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By Stefane Fermigier (PhD), CEO, Abilian Kick-o ff NEPHELE, Online, Jan. 2025

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Abilian: Empowering Organizations with Open Source Solutions Activities: o Abilian is mostly an Open Source software vendor (and R&D boutique). o Vertical applications for Information Management and Collaboration. o Software Development Tools: software quality, testing, integration, containerization, and cloud orchestration, covering both the build and run aspects of the software lifecycle. Core Competencies: o Software Engineering: expertise in the design, development, and maintenance of high-quality software. o Cloud/Edge Computing. Technology Stack: o Python and its Ecosystem o The Web (HTML5) Target Markets: o Businesses of all sizes seeking to improve e ff i ciency and collaboration. o Public sector organizations looking for Open Source software solutions.

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Introducing Hop3 - “Your own PaaS” “Hop3 is an open-source orchestration platform (PaaS) designed to simplify the deployment and management of distributed applications across cloud and edge environments. With a focus on fl exibility, security, resilience, and ease of use, Hop3 empowers developers and small organisations to take full control of their IT infrastructure and data, ensuring digital sovereignty and avoiding vendor lock-in. “

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Self-Hosting and OSS as a key for Digital Sovereignty

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But… - Problems with Self-Hosting • The “Linux Distribution” model invented by Slackware, Red Hat, SuSE and Debian in the 90s has been highly successful for infrastructure services and desktop applications, but has not been extended successfully to Web applications • Installing and maintaining Web applications on top of a Linux distribution can quickly become a time-consuming and operationally risky activity • There must be a better way…

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Self-Hosted PaaS, an Oxymoron? NO: Self-hosted PaaS combines the abstraction and simplicity of PaaS with the control and sovereignty of self-managed infrastructure (including IaaS). • De fi ned by Functionality: Provides tools for deploying and managing applications, whether on-premises or atop IaaS platforms. • Sovereignty and Compliance: Enables full control over infrastructure, meeting regulatory and security needs. • Avoiding Vendor Lock-In: O ff ers independence from proprietary ecosystems, ensuring fl exibility and customization. • Adaptable Use Cases: Supports diverse environments, including on-premises, hybrid cloud, and edge computing, leveraging IaaS abstractions like Compute and Storage where appropriate.

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Use Cases • SDOs (Software Developing Organisations): Streamline deployment work fl ows with GitOps and CI/CD, enabling e cient application lifecycle management and simpli fi ed infrastructure control. • SMEs: Reduce IT costs and maintain sovereignty by hosting essential applications (Digital Workspaces, CRMs, ERPs or e-commerce…), on a user-friendly, self-managed cloud platform. • R&D Collaboration: Hop3 provides an open, extensible platform with a modular architecture and plug-in system, making it ideal for collaborative experimentation with and advancing new approaches in cloud computing (orchestration, resource optimization, edge integration….). ← Use case NEPHELE

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Hop3 Develop & Package A methodology and technical specifications to define running application from a source code base Build & Test Developers tools to help app vendors and package makers easily build robust application images Secure A server platform (“orchestrator”) ensures that applications run according to the stated intent Run Backups & Disaster Recovery, Firewall, WAF, IDS, extra authentication, RBAC… Monitoring & Governance Tools to monitor system performance and resources consumption + alerts + dashboards Deploy “One click” or one-line CLI deployment of applications, according to use cases relevant to each target use group

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Hop3 Lineage / Inspiration • FreedomBox (Eben Moglen, 2010): A Debian-based self-hosting solution for privacy-respecting applications and decentralized internet services. • YunoHost (Alexis Gavoty et Adrien Beudin, 2012): A Debian-based server OS for self-hosting web applications. • Dokku (Je ff Lindsay, 2013): A Bash-based, Docker-powered PaaS inspired by Heroku, simplifying app deployments on single servers. • Piku (Rui Carmo, 2017): A lightweight Heroku-like platform for deploying apps via git push on personal servers, using uWSGI. Hop3 reuses some code from Piku. • Nua (Abilian, 2021): A fl exible PaaS with a declarative approach to deploying and managing web applications, based on Docker. Hop3 reuses some code from Nua.

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• Dynamic Scaling: Use ML techniques for real-time horizontal and vertical scaling to adapt to changing workload demands and optimize resource utilization. • Workload Consolidation: Implement intelligent orchestration mechanisms to consolidate workloads during o ff -peak periods, reducing energy consumption and operational costs while maintaining performance. • Live Migration: Enable seamless migration of workloads across nodes to enhance service availability and resilience in hyper- distributed environments. • Orchestrator-Agnostic Integration: Support diverse orchestrators (e.g., Kubernetes, Nomad…), for compatibility with varied deployment scenarios, from edge to cloud. 🎶 Smart Orchestration

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🍀 Sustainability and Energy E ciency • Predictive Resource Allocation: Forecast workload trends and allocate resources preemptively and re fi ne orchestration strategies based on real-time feedback. • Optimization Algorithms: Use pluggable open- source toolboxes and algorithms to balance performance, cost, and energy e ff i ciency. • Energy-Aware Placement: Optimize resource allocation to minimize energy usage and costs and favor energy-e ff i cient and renewable-powered infrastructure for deployments.

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