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( ͡ ° ͜ ʖ ͡ °) .oO(Hi)

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ຖ೥߃ྫ$ ͷ$ ೔ຊޠೳྗࢼݧ

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Aaron Patterson

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Ϩου ϋτ

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No content

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No content

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Ruby Core Rails Core

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ί ϛ ο τ ͠ ͯ! ϙ Π ϯ τ ΋ Β ͓ ͏ ʂ

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Revert Commits Count Too!

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More mistakes == more points!!!!

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No content

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ϝλϧʹ$ ۙ͘ͳΔͨΊʹ

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No content

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Speeding up Rails 4.2

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Rack ͸ ָ͡Όͳ͍

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Rack 2.0 ͸ൃද͠ͳ͍* * Rack 2.0 ͸ൃද͠·͢ɻ

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def call(env) end άϩʔόϧม਺ R ack 1.x

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ετϦʔϛϯά class Stream def each loop { yield "hello world\n" } end end $ def call(env) [200, {},] end R ack 1.x

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def call(request, response) end IO IO the_m etal

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request ͸IOͱ ϦΩΣετͷ৘ใ! Λ͍࣋ͬͯ·͢ɻ

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response͸IOͱ Ϩεϙϯεͷ৘ใ! Λ͍࣋ͬͯ·͢ɻ

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׬શ࣮ྫ TheMetal.create_server(->(req, res) { res.write_head 200, 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain' res.write "Hello World\n" res.finish }).listen 9292, ''

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Great for HTTP/1.1 Extendable to HTTP/ 2.0

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RackΛ࢖ͬͯ ָΛ͠·͠ΐ͏

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Speeding up Rails 4.2

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Adequate$ Record

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Performance$ Tools

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benchmark/ips require 'benchmark/ips' require 'set' $ list = ('a'..'zzzz').to_a set = list $ Benchmark.ips do |x|"set access") { set.include? "foo" } $"ary access") { list.include? "foo" } end G EM

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ग़ྗ Calculating ------------------------------------- set access 68622 i/100ms ary access 395 i/100ms ------------------------------------------------- set access 3047175.3 (±12.7%) i/s - 14959596 in 5.018692s ary access 3899.2 (±7.1%) i/s - 19750 in 5.096118s ߹ ܭ IPS

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Set Include: 3047175.3 / sec

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Array Include: 3899.2 / sec

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IPS: Higher Is Better

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Blackbox Testing

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Ωϟογϡͷςετ cache1 = cache2 = $ cache1["x"] = cache2["x"] = $ Benchmark.ips do |x|"cache1") { cache1["x"] }"cache2") { cache2["x"] } end

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࣮ߦͷάϥϑ 10,000 ܁Γฦ࣌ؒ͢ (seconds) 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 ΩϟογϡɹαΠζ 10 elements 100 elements 1000 elements 100000 elements Ωϟογϡ 1 Ωϟογϡ 2

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Cacheͷ࣮૷ class Cache1 def initialize @cache = {} end def [] k; @cache[k]; end def []= k,v; @cache[k] = v; end end $ class Cache2 def initialize @cache = [] end def [] k; x, = @cache.assoc(k); x; end def []= k,v; @cache << [k, v]; end end ఆ਺ ઢܗ

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۩ମతͳྫ Routes

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Route දͷେ͖͞͸ link_to ʹؔ܎͸͋Δʁ

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route ΛೖΕΔ class MyTest routes = routes.draw { resources(:articles) N.times do |num| resources num.to_s.to_sym end } end 10, 100, 1000

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Sec /100k calls 9.5 9.7 9.9 10.1 10.3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 link_to

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URL ͷ௕͞͸ ࣮ߦ଎౓ʹ ؔ܎͸͋Γ·͔͢ʁ

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௕͞ΛมԽ class MyTest routes = link = '/' $ routes.draw { get "/#{link}/:id", :as => :article, :controller => :articles, :action => :show } end 10, 100, 1000

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ඵ / 10ສճͷݺͼग़͠ 9 10.5 12 13.5 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 link_to

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Object Allocations

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߹ܭͷׂΓ౰ͯ GC.stat(:total_allocated_object)

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۩ମతͳྫɿ Views

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Request Benchmark task :allocated_objects do app = Ko1TestApp::Application.instance do_test_task(app) env = rackenv "/books/new" do_test_task(app, env.dup) before = GC.stat :total_allocated_object TEST_CNT.times { do_test_task(app, env.dup) } after = GC.stat :total_allocated_object puts (after - before) / TEST_CNT end "/books/new"

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Request Benchmark task :allocated_objects do app = Ko1TestApp::Application.instance do_test_task(app) env = rackenv "/books/new" do_test_task(app, env.dup) before = GC.stat :total_allocated_object TEST_CNT.times { do_test_task(app, env.dup) } after = GC.stat :total_allocated_object puts (after - before) / TEST_CNT end

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Request Benchmark task :allocated_objects do app = Ko1TestApp::Application.instance do_test_task(app) env = rackenv "/books/new" do_test_task(app, env.dup) before = GC.stat :total_allocated_object TEST_CNT.times { do_test_task(app, env.dup) } after = GC.stat :total_allocated_object puts (after - before) / TEST_CNT end

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ςετͷ݁Ռ Request ͷΦϒδΣΫτ഑ஔ 2000 2150 2300 2450 2600 4-0-stable 4-1-stable master 2000

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Ͳ͏΍ͬͯ$ ӕΛ͔ͭ͘

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ςετͷ݁Ռ Request ͷΦϒδΣΫτ഑ஔ 0 650 1300 1950 2600 4-0-stable 4-1-stable master

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4-0-stable ͔Β ~19%ݮΓ·ͨ͠

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4-1-stable ͔Β ~14%ݮΓ·ͨ͠

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ྫ ObjectSpace::AllocationTracer.trace do 1000.times { ["foo", {}] } end $ ObjectSpace::AllocationTracer.allocated_count_table

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Output {:T_NONE=>0, :T_OBJECT=>0, :T_CLASS=>0, :T_MODULE=>0, :T_FLOAT=>0, :T_STRING=>1000, :T_REGEXP=>0, :T_ARRAY=>1000, :T_HASH=>1000, :T_ZOMBIE=>0}

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Speeding up Helpers

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Profile Request / Response

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TOTAL (pct) SAMPLES (pct) FRAME 813 (9.5%) 813 (9.5%) ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer#initialize 699 (8.1%) 350 (4.1%) block in ActiveRecord::Read#read_attribute 486 (5.7%) 298 (3.5%) ActionController::UrlFor#url_options 670 (7.8%) 274 (3.2%) ActionDispatch::Journey::Format#evaluate 773 (9.0%) 253 (2.9%) ActionDispatch#parameterize_args 1172 (13.6%) 220 (2.6%) ActiveRecord::Persistence#instantiate 213 (2.5%) 213 (2.5%) block in SQLite3::Statement#each 208 (2.4%) 208 (2.4%) ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer#html_safe? 204 (2.4%) 204 (2.4%) ActionDispatch::UrlFor#routes_generation? 245 (2.9%) 191 (2.2%) block (2 levels) in Class#class_attribute

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ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer #initialize

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Tag Options def tag_option(key, value, escape) if value.is_a?(Array) value = escape ? safe_join(value, " ") : value.join(" ") else value = escape ? ERB::Util.h(value) : value end %(#{key}="#{value}") end

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HTML Sanitization in Rails

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Ordinary String >> x = "foo" => "foo" >> x.class => String >> x.html_safe? => false

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SafeBuffer >> x = "foo" => "foo" >> y = x.html_safe => "foo" >> y.class => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer >> y.html_safe? => true

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ERB::Utils.h def html_escape(s) s = s.to_s if s.html_safe? s else s.gsub(HTML_ESCAPE_REGEXP, HTML_ESCAPE).html_safe end end

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Creates 2 Objects.

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Tag Options def tag_option(key, value, escape) if value.is_a?(Array) value = escape ? safe_join(value, " ") : value.join(" ") else value = escape ? ERB::Util.h(value) : value end %(#{key}="#{value}") end

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String SafeBuffer String

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Extract Method def unwrapped_html_escape(s) # :nodoc: s = s.to_s if s.html_safe? s else s.gsub(HTML_ESCAPE_REGEXP, HTML_ESCAPE) end end $ def html_escape(s) unwrapped_html_escape(s).html_safe end

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Update Callers def tag_option(key, value, escape) if value.is_a?(Array) value = escape ? safe_join(value, " ") : value.join(" ") else value = escape ? ERB::Util.unwrapped_html_escape(value) : value end %(#{key}="#{value}") end

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String String

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~200 Allocations Per Request for /books/new

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YMMV (Your Mileage (kilometers?) May Vary)

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Speeding up Output

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ERB Template <% books.each do |book| %> <%= %> <% end %>

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Compiled Template @output_buffer = output_buffer ||;@output_buffer.safe_append='

Listing books

$ Name $ '.freeze; @books.each do |book| @output_buffer.safe_append=' '.freeze;@output_buffer.append=( );@output_buffer.safe_append=' '.freeze;@output_buffer.append=( link_to 'Show', book );@output_buffer.safe_append=' td> '.freeze; end @output_buffer.safe_append=' $

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Compiled Template @output_buffer = @output_buffer.safe_append=' '.freeze @output_buffer.append=( ) HTML Literal

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safe_append= class OutputBuffer def safe_append=(value) return self if value.nil? super(value.to_s) end end W hy?

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Don’t accept nil

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safe_append= class OutputBuffer def safe_append=(value) super(value.to_s) end end

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safe_append= class OutputBuffer def safe_append=(value) super(value) end end

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safe_append= class OutputBuffer def safe_append=(value) super end end

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safe_append= class OutputBuffer end ߴ౓ͳίʔυʂ

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Allocations Per Request 0 275 550 825 1100 T_STRING T_ARRAY T_HASH T_NODE T_DATA OTHER 4-0-stable 4-1-stable master

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~19% reduction since 4-0-stable

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~14% reduction since 4-1-stable

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Eliminate Objects

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Ұ൪଎͍ίʔυ͸ ଘࡏ͠ͳ͍ίʔυ

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Limit Types

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Fewer Types = Less Code

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Less Code = Faster Code

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Measure, measure measure measure

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Rails 4.2 will be the fastest ever!

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