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Sparsity and Compressed Sensing Gabriel Peyré

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Signals, Images and More

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Signals, Images and More

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Signals, Images and More

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Signals, Images and More

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Signals, Images and More

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Overview • Approximation in an Ortho-Basis • Compression and Denoising • Compressed Sensing

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Orthogonal basis { m }m of L2([0, 1]d) Continuous signal/image f L2([0, 1]d). Orthogonal Decompositions

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Orthogonal basis { m }m of L2([0, 1]d) f = m f, m m ||f|| = |f(x)|2dx = m | f, m ⇥|2 Continuous signal/image f L2([0, 1]d). Orthogonal Decompositions

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Orthogonal basis { m }m of L2([0, 1]d) f = m f, m m ||f|| = |f(x)|2dx = m | f, m ⇥|2 Continuous signal/image f L2([0, 1]d). Orthogonal Decompositions m

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1-D Wavelet Basis Wavelets: j,n (x) = 1 2j/2 x 2jn 2j Position n, scale 2j, m = (n, j).

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1-D Wavelet Basis Wavelets: j,n (x) = 1 2j/2 x 2jn 2j Position n, scale 2j, m = (n, j).

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m1,m2 Basis { m1,m2 (x1, x2 )}m1,m2 of L2([0, 1]2) m1,m2 (x1, x2 ) = m1 (x1 ) m2 (x2 ) tensor product 2-D Fourier Basis Basis { m (x)}m of L2([0, 1]) m1 m2

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m1,m2 Basis { m1,m2 (x1, x2 )}m1,m2 of L2([0, 1]2) m1,m2 (x1, x2 ) = m1 (x1 ) m2 (x2 ) tensor product f(x) f, m1,m2 Fourier transform 2-D Fourier Basis Basis { m (x)}m of L2([0, 1]) m1 m2 x m

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3 elementary wavelets { H, V , D}. Orthogonal basis of L2([0, 1]2): k j,n (x) = 2 j (2 jx n) k=H,V,D j<0,2j n [0,1]2 2-D Wavelet Basis V (x) H(x) D(x)

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3 elementary wavelets { H, V , D}. Orthogonal basis of L2([0, 1]2): k j,n (x) = 2 j (2 jx n) k=H,V,D j<0,2j n [0,1]2 2-D Wavelet Basis V (x) H(x) D(x)

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wavelet f, k j,n Example of Wavelet Decomposition f(x) transform x (j, n, k)

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Discrete Computations Discrete orthogonal basis { m } of CN . f = m f, m m

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Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), O(N log(N)) operations. Discrete Computations Discrete orthogonal basis { m } of CN . m [n] = 1 N e2i N nm f = m f, m m

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Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), O(N log(N)) operations. Fast Wavelet Transform, O(N) operations. Discrete Wavelet basis: no closed-form expression. Discrete Computations Discrete orthogonal basis { m } of CN . m [n] = 1 N e2i N nm f = m f, m m

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Sparse Approximation in a Basis

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Sparse Approximation in a Basis

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Sparse Approximation in a Basis

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Best basis Fastest error decay ||f fM ||2 log(||f fM ||) log(M) Efficiency of Transforms Fourier DCT Local DCT Wavelets

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Overview • Approximation in an Ortho-Basis • Compression and Denoising • Compressed Sensing

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JPEG-2000 vs. JPEG, 0.2bit/pixel

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Compression by Transform-coding Image f Zoom on f f forward a[m] = ⇥f, m ⇤ R transform

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Compression by Transform-coding Image f Zoom on f f forward a[m] = ⇥f, m ⇤ R transform Quantization: q[m] = sign(a[m]) |a[m]| T ⇥ Z ˜ a[m] T T 2T 2T a[m] Quantized q[m] bin T q[m] Z

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Compression by Transform-coding Image f Zoom on f f forward a[m] = ⇥f, m ⇤ R coding transform Entropic coding: use statistical redundancy (many 0’s). Quantization: q[m] = sign(a[m]) |a[m]| T ⇥ Z ˜ a[m] T T 2T 2T a[m] Quantized q[m] bin T q[m] Z

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Compression by Transform-coding Image f Zoom on f f forward a[m] = ⇥f, m ⇤ R coding decoding q[m] Z transform Entropic coding: use statistical redundancy (many 0’s). Quantization: q[m] = sign(a[m]) |a[m]| T ⇥ Z ˜ a[m] T T 2T 2T a[m] Quantized q[m] bin T q[m] Z

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Compression by Transform-coding Image f Zoom on f f forward Dequantization: ˜ a[m] = sign(q[m]) |q[m] + 1 2 ⇥ T a[m] = ⇥f, m ⇤ R coding decoding q[m] Z ˜ a[m] dequantization transform Entropic coding: use statistical redundancy (many 0’s). Quantization: q[m] = sign(a[m]) |a[m]| T ⇥ Z ˜ a[m] T T 2T 2T a[m] Quantized q[m] bin T q[m] Z

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Compression by Transform-coding Image f Zoom on f f , R =0.2 bit/pixel f forward Dequantization: ˜ a[m] = sign(q[m]) |q[m] + 1 2 ⇥ T a[m] = ⇥f, m ⇤ R coding decoding q[m] Z ˜ a[m] dequantization transform backward fR = m IT ˜ a[m] m transform Entropic coding: use statistical redundancy (many 0’s). Quantization: q[m] = sign(a[m]) |a[m]| T ⇥ Z ˜ a[m] T T 2T 2T a[m] Quantized q[m] bin T q[m] Z

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Compression by Transform-coding Image f Zoom on f f , R =0.2 bit/pixel f forward Dequantization: ˜ a[m] = sign(q[m]) |q[m] + 1 2 ⇥ T a[m] = ⇥f, m ⇤ R coding decoding q[m] Z ˜ a[m] dequantization transform backward fR = m IT ˜ a[m] m transform Entropic coding: use statistical redundancy (many 0’s). Quantization: q[m] = sign(a[m]) |a[m]| T ⇥ Z ˜ a[m] T T 2T 2T a[m] Quantized q[m] bin T q[m] Z “Theorem:” ||f fM ||2 = O(M ) =⇥ ||f fR ||2 = O(log (R)R )

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Noise in Images

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Denoising thresh. f = N 1 m=0 f, m ⇥ m ˜ f = | f, m ⇥|>T f, m ⇥ m

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Denoising thresh. f = N 1 m=0 f, m ⇥ m ˜ f = | f, m ⇥|>T f, m ⇥ m In practice: T 3 for T = 2 log(N) Theorem: if ||f0 f0,M ||2 = O(M ), E(|| ˜ f f0 ||2) = O( 2 +1 )

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Overview • Approximation in an Ortho-Basis • Compression and Denoising • Compressed Sensing

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f[n] f0 (n/N) Sampling: ˜ f L2([0, 1]d) f RN Idealization: acquisition device Discretization

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Data aquisition: Sensors Pointwise Sampling and Smoothness ˜ f L2 f RN f[i] = ˜ f(i/N)

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Data aquisition: Sensors ˜ f(t) = i f[i]h(Nt i) Shannon interpolation: if Supp( ˆ ˜ f) [ N , N ] h(t) = sin( t) t Pointwise Sampling and Smoothness ˜ f L2 f RN f[i] = ˜ f(i/N)

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Data aquisition: Sensors ˜ f(t) = i f[i]h(Nt i) Natural images are not smooth. Shannon interpolation: if Supp( ˆ ˜ f) [ N , N ] h(t) = sin( t) t Pointwise Sampling and Smoothness ˜ f L2 f RN f[i] = ˜ f(i/N)

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Data aquisition: Sensors ˜ f(t) = i f[i]h(Nt i) Natural images are not smooth. But can be compressed e ciently. Shannon interpolation: if Supp( ˆ ˜ f) [ N , N ] 0,1,0,. . . h(t) = sin( t) t Sample and compress simultaneously? Pointwise Sampling and Smoothness ˜ f L2 f RN f[i] = ˜ f(i/N) JPEG-2k

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Single Pixel Camera (Rice) y[i] = f0, i ⇥

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Single Pixel Camera (Rice) y[i] = f0, i ⇥ f0, N = 2562 f , P/N = 0.16 f , P/N = 0.02

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Physical hardware resolution limit: target resolution f RN . ˜ f L2 f RN y RP micro mirrors array resolution CS hardware K CS Hardware Model CS is about designing hardware: input signals ˜ f L2(R2).

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Physical hardware resolution limit: target resolution f RN . ˜ f L2 f RN y RP micro mirrors array resolution CS hardware , ... K CS Hardware Model CS is about designing hardware: input signals ˜ f L2(R2). , ,

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Physical hardware resolution limit: target resolution f RN . ˜ f L2 f RN y RP micro mirrors array resolution CS hardware , ... f Operator K K CS Hardware Model CS is about designing hardware: input signals ˜ f L2(R2). , ,

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Need to solve y = Kf. More unknown than equations. dim(ker(K)) = N P is huge. Inversion and Sparsity f Operator K

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Need to solve y = Kf. More unknown than equations. dim(ker(K)) = N P is huge. Prior information: f is sparse in a basis { m }m . J (f) = Card {m \ | f, m | > } is small. Inversion and Sparsity f Operator K f, m f

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0 reconstruction: Minimize subject to Kf = y y = f f, 1 f, 2 CS Reconstruction J0 (f) = Card {m \ f, m = 0}

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0 reconstruction: Minimize subject to Kf = y NP-hard to solve. y = f f, 1 f, 2 CS Reconstruction J0 (f) = Card {m \ f, m = 0}

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0 reconstruction: Minimize subject to Kf = y 1 reconstruction: m | f, m | Polynomial-time algorithms. NP-hard to solve. y = f f, 1 f, 2 CS Reconstruction J0 (f) = Card {m \ f, m = 0} Minimize subject to Kf = y

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Theorem: [Candes, Romberg, Tao, Donoho, 2004] If f is k-sparse, i.e. J0 (f) k If P C log(N/k)k then 1-CS reconstruction is exact. Theoretical Performance Guaranties

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Theorem: [Candes, Romberg, Tao, Donoho, 2004] If f is k-sparse, i.e. J0 (f) k If P C log(N/k)k then 1-CS reconstruction is exact. Extensions to: noisy observation y = Kf + approximate sparsity f = fk sparse + Theoretical Performance Guaranties

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Theorem: [Candes, Romberg, Tao, Donoho, 2004] If f is k-sparse, i.e. J0 (f) k If P C log(N/k)k then 1-CS reconstruction is exact. Extensions to: noisy observation y = Kf + approximate sparsity f = fk sparse + Research problem: optimal value of C ? for N/k = 4, C log(N/k) 5. “CS is 5 less e cient than JPEG-2k” Theoretical Performance Guaranties

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random acquisition. optimization for reconstruction. #measures sparsity Conclusion • Compressed sensing.