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Code Coverage Javascript Frontend + Backend Yuren Ju

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Me Yuren Ju (⼩小朱) COSCUP, KaLUG, Hacking Thursday, g0v Vectr -

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Code Coverage

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Criteria line coverage function coverage branch coverage statement coverage

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Knows coverage changes in a pull request

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Which parts you haven’t tested

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JSON Array CSV Example: CSV module

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Testing tools mocha npm install mocha chai

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npm test

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csv.js test.js Which case we haven’t tested?

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npm install istanbul

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npm run coverage

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open coverage/lcov-report/index.html

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How does it work? hello.js

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istanbul instrument hello.js

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How to handle require?

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Useful testing tools Proxies nodejs require in order to allow overriding dependencies during testing.

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Front End

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Why not mocha? mocha

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Complex environment CommonJS AMD Unit Test Functional Test

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Intern npm install intern

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Intern Well-documented AMD loader Istanbul inside! Support Selenium Support Sauce Labs, BrowserStack, TestingBot Unit test/Functional Test

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Example - Bifrost 物資管理平台 Loopback (node.js) + Angular.js

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Project Hierarchy

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Running test on browser remove reporters in intern.js $ http-server $ open http://localhost:8080/node_modules/intern/client.html?config=tests/intern

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ChromeDriver WebDriver for Chrome chromedriver/ ./chromedriver --port=4444 --url-base=wd/hub

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node_modules/intern/bin/intern-runner.js config=tests/intern

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Added ‘lcovhtml’ to reporters and open html-report/index.html

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CI x Coverage service

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Pull request build & invoke test runner Run tests on multiple browsers Track code coverage

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Send a pull request & wait result :-) git push upstream more-login-test hub pull-request

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.travis.yml Notice: SauceLabsTunnel doesn’t support node.js 0.12

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package.json gulpfile.js

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Running tests on Browser Selenium

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Connect to SauceLabs on local machine environment variables tests/intern.js

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But on Travis-CI for open source project! Don’t put your API token to .travis.yml use travis encrypt SAUCE_USERNAME= --add travis encrypt SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY= --add

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secure vars will be added to .travis.yml

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Limitation Encrypted environment variables are not available to pull requests from forks due to the security risk of exposing such information to unknown code.

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Last Mile!

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Coveralls setup npm install coveralls Added ‘lcov’ reporter to tests/intern.js add variables into .travis.yml COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN (don’t forget encrypting) COVERALLS_SERVICE_NAME=travis-ci execute coveralls command in after_script section cat | ./node_modules/coveralls/bin/ coveralls.js

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Transpiled code Istanbul: #212 babel-istanbul ibrik - CoffeeScript meets Istanbul transform-coverage.js - generate lcov report with source code by source map coverage.js

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Resources coverage-metrics/

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