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Choreography vs Orchestration in microservices & best practices Mete Atamel Developer Advocate at Google @meteatamel Guillaume Laforge Developer Advocate at Google @glaforge

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Choreography vs Orchestration

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How do you organize a group of microservices to cooperate towards a common goal?

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Option 1: Direct service-to-service calls Services calling each other directly Frontend App Engine Order request Payment Processor Cloud Run Authorize & charge CC Shipper Cloud Functions Prepare & ship items Notifier Cloud Run Notify user

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Direct service-to-service calls Pros ➕ Easy to implement: Services simply call each other Cons ➖ Too much coupling ➖ Each service can be a single point of failure ➖ Each service needs its own error / retry / timeout logic ➖ Who ensures the whole transaction is successful? (hint: saga pattern)

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Option 2: Indirect via events (choreography) Event-driven services Frontend App Engine Order request Payment Processor Cloud Run Authorize & charge CC Shipper Cloud Functions Prepare & ship items Notifier Cloud Run Notify user Message Broker Google Cloud: Pub/Sub, Eventarc AWS: SQS, SNS, EventBridge Azure: Event Grid, Event Hubs, Service Bus Other: Kafka, Pulsar, Solace PubSub+, RabbitMQ, NATS...

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Indirect via events Pros ➕ Services are loosely coupled ➕ Services can be changed/scaled independently ➕ No single point of failure ➕ Events are useful to extend the system Cons ➖ Difficult to monitor ➖ Errors / retries / timeouts are hard ➖ The business flow is not captured explicitly ➖ Who ensures the whole transaction is successful?

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Imagine a more complex scenario

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Option 3: A central orchestrator Orchestrated services Frontend App Engine Order request Payment Processor Cloud Run Authorize & charge CC Shipper Cloud Functions Prepare & ship items Notifier Cloud Run Notify user Orchestrator Google Cloud: Workflows, Cloud Composer AWS: Step Functions Azure: Logic Apps Other: CNCF Serverless Workflow, Apache Airflow, Camel, Camunda…

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A central orchestrator Pros ➕ Business flow captured centrally, source controlled, versioned etc. ➕ Each step can be monitored ➕ Errors / retries / timeouts can be centralized ➕ Services are still independent Cons ➖ A new orchestrator service to learn and maintain ➖ Orchestrator could be a single point of failure ➖ Loss of eventing flexibility ➖ How do you compensate for failed steps? (hint: saga pattern)

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Choreography or Orchestration? It depends (We’ll revisit this question later)

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CNCF Serverless Workflow Defines a vendor-neutral, open-source, and fully community-driven ecosystem for defining and running DSL-based workflows that target the Serverless technology domain ● Specification for defining DSL-based workflows ● Developer SDKs for different programming languages ● Workflow runtimes supporting the specification ● Developer tooling support for writing DSL-based workflows

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CNCF Serverless Workflow Workflow projects need to implement & support the spec Spec doesn’t necessarily cover all aspects of a product and not all products cover the whole specification Services need to be described with OpenAPI, events with CloudEvents Product Spec

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Serverless Compute External API’s Google API’s etc... Workflows - orchestrate & integrate SaaS API’s Private API’s Other Clouds

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Proprietary + Confidential Sequences of steps Payment Processor Cloud Run Authorize & charge CC Notifier Cloud Run Notify user Shipper Cloud Functions Prepare & ship items - processPayment: call: args: url: body: input: ${paymentDetails} result: processResult - shipItems: call: args: url: https://.../ body: address: ${processResult.body.address} result: shipResult - notifyUser: call: ...

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Proprietary + Confidential Variable passing & JSON parsing Payment Processor Cloud Run Authorize & charge CC Notifier Cloud Run Notify user Shipper Cloud Functions Prepare & ship items - processPayment: call: args: url: body: input: ${paymentDetails} result: processResult - shipItems: call: args: url: https://.../ body: address: ${processResult.body.address} result: shipResult - notifyUser: call: ...

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Proprietary + Confidential Calling HTTP APIs Payment Processor Cloud Run Authorize & charge CC Notifier Cloud Run Notify user Shipper Cloud Functions Prepare & ship items - processPayment: call: args: url: body: input: ${paymentDetails} result: processResult - shipItems: call: args: url: https://.../ body: address: ${processResult.body.address} result: shipResult - notifyUser: call: ...

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Proprietary + Confidential Authentication (OAuth2 | OIDC) Payment Processor Cloud Run Authorize & charge CC Notifier Cloud Run Notify user Shipper Cloud Functions Prepare & ship items - processPayment: call: args: url: body: input: ${paymentDetails} auth: type: OIDC result: processResult ... AUTHENTICATION

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Proprietary + Confidential Pause Payment Processor Cloud Run Authorize & charge CC Notifier Cloud Run Notify user Shipper Cloud Functions Prepare & ship items WAIT - pause: call: sys.sleep args: seconds: 60

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Proprietary + Confidential Logging Payment Processor Cloud Run Authorize & charge CC Notifier Cloud Run Notify user Shipper Cloud Functions Prepare & ship items LOG - log-processed: call: sys.log args: text: "Payment processed" severity: INFO

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Proprietary + Confidential base64 ● encode ● decode text ● encode ● decode ● find_all ● find_all_regex ● match_regex ● replace_all ● replace_all_regex ● split ● substring ● to_lower ● to_upper ● url_encode ● url_encode_plus Built-in functions http ● get ● post ● put ● patch ● delete ● request ● default_retry_* sys ● get_env ● sleep ● slee_until ● now ● log time ● fomart ● parse retry ● always ● default_backoff ● never errors ● type_error ● value_error ● index_error ● key_error ● not_implemented_error ● recursion_error ● zero_division_error ● system_error ● timeout_error ● resource_limit_error json ● encode ● encode_to_string ● decode events ● await_callback ● Create_callback_endpoint math ● abs ● max ● min list ● concat map ● get

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Proprietary + Confidential Error handling, conditionals, jumps Payment Processor Cloud Run Authorize & charge CC Notifier Cloud Run Notify user Shipper Cloud Functions Prepare & ship items - processPayment: try: call: args: url: body: input: ${paymentDetails} result: processResult except: as: e steps: - known_errors: switch: - condition: ${not("HttpError" in e.tags)} next: connectionError - condition: ${e.code == 404} return: "Sorry, URL wasn't found." - unhandled_exception: raise: ${e} ERROR CHECKING

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Proprietary + Confidential Retry & backoff Payment Processor Cloud Run Authorize & charge CC Notifier Cloud Run Notify user Shipper Cloud Functions Prepare & ship items - processPayment: try: call: args: url: body: input: ${paymentDetails} result: processResult retry: max_retries: 5 backoff: initial_delay: 1 max_delay: 60 multiplier: 2 MAX: 5 times BACKOFF

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Proprietary + Confidential Like programming language subroutines or functions Subworkflows main: steps: - call_fullname: call: get_fullname args: first_name: "Sherlock" last_name: "Holmes" result: output - return_message: return: ${output} get_fullname: params: [first_name, last_name] steps: - prepMessage: return: ${first_name + " " + last_name}

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Proprietary + Confidential Connectors - runQuery: call: args: projectId: ${sys.get_env("GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT_ID")} body: useLegacySql: false useQueryCache: false timeoutMs: 30000 # Find top 100 titles with most views on Wikipedia query: ${ "SELECT TITLE, SUM(views) FROM `bigquery-samples.wikipedia_pageviews."+table+"` WHERE LENGTH(TITLE) > 10 GROUP BY TITLE ORDER BY SUM(VIEWS) DESC LIMIT 100" } result: queryResult Make it easier to work with certain Google Cloud services and APIs, like transparently waiting for long-running operations.

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Proprietary + Confidential Dataflow Document AI Firestore Google Forms ßeta Natural Language Machine Learning ßeta Pub/Sub Cloud Run Secret Manager BigQuery BigQuery Data Transfer ßeta Cloud Build Cloud Functions Cloud Resource Manager ßeta Cloud Scheduler Cloud Tasks Compute Container Connectors: currently available, but more to come… Google Sheets ßeta Spanner SQL Admin Cloud Storage Cloud Storage Transfer Translate Workflows Executions Workflows

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Proprietary + Confidential Iterations - init: assign: - results: {} - tables: - 202202h - 202203h - 202204h - 202205h - runQueries: for: value: table index: table_idx in: ${tables} steps: - runQuery: call: args: … Loop over lists, maps, and over a range of values. Optional index. Use break and continue to short circuit the loop, with a next jump.

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Proprietary + Confidential Parallel iterations - init: assign: - results: {} - tables: - 202202h - 202203h - 202204h - 202205h - runQueries: parallel: shared: [results] for: value: table index: table_idx in: ${tables} steps: - runQuery: call: args: … Add a parallel block to parallelize iterations. Specify shared to list the variables that can be accessed with write-access in parallel.

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Proprietary + Confidential Parallel steps - parallelSteps: parallel: shared: [metadataResp, indexResp, collageResp] branches: - storeMetadataBranch: steps: - storeMetadata: call: http.request args: … result: metadataResp - indexPictureMetadataBranch: steps: - indexPictureMetadata: call: args: … result: indexResp - collageCallBranch: steps: - collageCall: call: http.get args: … result: collageResp Branches of steps can be run in parallel, with the parallel keyword, and variables can be shared with write access with the shared keyword.

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Proprietary + Confidential Gcloud commands # Deploy a workflow gcloud workflows deploy my-workflow \ --source=workflow.yaml # Execute a workflow gcloud workflows execute my-workflow # See the result gcloud workflows executions \ describe \ --workflow my-workflow Deploy and execute a workflow. Inspect the result of the execution of a workflow.

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Patterns and best practices

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Make a conscious choice Event-driven architecture ➔ Services are not closely related ➔ Services are not executed in parallel or in no certain order ➔ Services can exist in different bounded contexts Central Orchestrator ➔ Services are closely related ➔ Services are usually deployed and executed in the same order ➔ Can you describe the architecture in a flow chart? Direct Calls ➔ A simple architecture with a handful of services that do not change that often

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Event-driven orchestration

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Handle errors with retries and saga pattern

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Wait for HTTP/event callbacks instead of polling

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Parallelize when you can Orchestration usually involves steps run sequentially one after another. Try to parallelize those steps when you can. Example: running BigQuery jobs against Wikipedia dataset with Workflows: ● Serial: 5 queries run sequentially each 20 seconds: Total 1 min ● Parallel: 5 queries run in parallel: Total 20 seconds

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Combine serverful workloads with serverless orchestration Sometimes you can’t use serverless due to some limitation (time, memory, CPU) Instead you use a Virtual Machine (VM) with the configuration you need Automate the VM lifecycle with an orchestrator to have a serverless experience

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Manage long running batch jobs with serverless orchestration

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Use GitOps to manage orchestration lifecycle

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Plan for multi-environment deployments

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Workflows Workflows Demos Codelab: Intro to serverless orchestration with Workflows Thank you! Mete Atamel @meteatamel Guillaume Laforge @glaforge