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Finding a Niche & Building a Personal Brand March 7th 2013 presented by nick finck UX Career Progression

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Who the heck?

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Photo credit: Jeff Croft Director of UX projekt202 Personal Site Twitter @nickf Notable UX toreador

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...or you can just call me “dude.”

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we make software make sense.

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100+ designers, technologists, researchers, & strategists 3 studios + 5 satellite offices Denver Austin Seattle Berlin Dallas Denmark Los Angeles Philadelphia

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Some of our clients

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Career Progression

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”The User Experience Honeycomb" by Peter Morville Findable Desirable Useful Usable Valuable Accessible Credible User Experience (UX) is about how a person feels about using a system or device. What is the user experience? •It is not: • Designed • Objective • Procedural • Static It is: • Designed for • Subjective • Philosophical • Dynamic

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The Disciplines of UX

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Designing the interactive behaviors of a product or system with a specific focus on their use. Designing the visual qualities of a product or system in an aesthetically pleasing way. Planning for the creation, delivery, and governance of useful, usable content. Identifying and organizing information within a product or system in a purposeful & meaningful way. Measuring the quality of a user’s experience when interacting with a product or system. User Research Content Strategy Information Architecture Interaction Design Visual Design Usability & Analytics Understanding the people who use a product or system through observations. The Six Core Disciplines of User Experience

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Understanding Information Structure Behavior Aesthetics Measurement Distilling Down the Disciplines of UX

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Designing the interactive behaviors of a product or system with a specific focus on their use. Designing the visual qualities of a product or system in an aesthetically pleasing way. Planning for the creation, delivery, and governance of useful, usable content. Identifying and organizing information within a product or system in a purposeful & meaningful way. Measuring the quality of a user’s experience when interacting with a product or system. User Research Content Strategy Information Architecture Interaction Design Visual Design Usability & Analytics Understanding the people who use a product or system through observations. Just Like Cookies, UX Comes In Many Flavors

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Designing the interactive behaviors of a product or system with a specific focus on their use. Designing the visual qualities of a product or system in an aesthetically pleasing way. Planning for the creation, delivery, and governance of useful, usable content. Identifying and organizing information within a product or system in a purposeful & meaningful way. Measuring the quality of a user’s experience when interacting with a product or system. User Research Content Strategy Information Architecture Interaction Design Visual Design Usability & Analytics Understanding the people who use a product or system through observations. You Can Wear All The Hats & Be A Generalist

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Designing the interactive behaviors of a product or system with a specific focus on their use. Designing the visual qualities of a product or system in an aesthetically pleasing way. Planning for the creation, delivery, and governance of useful, usable content. Identifying and organizing information within a product or system in a purposeful & meaningful way. Measuring the quality of a user’s experience when interacting with a product or system. User Research Content Strategy Information Architecture Interaction Design Visual Design Usability & Analytics Understanding the people who use a product or system through observations. We Call These Generalists “UX Designers”

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Designing the interactive behaviors of a product or system with a specific focus on their use. Designing the visual qualities of a product or system in an aesthetically pleasing way. Planning for the creation, delivery, and governance of useful, usable content. Identifying and organizing information within a product or system in a purposeful & meaningful way. Measuring the quality of a user’s experience when interacting with a product or system. User Research Content Strategy Information Architecture Interaction Design Visual Design Usability & Analytics Understanding the people who use a product or system through observations. We Call These Generalists “UX Designers” UX Designer

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Designing the interactive behaviors of a product or system with a specific focus on their use. Designing the visual qualities of a product or system in an aesthetically pleasing way. Planning for the creation, delivery, and governance of useful, usable content. Identifying and organizing information within a product or system in a purposeful & meaningful way. Measuring the quality of a user’s experience when interacting with a product or system. User Research Content Strategy Information Architecture Interaction Design Visual Design Usability & Analytics Understanding the people who use a product or system through observations. Or You Can Wear Some Hats

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Designing the interactive behaviors of a product or system with a specific focus on their use. Designing the visual qualities of a product or system in an aesthetically pleasing way. Planning for the creation, delivery, and governance of useful, usable content. Identifying and organizing information within a product or system in a purposeful & meaningful way. Measuring the quality of a user’s experience when interacting with a product or system. User Research Content Strategy Information Architecture Interaction Design Visual Design Usability & Analytics Understanding the people who use a product or system through observations. Or You Can Wear Some Hats

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Designing the interactive behaviors of a product or system with a specific focus on their use. Designing the visual qualities of a product or system in an aesthetically pleasing way. Planning for the creation, delivery, and governance of useful, usable content. Identifying and organizing information within a product or system in a purposeful & meaningful way. Measuring the quality of a user’s experience when interacting with a product or system. User Research Content Strategy Information Architecture Interaction Design Visual Design Usability & Analytics Understanding the people who use a product or system through observations. Rather Than Call You A IA/IXD/Content Strategist...

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Identifying and organizing information within a product or system in a purposeful & meaningful way. Designing the interactive behaviors of a product or system with a specific focus on their use. Designing the visual qualities of a product or system in an aesthetically pleasing way. Planning for the creation, delivery, and governance of useful, usable content. Measuring the quality of a user’s experience when interacting with a product or system. User Research UX Designer UX Designer UX Designer Visual Design Usability & Analytics Understanding the people who use a product or system through observations. We Just Use The UX Designer Title

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Identifying and organizing information within a product or system in a purposeful & meaningful way. Designing the interactive behaviors of a product or system with a specific focus on their use. Designing the visual qualities of a product or system in an aesthetically pleasing way. Planning for the creation, delivery, and governance of useful, usable content. Measuring the quality of a user’s experience when interacting with a product or system. User Research UX Designer UX Designer UX Designer Visual Design Usability & Analytics Understanding the people who use a product or system through observations. We Just Use The UX Designer Title

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Designing the interactive behaviors of a product or system with a specific focus on their use. Designing the visual qualities of a product or system in an aesthetically pleasing way. Planning for the creation, delivery, and governance of useful, usable content. Identifying and organizing information within a product or system in a purposeful & meaningful way. Measuring the quality of a user’s experience when interacting with a product or system. User Research Content Strategy Information Architecture Interaction Design Visual Design Usability & Analytics Understanding the people who use a product or system through observations. Or We Can Specialize

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Designing the interactive behaviors of a product or system with a specific focus on their use. Designing the visual qualities of a product or system in an aesthetically pleasing way. Planning for the creation, delivery, and governance of useful, usable content. Identifying and organizing information within a product or system in a purposeful & meaningful way. Measuring the quality of a user’s experience when interacting with a product or system. User Research Content Strategy Information Architecture Interaction Design Visual Design Usability & Analytics Understanding the people who use a product or system through observations. Or We Can Specialize

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Usability & Analytics Designing the interactive behaviors of a product or system with a specific focus on their use. Designing the visual qualities of a product or system in an aesthetically pleasing way. Planning for the creation, delivery, and governance of useful, usable content. Identifying and organizing information within a product or system in a purposeful & meaningful way. Measuring the quality of a user’s experience when interacting with a product or system. User Research Content Strategy Information Architecture Interaction Design Visual Design Understanding the people who use a product or system through observations. At A Granular Level

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Usability & Analytics Designing the interactive behaviors of a product or system with a specific focus on their use. Designing the visual qualities of a product or system in an aesthetically pleasing way. Planning for the creation, delivery, and governance of useful, usable content. Identifying and organizing information within a product or system in a purposeful & meaningful way. Measuring the quality of a user’s experience when interacting with a product or system. User Research Content Strategy Information Architecture Interaction Design Visual Design Understanding the people who use a product or system through observations. At A Granular Level

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Identifying and organizing information within a product or system in a purposeful & meaningful way. Information Architecture At A Granular Level

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Taxonomy Findability Search Information Analysis Information Architecture Library Science Information Design Wayfinding Information Strategy Identifying and organizing information within a product or system in a purposeful & meaningful way. Information Architecture At A Granular Level

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T-Shaped People

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“However, the speed with which media agencies (and clients) have embraced communications planning has caused concern. For it to really work, communications planners need to be "T-shaped" people. ... "T-shaped" communications planners, with a background in media, have a deep understanding of media, and a broad understanding of the other disciplines within the marketing spectrum.” The hunt is on for the Renaissance Man of computing By David Guest in 1991

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“IDEO [...] is famous for its method of innovation based on intense cross-disciplinary project work. To pull this off, the company has long practiced the art of collaboration and the development of a certain kind of talent: T-shaped people.” Morten T. Hansen’s interview of IDEO CEO Tim Brown, 2010

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Distilling Down the Disciplines of UX

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Designing the interactive behaviors of a product or system with a specific focus on their use. Designing the visual qualities of a product or system in an aesthetically pleasing way. Planning for the creation, delivery, and governance of useful, usable content. Identifying and organizing information within a product or system in a purposeful & meaningful way. Measuring the quality of a user’s experience when interacting with a product or system. User Research Content Strategy Information Architecture Interaction Design Visual Design Usability & Analytics Understanding the people who use a product or system through observations. The Six Core Disciplines of User Experience

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Graph The Skill Level By Discipline User Research Visual Design Usability & Analytics Content Strategy Information Architecture Interaction Design

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Graph Your Skill Level By Discipline User Research Visual Design Usability & Analytics Content Strategy Information Architecture Interaction Design

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Graph Your Skill Level By Discipline User Research Visual Design Usability & Analytics Content Strategy Information Architecture Interaction Design

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Graph Your Skill Level By Discipline User Research Visual Design Usability & Analytics Content Strategy Information Architecture Interaction Design

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Graph Your Skill Level By Discipline Interaction Design User Research Visual Design Usability & Analytics Content Strategy Information Architecture

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Keep Up To Date

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Responsive Web Design

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Beyond what we think

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Building a personal brand

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Distinguish yourself and what you do from the competition

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Color and Typography

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No content

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Let color surfaces your personality

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No content

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No content

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Engaging with the industry

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No content

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No content

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No content

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No content

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No content

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Be consistent for better association

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Making connections and expanding your reach

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Networking is a critical component of your career

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Photo by J. Turner Masland Attend events to learn, but meet new people!

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Read articles, but write them too!

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Always have a good mentor!

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Thank you.