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@cferdinandi Welcome to the light side WEB COMPONENTS HTML

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The Uncanny Valley of Web Components

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No content

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No content

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The Grain of the Web

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Chris Ferdinandi

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No content

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The 1st Web Component

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Web Components

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this.innerHTML = ` Clicked 0 Times `;

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// Create the Shadow DOM this.root = this.attachShadow({ mode: 'closed' }); // Inject HTML into it this.root.innerHTML = ` Clicked 0 Times `;

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// Add styles to the Shadow DOM let stylesheet = new CSSStyleSheet(); stylesheet.replaceSync( `button { background-color: #08c; border: 1px solid #08c; color: #fff; }` ); this.root.adoptedStyleSheets = [stylesheet];

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but web native?

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No content

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Reactivity DOM Diffing

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Reactivity DOM Diffing Single File Components

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but web native?

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The Grain of the Web

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Start End

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Start End 1 A new approach…

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Start End 1 A new approach… Tips & Tricks 2

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Start End 1 A new approach… Tips & Tricks 2 3 Examples

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A new approach… (that’s kind of old-school) 1

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Try not to bring React’s mindset with you… Do you really need to invent an entirely new component from scratch? Or can you use HTML up until it reaches its limit and then enhance the markup? — Jeremy Keith

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Beard & books


Really wants to sing


Prefers dogs over people

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Beard & books


Really wants to sing


Prefers dogs over people

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Beard & books

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BIG benefits

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Easier to Write

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this.innerHTML = ` Clicked 0 Times `; YUCK!

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new Accordion('#wizards');

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Better Performance

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// Wizard info new Accordion('#wizards'); // FAQs new Accordion('#faq', { heading: 'h3', autoclose: true }); 👋 Bye!

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Tips & Tricks 2

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Clicked 0 Times

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customElements.define( 'count-up', class extends HTMLElement { // Instantiate component constructor () { // ... } } );

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constructor () { // Always run first super(); // Your code... }

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constructor () { // Always run first super(); // Define properties this.count = 0; this.btn = this.querySelector('button'); }

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count-up button { background-color: #08c; border: 1px solid #08c; color: #fff; }

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/* JS is loaded! */ count-up:defined { /* ... */ } /* No JS yet */ count-up:not(:defined) { /* ... */ }

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🎉 Event Handling

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constructor () { // ... 
 // Define properties this.count = 0; this.btn = this.querySelector('button'); // Listen for click events this.btn.addEventListener('click', this); }

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// Handle click events handleEvent (event) { this.count++; this.btn.textContent = `Clicked ${this.count} Times`; }

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// Handle events handleEvent (event) { this[`on${event.type}`](event); } // Handle click events onclick (event) { console.log('clicked!'); }

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⚙ Declarative Settings

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Clicked 42 Times

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constructor () { // Always run first super(); // Define properties let start = this.getAttribute('start'); this.count = parseFloat(start) || 0; this.btn = this.querySelector('button'); }

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Clicked 0 Times Clicked 42 Times

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No content

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Attribute Reactivity

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Attribute Reactivity

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Clicked 0 Times

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// Define the attributes to observe static observedAttributes = ['pause'];

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// Runs when the value of // an attribute is changed on the component attributeChangedCallback (name, oldVal, newVal) { this.btn.removeEventListener('click', this); } // Define the attributes to observe static observedAttributes = ['pause'];

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attributeChangedCallback (name, oldVal, newVal) { if (newVal === null) { this.btn.addEventListener('click', this); } else { this.btn.removeEventListener('click', this); } }

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Examples 3

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Show More

Now you see me!

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Show More

Now you see me!

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customElements.define( 'show-hide', class extends HTMLElement { // … } );

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// Instantiate the component constructor () { // Run first super(); // Define properties this.btn = this.querySelector('button'); this.content = this.btn.nextElementSibling; }

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constructor () { // ... // Define properties this.btn = this.querySelector('button'); this.content = this.btn.nextElementSibling; // Set initial UI this.btn.setAttribute('aria-expanded', false); this.content.setAttribute('hidden', ''); }

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Show More

Now you see me!

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constructor () { // ... // Set initial UI this.btn.setAttribute('aria-expanded', false); this.content.setAttribute('hidden', ''); // Listen for click events this.btn.addEventListener('click', this); }

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No content

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handleEvent (event) { // If the content is expanded, hide it // Otherwise, show it if (this.btn.getAttribute('aria-expanded') === 'true') { // ... } else { // ... } }

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handleEvent (event) { // If the content is expanded, hide it // Otherwise, show it if (this.btn.getAttribute('aria-expanded') === 'true') { this.btn.setAttribute('aria-expanded', false); this.content.setAttribute('hidden', ''); } else { this.btn.setAttribute('aria-expanded', true); this.content.removeAttribute('hidden'); } }

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show-hide button { background-color: #08c; border: 1px solid #08c; color: #fff; } show-hide button[aria-expanded="true"] { background-color: #343d4d; border: 1px solid #343d4d; }

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show-hide:not(:defined) button { display: none; }

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Beard & books


Really wants to sing


Prefers dogs over people

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Beard & books


Really wants to sing


Prefers dogs over people

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Wrapping Up

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🐴 Start with HTML

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🐴 Start with HTML 🦄 Enhance with Web Components

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