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Shipping containers How containers will change the way we ship software

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● Basic concepts ● Containers in the wild ● How could Redgate leverage containers? ● What’s next? Table of contents

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macOS web app dep1 dep2 8000

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macOS linux web app dep1 dep2 8000

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macOS linux web app dep1 dep2 8000 8000

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macOS linux CLI dep1 dep2 >_ >_

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FROM XXX COPY XXXXXX RUN XXXXXXX RUN XXXXXXX 1251debdf2 2346ad27d7 568ba9896f 1b7da6b599 1b7da6b599 Dockerfile image container

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FROM XXX COPY XXXXXX RUN XXXXXXX RUN XXXXXXX 1251debdf2 2346ad27d7 568ba9896f 1b7da6b599 1b7da6b599 127a749973 30285e40a4 072756f83c 79b149c433 532e43ed02 1251debdf2 8a05d95840 2346ad27d7 409df063b4 568ba9896f ca548745fe 1b7da6b599 Dockerfile image registry container

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● CLIs, services and databases ● CI/CD agents ● Orchestration Containers in the wild

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$ docker run --rm mesosphere/aws-cli --version

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$ docker run --rm mesosphere/aws-cli --version aws-cli/1.14.5 Python/2.7.13 Linux/4.9.125-li…

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$ docker run --rm mesosphere/aws-cli --version aws-cli/1.14.5 Python/2.7.13 Linux/4.9.125-li… image name makes container ephemeral AWS CLI command-line arguments

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$ docker run --rm \ -e "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$(AWS_ID)" \ -e "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$(AWS_SECRET)" \ mesosphere/aws-cli \ ecr list-images

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$ docker run --rm \ -e "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$(AWS_ID)" \ -e "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$(AWS_SECRET)" \ mesosphere/aws-cli \ ecr list-images AWS CLI command-line arguments defines environment variables

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Slide 19 text #!/bin/bash docker run \ -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mypwd -p 5432:5432 -d postgres:11 docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/flyway/sql boxfuse/flyway:5 \ -url=jdbc:postgresql://host.docker.internal:5432/postgres \ -user=postgres \ -password=mypwd \ migrate

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Slide 20 text #!/bin/bash docker run \ -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mypwd -p 5432:5432 -d postgres:11 docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/flyway/sql boxfuse/flyway:5 \ -url=jdbc:postgresql://host.docker.internal:5432/postgres \ -user=postgres \ -password=mypwd \ migrate

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macOS linux CLI dep1 dep2 linux DB 5432 5432 host.docker.internal

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macOS linux CLI dep1 dep2 linux DB 5432 mydb mynet

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test_migrations.diff #!/bin/bash +docker network create mynet + -docker run \ +docker run --name mydb --network mynet \ -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mypwd -d postgres:11 -docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/flyway/sql boxfuse/flyway:5 \ - -url=jdbc:postgresql://host.docker.internal:5432/postgres \ +docker run --rm --network mynet -v $(pwd):/flyway/sql boxfuse/flyway:5 \ + -url=jdbc:postgresql://mydb:5432/postgres \ -user=postgres \ -password=mypwd \ migrate

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Slide 26 text on-prem cloud Hosted agents

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Slide 28 text on-prem cloud Containerised hosted agents Containerised local agent

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● Containerised SQL Compare CLI ● Base images for SQL Change Automation ● Redgate Platform deployment models How could Redgate leverage containers?

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Windows >_ sqlcompare .NET Framework 4.6.1

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> sqlcompare ` /Database1:WidgetStaging ` /Database2:WidgetProduction ` /Synchronize

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Host 13.6.0 Container >_ sqlcompare .NET Core 2.2 >_

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Host Container >_ sqlcompare .NET Core 3.0 >_ 14.0.0

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$ docker run --rm \ -e "SERIAL_NUMBER=$(RG_SERIAL_NUMBER)" \ redgate/sql-compare:13.6.0 \ synchronize \ --source WidgetStaging \ --destination WidgetProduction

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$ docker run --rm \ -e "SERIAL_NUMBER=$(RG_SERIAL_NUMBER)" \ redgate/sql-compare:13.6.0 \ synchronize \ --source WidgetStaging \ --destination WidgetProduction image name version tag command-line arguments

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A word on multi-stage builds

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FROM COPY ./src /app/src WORKDIR /app/src/MySolution.MyProject RUN dotnet restore RUN dotnet publish -c Release -o out ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "out/MySolution.MyProject.dll"] Dockerfile

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FROM COPY ./src /app/src WORKDIR /app/src/MySolution.MyProject RUN dotnet restore RUN dotnet publish -c Release -o out ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "out/MySolution.MyProject.dll"] Dockerfile build-specific

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FROM AS build COPY ./src /app/src WORKDIR /app/src/MySolution.MyProject RUN dotnet restore RUN dotnet publish -c Release -o out FROM AS runtime WORKDIR /app COPY --from=build /app/src/MySolution.MyProject/out ./ ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "MySolution.MyProject.dll"] Dockerfile

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FROM AS build COPY ./src /app/src WORKDIR /app/src/MySolution.MyProject RUN dotnet restore RUN dotnet publish -c Release -o out FROM AS runtime WORKDIR /app COPY --from=build /app/src/MySolution.MyProject/out ./ ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "MySolution.MyProject.dll"] Dockerfile

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FROM XXX COPY XXXXXX RUN XXXXXXX RUN XXXXXXX FROM XXX COPY --from ENTRYPOINT 53c59901c1 afa0e18698 ade8f7e850 a36426ba37 97c11f30b3 Dockerfile container 39603b1de3 d54c37ce8b 97c11f30b3 image (stage 1) image (stage 0)

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$ docker build -t myimage . $ docker run --name myapp -p 5000:80 myimage

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Host Container 5000 MySolution.MyProject ASP.NET Core 2.2 80

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FROM redgate/sql-change-automation:1.0-sdk AS build COPY ./MyProject.Database /project WORKDIR /project RUN sca publish ./MyProject.Database.sqlproj --output ./artifacts FROM redgate/sql-change-automation:1.0-mssql AS db COPY --from=build /project/artifacts /sca/artifacts Dockerfile

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FROM redgate/sql-change-automation:1.0-sdk AS build COPY ./MyProject.Database /project WORKDIR /project RUN sca publish ./MyProject.Database.sqlproj --output ./artifacts FROM redgate/sql-change-automation:1.0-mssql AS db COPY --from=build /project/artifacts /sca/artifacts Dockerfile 1.0-oracle 1.0-postgres 1.0-mysql

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● OS-native server ● Redgate-provided cluster ● Customer cluster Proposed deployment models

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● OS-native server ● Redgate-provided cluster ● Customer cluster Proposed deployment models

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What if users don't have Docker installed?

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is the new

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What can we do to prepare for the future?

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coming soon...

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Play with Docker Katacoda Docker Documentation Learning resources

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