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Why you should use DateTimeOffset

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Don’t use DateTime Use DateTimeOffset

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DateTime vs. DateTimeOffset ▪ DateTimeOffset was introduced very early with .NET 2.0 to correct design flaws of DateTime from .NET 1.0. ▪ Unlike DateTime, DateTimeOffset represents a truly instantaneous time, also known as absolute time. ▪ The use of DateTime often results in the loss of uniqueness of the exact date and time → uncorrectable consequential issues. ▪ DateTimeOffset values are much more common than those for DateTime values. As a result, DateTimeOffset should be the default date and time type in all you .NET Apps and Libs.

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Respect ISO 8601 ISO 8601 represents an international standard and covers all date- and time related information. Use Extension Methods for easier and general access.

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New .NET 6 Types DateOnly and TimeOnly ▪ Long-awaited Types will be part of .NET 6 (starting preview 4) ▪ They only represent a date or a time without any time zone relation ▪ Work well with existing implementations like in databases ▪ Use them for stuff like recurring jobs, alarms (e.g., every morning 08:00), use cases where you don’t need absolute time DON’T USE THEM FOR ABSOLUTE TIME INFORMATION

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