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Finding Time James Box Designing Your Day, Brighton, 2013

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“I think we need to really start playing with time as a material.” Ma! Jones, All the Time in the World, Design by Fire, 2009

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Chronos / Saturn / Kala

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“What information consumes is rather obvious: it consumes the a!ention of its recipients. Hence a wealth of information creates a poverty of a!ention and a need to allocate that a!ention efficiently among the overabundance of information sources that might consume it Herbert A. Simon Designing Organizations for an Information-Rich World

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“Cities are wonderful places, and everybody finds different things in them. Some of us like to take pictures of interesting, unusual, or beautiful things we see, but many of use are moving so fast through the urban landscape we don't take in the things around us. Noticings was a game played by going a bit slower, and having a look around you…

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• Past Nostalgic • Past Regret • Present Hedonistic • Present Fatalistic • Future Planner • Future Spiritualist

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“I was like Melville’s hero, madness maddened. I had no way to stop. I did not write Fahrenheit 451, it wrote me. Ray Bradbury Burning Bright

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"I had to enter late for my first design meeting in Milan, Italy - my colleagues were aware of this and told me to drop in wherever I arrived. As I walked closer to the meeting room, I heard raised voices all talking over each other. I peeked in to see if I had the right meeting, and I saw what “Polychronic” really means. Some of the men were pacing the floor with cigare!es hanging out of their mouths, others were scribbling on the whiteboards and making wild gestures; they were talking over each other in multiple conversations in English and Italian at the same time; all the while espresso was percolating and being passed around. Finally someone noticed me, handed me a marker; pointed at the whiteboard and said, "Well, what are you waiting for? What do you think?!" Europe for Women in Business Wilen

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M-time P-time One thing at a time Many things at once Adhere to plans Change plans rapidly Linear Multi-dimensional Commit to task Commit to relationships Low context High context Designed approach Emergent approach Synchronicty Asynchronicty

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“Ever since I was a small boy, everyone used to tell me to focus. Focus focus focus. I'm very good at being obsessive, but I'm not good at focus. Everything excites me and I end up focusing on everything. Joi Ito, Focusing on everything

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“Strange as it may seem, overcoming geographic obstacles, winning decisive ba!les or meeting global business targets are the type of goals o$en best achieved when pursued indirectly. This is the idea of Obliquity. John Kay Obliquity

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“Combinatory play seems to be the essential feature in productive thought. Albert Einstein Ideas and Opinions

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“Success through obliquity is a product of natural selection in an uncertain, but competitive, environment. John Kay Obliquity

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