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Scaling Time-Series Data to Infinity: A Kubernetes-Powered Solution with Envoy Hiroki Sakamoto Senior Software Engineer - LY Corporation

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Have you ever dealt with Petabyte scale of metrics? 2

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Hiroki Sakamoto — Senior Software Engineer@LY Corp Observability Engineering Team @taisho6339 @taisho6339 3

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Observability is getting expensive 4 As data increases, several issues happen ● Cost ● Scalability ● Capacity

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Our Storage 5 Several OSS Petabyte scale of Metrics Object Storage

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Background 6

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7 Prometheus Metrics Agent OTel Collector User clients

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8 Prometheus Metrics Agent OTel Collector User clients Ingestion API Time-Series DB

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9 Prometheus Metrics Agent OTel Collector User clients Ingestion API Time-Series DB Query API Prometheus Grafana User clients

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10 Prometheus Metrics Agent OTel Collector User clients Ingestion API Time-Series DB Query API Prometheus Grafana User clients IMON Flash

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What is Metrics? 11 Metadata Sample cpu_usage { pod="app-0", environment="prod", node="node-x" } T: 1697530930 V: 80 T: 1697563930 V: 92 T: 1697566930 V: 76 T: 1697569930 V: 64 T: 1697572930 V: 51

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12 Client Query API Metadata Database Sample Database PromQL

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13 Client Query API Metadata Database Sample Database PromQL Metric IDs Retrieve target metrics IDs with given PromQL

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14 Client Query API Metadata Database Sample Database PromQL Retrieve target metrics IDs with given PromQL Retrieve samples with the IDs & time-range Metric IDs Samples

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15 Client Query API Metadata Database Sample Database PromQL Metric IDs Samples Evaluate PromQL with the samples and return results Retrieve samples with the IDs & time-range Retrieve target metrics IDs with given PromQL

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16 In-Memory Layer for data within 1d Metadata Persistent Layer for data after 1d Sample Custom-built Custom-built Elasticsearch Cassandra

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Number of Metrics 1 Billion Sample Data Size with Replication 1 PB Ingested Sample Size / a day 2.7TB Ingested Samples / a day 1.8 trillion

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Cassandra was the bottleneck for us ● Cost ○ Expensive due to 1PB samples ● Scalability ○ Take 6h to scale-out only a Node ○ Repair never completes ● Capacity ○ Not allowed to obtain more Nodes 18

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New Storage is required for Sample 19

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Why not use Object Storage? ● Cost-effective ● Storage concerns are NOT an issue ● Sufficient Capacity and Scalability ● Real-world samples (Cortex, Mimir, Thanos) 20

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Object Storage 21 Cassandra on k8s Maintenability Maintenability Scalability Scalability Storage cost Storage cost Performance Performance VS

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22 In-Memory Layer for data within 1d Persistent Layer 1 for data 1d ~ 2w Custom-built Cassandra Persistent Layer 2 for data 2w ~ S3-compatible Object Storage New!

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23 1. Data Structure 2. Distributed Write 3. Distributed Read How to construct DB on Object Storage

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1. Data Structure 24

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Requirements 25 S3-compatible Object Storage T: 1697530930 V: 80 T: 1697563930 V: 92 T: 1697566930 V: 76 T: 1697569930 V: 64 T: 1697572930 V: 51 Time Range: 2024-08-04 12:00 - 17:00 ID: 1, 9, 200, 320 Input Output

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Data Sharding is important ● 1B metrics ○ Inevitable to merge multiple samples using a rule ● For concurrency ○ Efficient write processing ○ Efficient read processing 26

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Data Sharding Strategy ● 1 Bucket ○ 1 week Time-Window ● 1 Directory ○ 4 hours Time-Window ○ Tenant ○ Shard factor: Metrics ID % numShards 27

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28 1 Week Data of Bucket shard-1_from-timestamp_to-timestamp (4h of Data) ------------------------------------------- 0x001 | ID:1 of Samples ------------------------------------------- 0x014 | ID:10 of Samples ------------------------------------------- 0x032 | ID:20 of Samples ------------------------------------------- 0x036 | ID:32 of Samples ------------------------------------------- Same shard of samples

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29 1 Week Data of Bucket shard-1_from-timestamp_to-timestamp (4h of Data) ------------------------------------------- 0x001 | ID:1 of Samples ------------------------------------------- 0x014 | ID:10 of Samples ------------------------------------------- 0x032 | ID:20 of Samples ------------------------------------------- 0x036 | ID:32 of Samples ------------------------------------------- Same shard of samples Index ------------------------------------------- ID = 1 | 0x001 ------------------------------------------- ID = 10 | 0x014 ------------------------------------------- ID = 20 | 0x032 ------------------------------------------- ID = 32 | 0x036 -------------------------------------------

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2. Distributed Write 30

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31 In-Memory DB Data Node 1 Data Node 150 Batch Node 1 Batch Node 16 How to write samples to Cassandra Retrieve 4h of data

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32 In-Memory DB Data Node 1 Data Node 150 Batch Node 1 Batch Node 16 Cassandra How to write samples to Cassandra Retrieve 4h of data Compress & Save Inserted Rows — ID=1 : compressed samples in 4h ID=2 : compressed samples in 4h ID=3 : compressed samples in 4h …

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33 In-Memory DB Data Node 1 Data Node 150 Batch Node 1 Batch Node 16 How to write samples to Object Storage S3-Compatible Object Storage Retrieve 4h of data How?

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34 In-Memory DB Data Node 1 Data Node 150 Batch Node 1 Batch Node 16 How to write samples to Object Storage Shard Aggregator1 Shard Aggregator32 Compress & Aggregate S3-Compatible Object Storage Retrieve 4h of data

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New process - Shard Aggregator ● Aggregate samples according to the sharding strategy ● Allow scale-out when increasing number of shards ● Persist samples once receiving samples for resiliency (WAL) 35

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Start using k8s for new services ● Infrastructure abstraction ● Self-Healing ● Unified Observability ● Unified deployment flow 36

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37 Batch Node 1 Batch Node 16 Shard Aggregator1 Shard Aggregator32

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38 Batch Node 1 Batch Node 16 Shard Aggregator1 Shard Aggregator32 Set shard factor in gRPC Header

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39 Batch Node 1 Batch Node 16 Shard Aggregator1 Shard Aggregator32 Route to corresponding Pod using the header Set shard factor in gRPC Header

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40 Batch Node 1 Batch Node 16 Shard Aggregator1 Shard Aggregator32 LevelDB LevelDB LSM-Tree Set shard factor in gRPC Header Route to corresponding Pod using the header Persist samples in local DB

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LevelDB 41 Batch Node 1 Batch Node 16 Shard Aggregator1 LevelDB Shard Aggregator32 Export aggregated samples Set shard factor in gRPC Header Route to corresponding Pod using the header

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42 LSM-Tree (LevelDB, RocksDB) B+Tree ( Write Performance Vary in cases Read Performance Vary in cases Choose correct Key-Value Store

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43 LSM-Tree (LevelDB, RocksDB) B+Tree ( Write Performance Vary in cases Read Performance Vary in cases Choose correct Key-Value Store

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Optimizations on LSM-Tree Since only read once when uploading ● Disabled compaction ● Disabled page cache as possible (fadvise) 44

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Optimizations on LSM-Tree Fsync once in multiple requests for better performance 45 kernel space (page cache here) Even though a Pod is killed, Dirty page cache remains

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Write Performance ● With 32 Shard Aggregator Pods ○ Take 40 mins to aggregate & write 450GB every 4 hours ○ Consume only 3GB memory on each Pod ○ No outage so far 46

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3. Distributed Read 47

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48 Query API How?

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49 Query API Storage Gateway

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New process - Storage Gateway ● Communicate directly with Object Storage ● Return samples stored in Object Storage ● Cache data ○ Reduce RPS for Object Storage ○ Return results faster 50

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Request for Samples 51 Query API Storage Gateway

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Request for Samples 52 Query API Storage Gateway Download Index Identify byte locations in the sample file

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53 Query API Storage Gateway Download samples with Byte-Range request Return Samples Request for Samples Download Index Identify byte locations in the sample file

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54 Query API Storage Gateway What about Cache?

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55 LSM-Tree (LevelDB, RocksDB) B+Tree ( Write Performance Vary in cases Read Performance Vary in cases Choose correct Key-Value Store

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Distributed Cache with bbolt & Envoy ● etcd-io/bbolt ○ On-disk B+Tree Key-Value store ○ Better read performance ○ Page cache works well ● Envoy ○ L7 LB to route requests to fixed Pods ○ Active health-check supported ○ Maglev supported and optimized on even distribution 56

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57 Query API Storage Gateway 1 Storage Gateway 32 Split a query into multiple small ones by 4h of shard

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58 Storage Gateway 1 Storage Gateway 32 Route a shard request to a fixed Pod by Maglev Query API Split a query into multiple small ones by 4h of shard

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59 Storage Gateway 1 Storage Gateway 32 Download Index & Samples Route a shard request to a fixed Pod by Maglev Query API Split a query into multiple small ones by 4h of shard

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60 bbolt Storage Gateway 1 bbolt Storage Gateway 32 Cache downloaded indices & samples Route a shard request to a fixed Pod by Maglev Query API Split a query into multiple small ones by 4h of shard

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61 bbolt Storage Gateway 1 bbolt Storage Gateway 32 Query API Return each result

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62 bbolt Storage Gateway 1 bbolt Storage Gateway 32 Query API Merge all results Return each result

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63 But, still slow…

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64 Download Index Decode Index Identify byte location Download Sample Return Pinpoint the bottleneck with trace & profile Grafana Tempo Pyroscope Consume too much time from profiling and tracing

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65 Download Index Decode Index Identify byte location Download Sample Return Index is too big to decode or download Cry icons created by Vectors Market - Flaticon:

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66 Index of Index

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67 Download Index Decode Index Reduce the index size to be dealt with Identify byte location Download Sample Return

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Read Performance ● With 64 Storage Gateway Pods ○ Comparable Performance to Cassandra ■ 2ms at p99 for 4h data ■ 6s ~ 9s at p99 for 1 month data ○ Cache 1.9TB 68

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Obtain Unlimited Capacity 69

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70 Storage Gateway Shard Aggregator Default Storage Bring Your Own Buckets! User A’s Storage User B’s Storage

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Petabyte scale is NOT an issue anymore Thanks Everyone in the Commnunity 71 Distributed Write Level DB Nginx Distributed Read bbolt Envoy Obervability

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What can we do for the community? 72 Introduced Loki in our org 2021 Contributed to Loki 2022 Success of this project leveraging knowledge of Loki 2023 - 2024 Contribute to Community Future Always seeking opportunities of contributions