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iOS Extension Prince

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⺩王品⼠士 (Prince) @wpsteak

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• App Extensions • Today Widget & Demo

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No content

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App Folder Badge

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Scenario 1

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Edit a photo Photo Home Find App Wait App Open Find Photo Edit Photo

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Edit a photo Photo Select App Edit Photo Photo Editing Extension

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Scenario 2

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See scores from your favorite team Home Find App Wait App Open wait for loading Auto upload Rate me Cache Sync 8:1

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See scores from your favorite team Home 8:1 Today Extension Widget

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How an App Extension Works

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Open URL Shared Resources App
 extension Host
 app Containing
 app Request Response

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 extension Host
 app Containing

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Host app • An app that a user employs to choose an app extension is called a host app Host
 app Today Share/Action Document Provider Photo Editing

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• an app that contains one or more extensions is called a containing app Containing app Containing
 app extension extension extension

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• an app that contains one or more extensions is called a containing app Containing app

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App extension • an app extension lets you extend custom functionality and content beyond App

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App extension • an app extension lets you extend custom functionality and content beyond

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Today Extension

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Today Extension

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Today Extension

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Today Extension

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Today Extension

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Dropbox TodayView How an App Extension Communicates

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Dropbox TodayView Database How an App Extension Communicates

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Open URL Shared Resources App
 extension Host
 app Containing
 app How an App Extension Communicates

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Share Extension

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Share Extension

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Share Extension

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Share Extension

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Share Extension

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 extension Host
 app Containing
 app Pocket AddToPocket Chrome Server

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 extension Host
 app AddToPocket Chrome

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Accessed via Apple frameworks code App
 extension Host
 app System Framework

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 extension Host
 app AddToPocket Chrome UIActivityViewController SLComposeServiceViewController Accessed via Apple frameworks code

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Extension Type Host App host app use Today NotificationCenter.framework Share any app UIActivityViewController Action any app UIActivityViewController Photo Editing PhotosUI.framework
 Photos.framework Document Provider any app UIDocumentPickerViewController Custom Keyboard any app Host

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Extension Type Enter point Today UIViewController Share SLComposeServiceViewController Action SLComposeServiceViewController UI and non-UI variants Photo Editing UIViewController Document Provider UIDocumentPickerViewController UI and non-UI variants Custom Keyboard UIInputViewController App

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 extension Host
 app Containing
 app Pocket AddToPocket Chrome Server

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 extension Containing
 app Pocket AddToPocket Different process • Isolated address space • Executes independently • System optimizes separately Run Separately

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 extension Containing
 app Shared Resources Share Resource App Group • UserDefault • FileManager

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Share Resource NSUserDefaults *shared = [[NSUserDefaults alloc] initWithSuiteName:@“group.domain"]; NSURL *directory = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] containerURLForSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier:@"group.domain"];

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 extension Containing
 app Pocket AddToPocket Server Server • Same data model • Same logic • Same views Share Code

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 extension Containing
 app Pocket AddToPocket Server Server • Framework • Static library Share Code

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Share Code NSURL *containerURL = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] containerURLForSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier:@"group.domain"]; NSString *sorPath = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/Dylib.framework",[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath]]; NSString *desPath = [NSString stringWithFormat:@“%@/Library/Caches/ Dylib.framework",containerURL.path]; BOOL copyResult = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] copyItemAtPath: sorPath toPath:desPath error:&err];

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• Containing app is still most important • Extension cannot without containing app • Don't have full use of system resources • Make it seamless • Make it useful

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Demo • a light bulb • sample code • Wifi Environment

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App Extension • Create an app extension by adding a new target to an app • Add necessary libraries to extension target • ViewController

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Load View • with storyboard • NSExtensionMainStoryboard • without interface file • NSExtensionPrincipalClass

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viewController’s life cycle • initWithCoder: • viewDidLoad • widgetMarginInsetsForProposedMarginInsets: • widgetPerformUpdateWithCompletionHandler: • viewWillAppear: • viewDidAppear:

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• widgetMarginInsetsForProposedMarginInsets

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User Interface • UIView • UIButton • UILabel • UITextField • UIScrollView

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Some APIs are Unavailable to App Extensions • Access a sharedApplication object • Use any API marked in header files with the NS_EXTENSION_UNAVAILABLE macro, or similar unavailability macro, or any API in an unavailable framework • Access the camera or microphone on an iOS device • Perform long-running background tasks • The specifics of this limitation vary by platform, as described in the extension point chapters in this document. • (An app extension can initiate uploads or downloads using an NSURLSession object, with results of those operations reported to the containing app.) • Receive data using AirDrop • (An app extension can send data using AirDrop in the same way an app does: by employing the UIActivityViewController class.)

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App Store • NOTE ABOUT 64-BIT ARCHITECTURE • An app extension target must include the arm64 (iOS) or x86_64 architecture (OS X) in its Architectures build settings or it will be rejected by the App Store. Xcode includes the appropriate 64-bit architecture with its “Standard architectures” setting when you create a new app extension target. • If your containing app target links to an embedded framework, the app must also include 64-bit architecture or it will be rejected by the App Store.

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App Store

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