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Bridge Construction Kit: DevOps and Security Don’t Have to Be Islands *BO$PMEXBUFS -FBE1MBUGPSN4FDVSJUZ&OHJOFFS )FSPLV !*BO$PMEXBUFS

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First Things First

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This dichotomy is false.

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But the pain points are real.

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Silos are for grain.

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Root Cause Analysis

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What we've got here is a failure to communicate.

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This leads to gaps.

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Move fast and break things?

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Do you want bugs?
 Because that's how you get bugs.

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Oho! The Team of No!

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We can do better.

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We need to communicate better.

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We can bring what we’re good at.

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DevOps principles can inspire us.

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Security isn’t a blocker. It’s integral.

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Crafting Better Relationships

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Chop trees, carry water

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We are all on the same side.

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We can break down the walls.

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Together, we can.

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We can do it! I believe in us.