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Addy Osmani Chrome @addyosmani Adaptive Loading Improving the UX for billions on low-end devices Nate Schloss Facebook @n8schloss

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Any user can have a slow experience.

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Respect the user’s and

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Smartphone hardware varies CPU Memory Storage Screen Battery

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The Performance Gap On Mobile src: IHS Markit Smartphone Model Market Tracker 2019H + Geekbench V4

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If you want to build a fast site, use slow hardware

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The Performance Gap On Desktop src: Amazon ( - November, 2019) + Geekbench V5, @addyosmani Highest selling laptops on Amazon (2019) CPU performance using Geekbench 5

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Do we need to deliver the exact same experience to every user?

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Adaptive Loading

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Demo Open demo

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Fine-tune Data Transfer Use less bandwidth on slow connections Respect Data Saver preferences Reduce memory use on low-cost devices Optimize loading of memory-intensive resources Toggle memory-intensive animations Limit costly JavaScript on low-end devices Avoid loading CPU-heavy components Reduce CPU-intensive code execution Network Memory CPU

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Adaptive Loading React Hooks Experimental

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Adaptive Loading Community

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Home Products Product Item Component media Fast Adaptive Media Loading Slow Median Connection:

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const network = navigator.connection.effectiveType; console.log ("Effective connection type is " + network); // 3g Network-aware Resource Loading import { useNetworkStatus } from './network'; const { effectiveConnectionType } = useNetworkStatus(); ... switch(effectiveConnectionType) { case '3g': media = ; break; case '4g': media = ; break;

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Demo Open demo

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const saveData = navigator.connection.saveData; if (saveData) { // Don’t load heavy resources } Data-Saver aware Resource Loading import { useSaveData } from './save-data'; const { saveData } = useSaveData(); ... return (
{ saveData ? : }

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Data Saver Mode For Images Reduction for data-usage from images on web. 96% incl disabled video autoplay 80% Twitter’s Data Saver mode presents images as a preview. The web renders a 64x64 blurred image (LQIP style). Users can tap to load large images. Previews load quick on 2G & 3G. Reduction for data-usage from images on iOS + Android 50%

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Demo Open demo WPT

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.image { background-image: url("original.webp"); } @media (prefers-reduced-data: reduce) { /* Save-Data: On */ .image { background-image: url("compressed.webp"); } } `prefers-reduced-data` Proposal

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const memory = navigator.deviceMemory console.log ("Device has at least " + memory + "GB of RAM.") // Device has at least 4GB of RAM Memory-aware Resource Loading import { useMemoryStatus } from './memory'; const { deviceMemory } = useMemoryStatus(); ... return (
{ deviceMemory < 4 ? : }

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Demo Open demo

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Page Request Check Device Class & Network Module Server responds zoom.js related.js cart.js “Lite” core experience for everyone High-end only features Adaptive Module Serving - The Future? vendor.js magnifier.js modal.js ui_library.js utilities.js /product-page product.js videos.js AR.js

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Home Products Product Item Component Image Viewer Zoom Carousel Image Viewer Low-end device High-end device Adaptive Code-splitting & Code-loading Core experience

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import React, { Suspense } from 'react'; const Sample = React.lazy(() => import('./Sample')); function MyComponent() { return (
}> ); } React.lazy() and Suspense

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Network-aware Code-splitting import React, { Suspense } from 'react'; const myComponent = React.lazy(() => { return new Promise(resolve => { navigator.connection ? resolve(navigator.connection.effectiveType) : resolve(null) }).then((effectiveType) => { switch (effectiveType) { case "3g": return import(/* webpackChunkName: "light" */ "./Light.js"); break; case "4g": return import(/* webpackChunkName: "heavy" */ "./Full.js"); break;

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Adaptive Serving Fast? Lazy-load more features, like zooming. Slow? Just load the core experience eBay are experimenting with adaptive serving using effectiveType. On a fast connection, features like product zooming will load on demand. On slow connections, they won’t.

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Demo Open demo

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const cores = window.navigator.hardwareConcurrency console.log ("# logical processor cores are " + cores) // 4 CPU Core-aware Resource Loading import { useHardwareConcurrency } from './hardware-concurrency'; const { numberOfLogicalProcessors } = useHardwareConcurrency(); return (
{ numberOfLogicalProcessors <= 4 ? : }

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Home Products Product Fast connection Slow connection Adaptive Data-fetching & Pre-fetching GraphQL server Database Database Database 5 results 25 results

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Disable video autoplay on slow networks Only prefetch in-viewport links on 4G if (!isOKConnection() || isDataSavingMode()) { // don't prefetch visible routes return; } Limit carousel image loads on Data Saver / 3G

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High-end Low-end Adaptive Capability Toggling Static Low frame-rate animation Full-fidelity animation High frame-rate

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Client Server Request client sends current Client Hints Adaptive Delivery with Client Hints Subsequent requests Accept-CH: Device-Memory,Save-Data,Viewport-Width Device-Memory: 4 Viewport-Width: 320 Save-Data: 1 Enable Added Response

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Demo Open demo

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User Agent String “Moto G4” “Single-core score: 684” Device Class Detection Device Name Detection Service RAM Device Class “Low-end” Geekbench CPU benchmarks Cores CPU score

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Do not just respond based on screen size, adapt based on actual device hardware

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Web device classification at Facebook

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Web device classification at Facebook Define buckets

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Web device classification at Facebook Define buckets Integrate buckets into logging

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Web device classification at Facebook Define buckets Integrate buckets into logging Adapt loading based on buckets

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On mobile we get the device name in the UA, so we can use the year class concept. Grouping Hardware On Mobile

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“Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; SM-G955U) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36” “Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 9; Pixel 3 XL) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36” Mobile UserAgents tell us what the device is

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“Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36” “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36” On desktop things aren’t so obvious...

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• UA tells us OS, but not much else • What do we have? ○ Most desktop browsers have: navigator.hardwareConcurrency ○ Many desktop browsers have: navigator.deviceMemory Grouping Hardware on Desktop

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Creating desktop hardware buckets

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1) Log hardwareConcurrency and deviceMemory

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1) Log hardwareConcurrency and deviceMemory 2) Group by hardwareConcurrency, deviceMemory and OS when looking at perf data

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1) Log hardwareConcurrency and deviceMemory 2) Group by hardwareConcurrency, deviceMemory and OS when looking at perf data

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1) Log hardwareConcurrency and deviceMemory 2) Group by hardwareConcurrency, deviceMemory and OS when looking at perf data 3) Figure out buckets based on groupings

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When integrated into performance logging, hardware class reveals a more complete picture

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Adaptivity should be considered in your core frameworks

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Think about animations Low End High End

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Mobile Websites

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Load fast vs respond fast

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if (isLowEndDevice()) { scheduler.unstable_forceFrameRate(15); }

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Using consistent definitions for buckets in logging and adapting lets you easily see the full picture

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Adaptive Loading Serve low-quality images & videos Conditionally load heavier JS on fast devices Avoid computationally heavy operations Turn off or throttle Animations Block 3rd-party scripts on slower devices

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Make your site Lazy-First Reduce Defer Coalesce

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Design your site with inclusivity in mind

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Thank you! Addy Osmani Chrome @addyosmani Nate Schloss Facebook @n8schloss With special thanks to Anton Karlovskiy

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