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Mixing oil + water devops in an ITSM world Lindsay Holmwood @auxesis

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High-performing IT organisations report experiencing: 46x more frequent deployments

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High-performing IT organisations report experiencing: 96x faster recovery from failures

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High-performing IT organisations report experiencing: 5x lower change failure rate

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High-performing IT organisations report experiencing: 440x shorter lead times

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High-performing IT organisations report experiencing: 21% less time on unplanned work and rework

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High-performing IT organisations report experiencing: 44% more time on new work

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Sponsored by: + Presented by:

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High-performing organisations decisively outperform their lower- performing peers in terms of throughput.

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Let’s demystify

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What is not devops

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It’s not cowboying changes into production

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It’s not tools or Technology

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It’s not something you buy s/devops/agile/i

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It’s not a team* *cross-functional, multidisciplinary teams are a good blueprint

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dev + ops == devops team We’re doing devops!

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dev & ops & design & UX & product & …

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Diversity & inclusion

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It’s not a silver bullet

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How does DevOps map to ITSM?

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Service design Service transition Service operation Service catalogue management Change management Service desk Service level management Release management Application management Availability management Deployment management Operations management Capacity management Service testing & validation Technical management Continuity management Configuration management Event management Security management Incident management Supplier management Request fulfillment Problem management Identity management

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Service design Service transition Service operation Service catalogue management Change management Service desk Service level management Release management Application management Availability management Deployment management Operations management Capacity management Service testing & validation Technical management Continuity management Configuration management Event management Security management Incident management Supplier management Request fulfillment Problem management Identity management

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What are the benefits?

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Faster time to market

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Improved resiliency

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MTTD + MTTR trending down

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Improved customer satisfaction

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Less friction

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What are the risks?

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Risk: No executive sponsorship? Don’t bother.

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There’s a champion somewhere in your organisation.

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People in the executive 
 ❤ it because: • it’s new and exciting • it delivers value faster • it brings them closer to the customer

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People at the coalface 
 ❤ it because: • it’s new and exciting • it keeps their skills relevant • it brings them closer to the customer

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Once you’ve got commitment

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Be the umbrella you want to see in the world.

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Risk: You have to change culture

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Culture change is hard

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What is culture?

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Schein’s three levels of culture

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Artifacts Values Assumptions

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National ↩︎ Organisational ↩︎ Team ↩︎ Occupational

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physical manifestations of culture

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ways of working

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org charts

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desk layout

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most visible parts of an org’s culture

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easiest part of a culture to adopt

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conscious goals, strategies, and philosophies

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rules that guide how we interact with people

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rules that guide how we do our work

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“we manage risk proactively”

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“management is available, and listen to our concerns”

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“we value quality over delivery speed”

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“nobody will be fired for making an honest mistake”

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values: lived vs aspirational

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Communication We have an obligation to communicate.

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Respect We treat others as we would like to be treated.

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Integrity We work with customers and prospects openly, honestly, and sincerely.

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Excellence We are satisfied with nothing less than the very best in everything we do.

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Ethical We conduct business affairs in accordance with all applicable laws and in a moral and honest manner.

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No content

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Work as imagined vs Work as done

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Be clear about what values are what

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Systems + processes Values Assumptions

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Artifacts Values Assumptions

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They’re a snapshot of our org’s culture

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They’re a snapshot of our org’s values and assumptions

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Artifacts influence behaviour

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Change your org’s values by changing your artifacts

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Artifact: Make deployment fast and safe

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Value: “We improve quality by going fast”

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Artifact: Work happens in cross functional teams

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Value: “We work together to achieve a shared goal”

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Artifact: Give autonomy. Eliminate signoff. Grant access. Log everything.

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Value: “Ask forgiveness, not permission”

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Artifact: Run post incident reviews Run pre accident investigations

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Value: “Failure is an opportunity for learning”

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Risk: You do it and you fail

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Reputational risk

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Burn political capital

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Risk: You don’t do it and you become obsolete

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“It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory.” – Deming

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Where can we experiment with devops?

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Application space is the easiest

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infrastructure (network, compute, storage) application

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Take what you learn apply it to infrastructure

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Variety of options

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Greenfields Brownfields Blended

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Greenfields New initiatives

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Greenfields Digital transformation

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Greenfield benefits Less baggage

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Greenfield benefits Buy in from your people

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Greenfield risks Blow your innovation budget

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Don’t change what technology you use

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Change how you use that technology

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Change how you consume that technology

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Greenfield risks Create a division between new and old

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Greenfield risks How does new get absorbed into the old?

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Disband the team?

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Throw it over the wall?

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Build systems to mirror the org structure?

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Brownfields Existing processes

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Well defined outputs

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Something you can refactor piecemeal

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Brownfields Reboot an existing system or process

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Brownfield benefits Less experimentation required

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Brownfield risks Thinking constrained by existing systems

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Brownfield risks Changing a thing to work in a way it wasn’t designed

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Brownfield risks Incremental improvements at best

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Blended Start with

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Get confidence with new technology approach

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Get confidence with new delivery approach

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Blended Then apply to

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Have exemplars you can point to

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Take what you learn apply it to infrastructure

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1. Build the smallest, simplest thing that meets a user need

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Look at failure demand in your organisation

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“Shadow IT” is failure demand being met

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Set delivery constraints

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⏰ Time Budget Scope (pick 2)

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2. Start with Continuous Delivery

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Technical manifestation of devops

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Align release processes around an outcome

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Align outcome around a release process

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Spend tech innovation budget on delivery engineering

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All changes go through a Continuous Delivery pipeline

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deploy to production acceptance tests integrate unit tests code done Continuous Delivery Manual Auto Auto Auto

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shipping multiple times a day

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Decrease batch size

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Increase frequency

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“You build it, you run it” – Vogels, AWS

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High-performing IT organisations report experiencing: 46x more frequent deployments

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Code doesn’t create value until it is running in front of a user

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Nail your automated delivery pipeline from the start

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Spend tech innovation budget on delivery engineering

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Write high level acceptance tests (like Cucumber)

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An executable specification

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Feature: Refund item Scenario: Jeff returns a faulty microwave Given Jeff has bought a microwave for $100 And he has a receipt When he returns the microwave Then Jeff should be refunded $100

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3. Use commodity

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Don’t change what technology you use

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Change how you use that technology

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Change how you consume that technology

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Move innovation up the stack

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Don’t experiment with IaaS

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Don’t experiment with Private clouds

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Don’t experiment with Anything on-prem

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Experiment with PaaS

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Experiment with SaaS

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Experiment with Open Source

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4. Build in measurement

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# deploys a day

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Time to failure detection

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Deployment lead time

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Error rates

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Throughput per class of work

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Really easy when you buy into PaaS + SaaS

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Sponsored by: + Presented by:

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“People with targets […] will probably meet the targets - even if they have to destroy the enterprise to do it.” – Deming

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5. Build and listen to feedback loops

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If you’re experimenting you need to learn from it

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Construct feedback loops on what works

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Construct feedback loops on what doesn’t work

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Construct feedback loops on what is puzzling

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Activities: Fortnightly retros

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Activities: PIRs

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Activities: Failure Fridays

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“Chaos engineering means experiencing failure on your terms” – Bruce Wong, Twilio

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What about highly regulated environments?

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“You can’t do this because of the rules”

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Policy as a weapon vs Policy as a tool

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Read the policy yourself

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Find subject matter experts

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Document what works and what doesn’t

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“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth” – Mike Tyson

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Detection, not prevention

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Credentials in source control

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Automated vulnerability detection

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Automated config validation

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Hooked into monitoring

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* CAB as a blocker

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CABs and CD are incongruous

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Or are they?

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Why do we have CABs?

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Understand what is happening

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Understand why it’s happening

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Understand who is affected

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Ensure due diligence on changes

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Co-ordinate complex multi-step changes across multiple teams

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They are a control that mitigates risk

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ITSM as a model for managing change

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ITSM as a model for managing complexity

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Prove to your CAB: your automation gives them the same assurances they’re looking for

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Submit to your CAB: use a CD pipeline to deploy all future changes

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Make doing the right thing easy

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CABs are preventative controls

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We put all our energy into prevention

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We have no energy left for detection or response

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High-performing IT organisations report experiencing: 46x more frequent deployments

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High-performing IT organisations report experiencing: 96x faster recovery from failures

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High-performing IT organisations report experiencing: 5x lower change failure rate

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High-performing IT organisations report experiencing: 440x shorter lead times

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Fail fast and recover quickly

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Fail fast and recover quickly

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Mixing oil + water devops in an ITSM world

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How does ITSM relate to DevOps?

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Striving for the same outcomes

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Compatible, not incongruous

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DevOps as a conversation starter on risk

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DevOps, Agile ITSM, Waterfall: models for managing risk

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Pick and choose models based on context

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I’m Lindsay

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Thank you! ❤ the talk? Let @auxesis know.