Weaknesses • Long-term career goals Find and develop individual strengths

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RUDY …was a terrible football player

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Career Development Healthy Things Grow

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Maintain a Sustainable Pace #4

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• Natural cycle to development • Allow developers to breathe • Allow your team to grow outside of the trenches Maintain a Sustainable Pace

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This is a death march

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Evaluate Everything #5

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• Where performance is measured, performance improves • Data gets a seat at the table • "This is how we do things" vs. "We've just always done it that way." • Warning: Constant change brings instability and uncertainty Evaluate Everything

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Create a High Feedback Culture #6

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Corrective Feedback The hardest (and we screw it up frequently)

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Corrective Feedback - "SBI" • S - Situation
 “Susan, I’d like to talk about the demo this morning.” • B - Behavior
 “I noticed that you didn’t ask the customer questions about their needs.” • I - Impact
 “As a result, we don’t know what’s most important to them, which impacts our ability to make the sale."

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Positive Feedback The easiest (yet we rarely do it)

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Positive Feedback - "SBI" • S - Situation
 “Susan, I’d like to talk about the demo you did today with our customers.” • B - Behavior
 “I noticed that you asked questions that uncovered important information about their needs.” • I - Impact
 “They were impressed, had confidence in our product, and we’re on a great path to make the sale.”

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"As a leader, you are always going to get a combination of two things: what you create and what you allow." Henry Cloud

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Sanctioned Incompetence When a leader allows incompetence, the whole team pays the price.

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Review 1.Select performance-oriented people 2.Clarify what and why 3.Find and develop individual strengths 4.Maintain a Sustainable Pace 5.Evaluate Everything 6.Create a High-Feedback Culture

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"We build with bits, not bricks. Sometimes, often, all we leave with is what we learned, and our relationships with each other. Better make them good." Cate Huston

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Thank you! Jon McCartie @jmccartie