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Taka (Shunsuke Takagi), DAO UTokyo How blockchain technology helps to build credibility and neutrality for AI

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What's the next billion on crypto? →my idea: with AI? to build credibility and neutrality for AI

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• AI is opaque, crypto brings transparency • AI needs data, and blockchains are good for storing and tracking data blockchain + AI intersections

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• Centralization sometimes makes(causes) censorship • Who annotated the data? • (human/cognitive) biases • Annotation work is $2/h by Kenyan Workers? current AI program(problems?): monopoly & opaque(intransparency)

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Criteria for “Decentralized AI” to accomplishing credibility and neutrality • Forkable (OSS)? • ⚠ But, vulnerability to adversarial machine learning attacks? • Is data collecting licensed? • Does the annotation process have a diversity of labor? (For avoid bias)

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Some good news for AI building

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Machine-readable opt-outs from text data mining Now drafting by EU legislative term

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Linking digital accounts to content Cross-Platform Origin of Content Framework makes it easy to verify for Digital content, like “robot.txt”.

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Linking digital accounts to content Cross-Platform Origin of Content Framework makes it easy to verify for Digital content, like “robot.txt”.

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Linking digital accounts to content Cross-Platform Origin of Content Framework makes it easy to verify for Digital content, like “robot.txt”.

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Linking digital accounts to content Cross-Platform Origin of Content Framework makes it easy to verify for Digital content, like “robot.txt”.

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Decentralized Annotation OpenAssistant collected volunteers’ annotation. (And completed!)

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Decentralized Annotation OpenAssistant collected volunteers’ annotation. (And completed!)

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Decentralized Annotation OpenAssistant solicited volunteer annotations. (And completed!)

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Decentralized AI Model is the AI hedge fund which build by Decentralized Kaggle competition

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Decentralized fine-tuning “Democratic Fine-tuning with a Moral Graph” (DFTmg), is a winner of the OpenAI democratic process grant

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Decentralized fine-tuning “Democratic Fine-tuning with a Moral Graph” (DFTmg), is a winner of the OpenAI democratic process grant

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Decentralized Annotation OpenAssistant solicited volunteer annotations. (And completed!)

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Decentralized Annotation OpenAssistant solicited volunteer annotations. (And completed!)

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Decentralized fine-tuning “Democratic Fine-tuning with a Moral Graph” (DFTmg), is a winner of the OpenAI democratic process grant

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Decentralized Annotation OpenAssistant solicited volunteer annotations. (And completed!)

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Decentralized Annotation OpenAssistant solicited volunteer annotations. (And completed!)

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Crowdsourcing is so-so working (Almost AI depends on Wikipedia)

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How to make a creditable neutral crowdsourcing process? → crypto can be the incentive as a money

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DeCartography: Decentralized Annotation platform via web3 crowdsourcing

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No content

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No content

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potential methods for Web3 crowdsourcing

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Peer Prediction Method elicit truthful (i.e., honest) responses from a set of respondents when they report. Crypto will be an incentive?

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Staking Skin in the game

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Prediction Market polymakert, omen…etc is working on crypto!

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1person, 1ID Bright ID, Worldcoin, Web of Trust, Gitcoin Passport