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PipeCD ❤ AWS Control your AWS applications deployment in GitOps style with PipeCD. khanhtc1202 Developer Productivity Div, CyberAgent, Inc. Presents

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About me 2 @khanhtc1202 @khanhtc1202

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Agenda ● What and why we need ● PipeCD ● Progressive deployment for AWS ECS applications ● PipeCD’s enterprise features ● Roadmap ● ... 3

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4 What/why we need

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What & why we need - An end-to-end solution - Progressive delivery: Canary, Blue/Green, Rollout - Automated analysis: metrics, log, smoke test - A unified solution cross cloudplatform and application kind - Decrease onboarding costs - Improve developer experience - One delivery infrastructure for multiple deployment targets (Kubernetes, Terraform, AWS ECS, AWS Lambda, …) And we need a CD tool, not the CI tool which does the CICD tasks

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Importance of CD Commit Changes Build Test Staging Production Continuous Integration and Delivery(CI/CD) Continuous Delivery(CD) Commit Changes Build Test Staging Production Continuous Integration(CI) Artifacts

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PipeCD ❤ OSS

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PipeCD overview ref: platform team product team

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PipeCD overview - platform team ref: Controlplane main components - All stateless components (servers, cache, ops) - Managed services: Datastore (RDS,...) and Filestore (S3) => Low maintenance cost - Easy to get start with just Helm - Optional: components for monitoring (prometheus, grafana) - monitoring both controlpane and pipeds

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PipeCD overview - product team ref: Platform team space Support all possible places ● k8s pod ● ECS Fargate task ● CloudRun ● ... - All credentials stored in product team cluster (controlplane stores nothing related to the product) - Only outbound requests (no expose ports required)

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PipeCD overview - product team

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PipeCD overview - product team - Simple UI - Stage logs - Clear workflow

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15 Progressive Deployment for ECS

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How do we do progressively ref: AWS Blog: Blue Green Deployment What do we need to prepare?? - ALB (Listener, Targetgroup) - Cluster - TaskDefinition - Service & tons of scripts to register/create above entities...

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AWS ECS deployment with Codedeploy ref: Codedeploy tutorial - Customizable stage 👍 - Simple UI 👍 - External stage (such as deployment based on analysis) ?

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AWS ECS deployment with Jenkins ref: AWS Blog: Blue Green Deployment Human approval? Auto rollback? Error rate based deploy? ...

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19 Progressive Deployment for ECS with PipeCD

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Piped - an agent to deploy applications ref: PipeCD user guide Register a piped agent from the console

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Piped - an agent to deploy applications ref: Piped configuration Require a simple configuration which contains: - Piped credentials - Registered controlplane - Gitops credentials (ssh key, repositories) - Cloudprovider

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PipeCD application ref: PipeCD user guide Application can be one of: - Kubernetes - AWS ECS - AWS Lambda - Terraform - Cloudrun (gcp)

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Deployment configuration ref: Configure ECS deployment Require a simple configuration which define the PipeD behavior: - Kind (ECSApp for instance) - Input: contains ECS required configuration: task definition, service definition, targetGroup - Pipeline: contains deployment flow Note: - all configurations stored in Git - can reuse task definition and service definition as it is - no changes or PipeCD specified syntax required

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Deployment configuration 24 The UI visualizes the state of the application in real time and clearly shows what happened at what timing

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Bonus - LambdaApp 25 AWS Lambda Find more examples at pipecd/examples

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Bonus - LambdaApp 26 AWS Lambda Find more examples at pipecd/examples

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Bonus - KubernetesApp 27 AWS EKS Find more examples at pipecd/examples

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Bonus - KubernetesApp Application detail view: show state of currently running resources Find more examples at pipecd/examples

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29 PipeCD’s enterprise features

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PipeCD’s enterprise features - Event wacher 30 Continuous Delivery(CD) Commit Changes Build Test Staging Production Continuous Integration(CI) Artifacts Event watcher Define how Piped handle an event and trigger the event from CI => Piped will update the configuration by itself via PR => trigger deployment ref: PipeCD eventwatcher We also use pipecd to deploy our pipecd development controlplane 😉

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PipeCD’s enterprise features - Plan preview 31 ref: PipeCD plan-preview Enable to preview what will be applied/changed in your cluster at the pull request review step (the CD is not yet triggered - no deployment yet)

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PipeCD’s enterprise features 32 Automated Deployment Analysis (ADA) Configuration Drift Detection

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PipeCD’s enterprise features - Insights 33

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34 PipeCD’s roadmap

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Roadmap - Deployment chains 35

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36 Continuous Delivery Solution for any application on any platform

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pipe-cd/pipe @pipecd_dev 37

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38 Thank you! PipeCD OSSのBackendとFrontendのフルタイム・副業(時間の制限なし)を募集しています ご興味がある方、TwitterのDMなどご連絡ください