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Learn more ruby and rails

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You want to learn more ruby and rails Here are some resources first ruby then rails

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Slide 3 text Learn the basics of ruby in your browser You get an idea about what ruby is and how it works Great to get started – it just takes 15 minutes.

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Slide 5 text Free, interactive tutorials to help you discover Ruby idioms, in your browser! Beginner, Intermediate 
 and Advanced courses

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Slide 7 text “The goal is to learn the Ruby language, syntax, structure, and some common functions and libraries.” !TestDrivenDevelopment!

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Slide 9 text 1. Download the files 2. Make the test pass 3. Run $ ruby path_to_enlightenment

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Slide 10 text TDD ruby (and JavaScript) works similar to rubykoans, but: There are working tests and you have to create the code files by yourself

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Free Ebooks Learn ruby the hard way [1] Why’s (Poignant) Guide to Ruby [2] Ruby User Guide [3] Beginning Ruby [4]

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rubywarrior Code game in ruby -> beginner and advanced mode Fix the downloaded files and make the “Terminal”-warrior

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rubywarrior like a text-based adventure in the terminal README

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Slide 15 text Free Rails course powered by code school For Rails Beginners!

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Railstutorial Completely Free online available Build a Twitter-like application

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Slide 17 text screencasts for ruby on rails some for free helpful for solving concrete problems or learn something new

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