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November 25, 2019 Android at Scale @Square Ralf Wondratschek @vRallev

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:app1 :app2

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:lib1 :app2 :app1

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:app1 :app2

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:lib1 :app2 :app1

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:hairball :app2 :app1 :lib1 :lib2

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Dependency hierarchy :apps :feature :common :api

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● Login? ● Checkout? ● Settings? ● Hairball? Dependency hierarchy

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Dependency hierarchy :apps :hairball-feature :hairball :feature :common :api :delegates

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No content

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:hairball :app2 :app1 :lib1 :lib2 Number of modules and lines of code grow

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:hairball :app2 :app1 :lib1 :lib2 :lib3 :lib4 :lib5 :lib6 Number of modules and lines of code grow

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● We have a mono repository Mono or multi repository?

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Number of modules and lines of code grow

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Number of modules and lines of code grow

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Number of modules and lines of code grow

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:hairball :app2 :app1 :lib1 :lib2 :lib3 :lib4 :lib5 :lib6 Weight matters

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:hairball :app2 :app1 :lib1 :lib2 :lib3 :lib4 :lib5 :lib6 Weight matters

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● Logical unit to perform work ● Self-contained piece of the whole system ● Loose coupling ● High cohesion What is a module in modular design?

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● Code is easier portable ● Code is more reliable ● Code is easier to test ● Code is easier to maintain ● ... Advantages of modular design?

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class Feature(b: LoginStrategy) class PosLoginStrategy() Dependency inversion

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class Feature(b: LoginStrategy) interface LoginStrategy class PosLoginStrategy() : LoginStrategy Dependency inversion

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● With multiple products? ○ Yes!!! ● With multiple modules? ○ Yes!! ● With a single module? ○ Yes! ● Without tests? ○ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Do we need dependency inversion?

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interface LoginStrategy { fun login() } class PosLoginStrategy @Inject constructor( private val helper: Helper ) : LoginStrategy { override fun login() { } @dagger.Module abstract class Module { @Binds abstract fun bindLoginStrategy(strategy: PosLoginStrategy): LoginStrategy } } Dependency inversion

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class PosLoginStrategy @Inject constructor( private val helper: Helper, private val helper: Helper1, private val helper: Helper2, private val helper: Helper3, private val helper: Helper4, private val helper: Helper5, private val helper: Helper6, private val helper: Helper7, private val helper: Helper8 ) : LoginStrategy Dependencies

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dependencies { api project(':helper1') api project(':helper2') api project(':helper3') api project(':helper4') api project(':helper5') api project(':helper6') api project(':helper7') api project(':helper8') } Dependencies

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Dependencies class Feature(b: LoginStrategy) interface LoginStrategy class PosLoginStrategy() : LoginStrategy

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Dependencies class Feature(b: LoginStrategy) interface LoginStrategy

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dependencies { api project(':login-strategy') } Dependencies for Feature

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dependencies { api project(':login-strategy') api project(':helper1') api project(':helper2') api project(':helper3') api project(':helper4') api project(':helper5') api project(':helper6') api project(':helper7') api project(':helper8') } Dependencies for Feature

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Module Structure :public

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Module Structure :public :impl

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Module Structure :public :impl :impl-wiring

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:login-strategy Module Structure :public :impl :impl-wiring

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Module Structure :login-strategy:public :login-strategy:impl :login-strategy:impl-wiring

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Module Structure

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:login-strategy Module Structure :public :impl :impl-wiring :feature :public :impl :impl-wiring X

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Legacy modules ● All the rules of the new module structure don’t apply ○ (They’re all the module types in one) ● This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t care about dependencies and their size!

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Module Structure API Implementation Wiring

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// :public interface LoginStrategy { fun login() } // :impl class PosLoginStrategy @Inject constructor( private val helper: Helper ) : LoginStrategy { override fun login() { } } // :impl-wiring @dagger.Module abstract class LoginStrategyModule { @Binds abstract fun bindLoginStrategy(strategy: PosLoginStrategy): LoginStrategy } Module Structure

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dependencies { api project(':login-strategy') api project(':helper1') api project(':helper2') api project(':helper3') api project(':helper4') api project(':helper5') api project(':helper6') api project(':helper7') api project(':helper8') } Module Structure

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dependencies { api project(':login-strategy:public') } Module Structure

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Dependency hierarchy :apps :feature :common :api

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Dependency hierarchy :apps :shared

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Module Structure

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Development Apps :public :impl :impl-wiring

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Development Apps :public :impl :impl-wiring :demo

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Development Apps

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Development Apps ● Install a feature with an isolated application on the device ○ Launch the feature directly ○ Shorter build times ● Replace dependencies by fakes ● Isolated UI tests

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:account-screen:public interface AccountScreenWorkflow : Workflow>

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:login-screen:impl class SampleLoginScreenWorkflow @Inject constructor( private val accountScreenWorkflow: Provider ) : LoginScreenWorkflow, StatefulWorkflow>() { override fun render( props: Unit, state: LoginScreenState, context: RenderContext ): LayeredScreen { return when (state) { is RenderAccountScreen -> { context.renderChild(accountScreenWorkflow.get(), Unit) { leaveAccountScreen } } } } }

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:account-screen:fake class FakeAccountScreenWorkflow @Inject constructor() : AccountScreenWorkflow, StatelessWorkflow>() { // ... }

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:login-screen:demo android { defaultConfig { applicationId "com.squareup.sample.login.screen.demo" } } dependencies { // … implementation project(':samples:account-screen-sample:account-screen:fake-wiring') }

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Dependency Graph :camera-screen :profile-photo-screen :edit-account-screen :account-screen:impl :account-screen:public

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Dependency Graph :account-screen:public :account-screen:fake

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Fakes ● Reduce size of the dependency graph ● Reduce the number of lines of code that need to be compiled ● Allow changing behavior as you wish

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Build times (in seconds)

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Benchmark build times ●

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Benchmark build times

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Summary ● Square isn’t different, has its own set of unique problems ● Modularization is an ongoing process, celebrate as you make progress ● Start thinking about dependencies and build time early in the process ● Make use of design patterns like dependency inversion

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Ralf Wondratschek @vRallev