various backgrounds,
experiences, and
Slide 6
Slide 6 text
not always visible
Slide 7
Slide 7 text
sexuality ability
physical &
mental health
and more!
Slide 8
Slide 8 text
the interactions of biological,
social, and cultural traits
contributing to systemic
Slide 9
Slide 9 text
physical &
mental health
Slide 10
Slide 10 text
in the US, women on average
earn 80.9% of what men do
Source: ABC: How to end the wage gap between men and
women, http:/
Slide 11
Slide 11 text
but Latina women earn
59.3% of what white men do
Source: ABC: How to end the wage gap between men and
women, http:/
Slide 12
Slide 12 text
the unemployment rate in
the US is ~7.5%
Source: High Rate of Unemployment for the Blind, http:/
Slide 13
Slide 13 text
the unemployment rate for
the blind is 70-75%
Source: High Rate of Unemployment for the Blind, http:/
Slide 14
Slide 14 text
unearned advantages a person
gets for a perceived trait they
possess, putting them in the
“normal” or “default” group
Slide 15
Slide 15 text
Better Education
Access to Technology at an Earlier Age
Higher Pay
Assumed Competency
Quality of Social/Professional Network
Seen as Skill Set Instead of Traits
Easily Fit Into/Identify with Subculture
Slide 16
Slide 16 text
Stereotype Threat
anxiety or concern where a
person has the potential to
confirm a negative stereotype
about their social group
Slide 17
Slide 17 text
Source: xkcd, How it Works: http:/
Slide 18
Slide 18 text
Impostor Syndrome
a psychological phenomenon in
which people are unable to
internalize their
Slide 19
Slide 19 text
this is especially pronounced
when negative stereotypes
exist about a group a person
is in
Slide 20
Slide 20 text
less likely to apply for
certain jobs
Slide 21
Slide 21 text
less likely to submit a talk to
a conference
Slide 22
Slide 22 text
less likely to attend to a
Slide 23
Slide 23 text
Someone pushed to the edge of
a group and accorded lesser
importance; a minority or sub-
group being excluded, their
needs or desires being ignored.
Slide 24
Slide 24 text
society teaches us to
do this to everyone
within marginalized
Slide 25
Slide 25 text
“I’m different. I’m
logical and rational;
I don’t see gender or
Slide 26
Slide 26 text
Source: Moss-Racusin, et al. Science faculty’s subtle gender
biases favor male students, 2012
scientists & STEM
professors do this to
other scientists &
STEM professors
Slide 27
Slide 27 text
even marginalized
people do it to
people within their
same social groups
Slide 28
Slide 28 text
How diverse is the
tech industry?
Slide 29
Slide 29 text
Women make up
24% of the industry
Source: FLOSSPOLS - Gender Integrated Report Findings
Slide 30
Slide 30 text
...but only 1.5-3% of
OSS contributors
Source: FLOSSPOLS - Gender Integrated Report Findings
Slide 31
Slide 31 text
Source: Mercury News. Blacks, Latinos, and Women lose ground
in tech companies, 2011
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
Tech Industry
US Population
Tech Industry vs US Population
Slide 32
Slide 32 text
Lack of Diversity is a
Global Problem
Slide 33
Slide 33 text
8% of CS students
Source: Anita Borg Institute, State of Women in Technology
Fields Around the World
Slide 34
Slide 34 text
17% of CS students
Source: Anita Borg Institute, State of Women in Technology
Fields Around the World
Slide 35
Slide 35 text
18.2% of CS students
Source: Anita Borg Institute, State of Women in Technology
Fields Around the World
Slide 36
Slide 36 text
20% of CS students
Source: Anita Borg Institute, State of Women in Technology
Fields Around the World
Slide 37
Slide 37 text
20% of CS students
Source: Anita Borg Institute, State of Women in Technology
Fields Around the World
Slide 38
Slide 38 text
South Africa
25% of CS students
Source: Anita Borg Institute, State of Women in Technology
Fields Around the World
Slide 39
Slide 39 text
“Maybe women just
aren’t interested in
Slide 40
Slide 40 text
“Or maybe women
aren’t biologically
predisposed to
Slide 41
Slide 41 text
no physical or biological
Slide 42
Slide 42 text
purely social and cultural
Slide 43
Slide 43 text
73% of CS students
Source: Anita Borg Institute, State of Women in Technology
Fields Around the World
Slide 44
Slide 44 text
Diversity Matters
Slide 45
Slide 45 text
Diversity Matters
to businesses
Slide 46
Slide 46 text
sales revenue,
number of customers,
market share, and
profits relative to
Source: Does Diversity Pay?, Cedric Herring, AMERICAN
SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW, 2009, VOL. 74 (April:208–224)
Slide 47
Slide 47 text
solve complex
better and faster
Source: Scott Page, The difference: How the power of diversity
creates better groups, firms, schools, and societies. Princeton
University Press, 2009
Slide 48
Slide 48 text
more creative &
stimulated through
persistent exposure to
minority perspectives
Source: Charlan Jeanne Nemeth, Differential Contributions of
Majority and Minority Influence.
Slide 49
Slide 49 text
make better
generate more
Source: Caroline Simard, Ph.D., Obstacles and Solutions for
Underrepresented Minorities in Technology, at 8, Anita Borg Institute
for Women and Technology (2009)
Slide 50
Slide 50 text
financial success and
viability of a company
are directly related to
the makeup of its teams
Slide 51
Slide 51 text
Diversity Matters
to society
Slide 52
Slide 52 text
heal the issue of
unequal pay and
Slide 53
Slide 53 text
create class mobility
Slide 54
Slide 54 text
the wage gap is
smaller in STEM
Slide 55
Slide 55 text
in tech women earn
about 87% of what
men do
Slide 56
Slide 56 text
Why the lack of
Slide 57
Slide 57 text
Slide 58
Slide 58 text
Cultural Cues
Slide 59
Slide 59 text
difference in toys and
games for boys and girls
Slide 60
Slide 60 text
no famous role models
that represent them
Slide 61
Slide 61 text
Access to
Slide 62
Slide 62 text
on average, men get
access to their first
computer at 11
Slide 63
Slide 63 text
women get access to their
first computer at 14
Slide 64
Slide 64 text
lower computer
ownership rates and
broadband adoption
Slide 65
Slide 65 text
adopting smart phones
at a much higher rate
Slide 66
Slide 66 text
Access to
Quality Education
Slide 67
Slide 67 text
what is the greatest
indicator of earning
Slide 68
Slide 68 text
lower quality math and
science programs
Slide 69
Slide 69 text
Access to
Slide 70
Slide 70 text
women are more likely
to be caregivers
Slide 71
Slide 71 text
less access to quality
Slide 72
Slide 72 text
Slide 73
Slide 73 text
Lack of Role Models
Slide 74
Slide 74 text
less likely to see people
like them represented in
companies and
Slide 75
Slide 75 text
Geek Stereotype
Slide 76
Slide 76 text
people who don’t identify
and aren’t represented by
the geek stereotype are
turned off by impression
of someone who
represents the stereotype
Source: Enduring Influence of Stereotypical Computer Science Role
Models on Women’s Academic Aspirations, Cheryan 2012
Slide 77
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Slide 78
Slide 78 text
56% of women leave
tech within 10 years
Source: NCWIT, 2012
Slide 79
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that’s twice the
attrition rate of men
Slide 80
Slide 80 text
Slide 81
Slide 81 text
people in a marginalized
group are twice as likely
to report being harassed
or mistreated
Slide 82
Slide 82 text
“I’ve never seen
someone get
Slide 83
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Slide 84
Slide 84 text
job offers
Slide 85
Slide 85 text
men are 2.7 times more likely
than women to be promoted to
a high-ranking job, such as vice
president or senior manager
Source: Mercury News 2010, http:/
Slide 86
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Myriad Solutions
Slide 87
Slide 87 text
Change Starts with
Slide 88
Slide 88 text
Education is the
Trojan Horse to
Slide 89
Slide 89 text
Get to know people
different than us
Slide 90
Slide 90 text
Understand that bias
and discrimination
are often subtle
Slide 91
Slide 91 text
Learn to Apologize
Slide 92
Slide 92 text
Advocate for Change
Slide 93
Slide 93 text
Talk about these
issues openly
Slide 94
Slide 94 text
“That’s not cool :(”
Slide 95
Slide 95 text
Influence change in
our communities
Slide 96
Slide 96 text
Have the hard
Slide 97
Slide 97 text
Increase Education
and Access
Slide 98
Slide 98 text
help facilitate
events for
marginalized people
in tech
Slide 99
Slide 99 text
volunteer at local
schools and groups
Slide 100
Slide 100 text
commit financial
Slide 101
Slide 101 text
work with colleges
and universities
Slide 102
Slide 102 text
“What are you doing to help
students who’ve had less
exposure to technology?”
Slide 103
Slide 103 text
remove bias from
our schools and
Slide 104
Slide 104 text
“Have you
Slide 105
Slide 105 text
Change Our
Slide 106
Slide 106 text
what does the ‘about’
page of your website
look like?