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share your code

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share your code

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Brian Gesiak

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compelling code

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1. Precise 2. Convenient

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1. Precise 2. Convenient

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Series Z

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@interface Banana : NSObject /** Whether the banana is peeled. */ @property (readonly) BOOL peeled; /** Whether the banana is delicious. @warning Do not use before the banana is peeled. */ @property (readonly) BOOL delicious; @end

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@interface Banana : NSObject /** Whether the banana is peeled. */ @property (readonly) BOOL peeled; /** Whether the banana is delicious. @warning Do not use before the banana is peeled. */ @property (readonly) BOOL delicious; @end

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@interface Banana : NSObject /** Whether the banana is peeled. */ @property (readonly) BOOL peeled; /** Whether the banana is delicious. @warning Do not use before the banana is peeled. */ @property (readonly) BOOL delicious; @end

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@interface Banana : NSObject /** Whether the banana is peeled. */ @property (readonly) BOOL peeled; /** Whether the banana is delicious. @warning Do not use before the banana is peeled. */ @property (readonly) BOOL delicious; @end

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BKBanana *banana = [[BKBanana alloc] init]; if (banana.delicious) { // ... }

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BKBanana *banana = [[BKBanana alloc] init]; if (banana.delicious) { // ... } Caught "NSInternalInconsistencyException" º

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enum Banana { /** An unpeeled banana has no taste. */ case Unpeeled /** A peeled banana has a boolean to indicate whether it's delicious. */ case Peeled(delicious: Bool) }

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enum Banana { /** An unpeeled banana has no taste. */ case Unpeeled /** A peeled banana has a boolean to indicate whether it's delicious. */ case Peeled(delicious: Bool) }

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enum Banana { /** An unpeeled banana has no taste. */ case Unpeeled /** A peeled banana has a boolean to indicate whether it's delicious. */ case Peeled(delicious: Bool) }

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let banana = Banana.Unpeeled switch banana { case .Unpeeled: // ... case .Peeled(let delicious): if (delicious) { // ... } }

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let banana = Banana.Unpeeled switch banana { case .Unpeeled: // ... case .Peeled(let delicious): if (delicious) { // ... } }

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let banana = Banana.Unpeeled switch banana { case .Unpeeled: // ... case .Peeled(let delicious): if (delicious) { // ... } }

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Banana [[ if } let banana = Banana.Unpeeled switch banana { case .Unpeeled: // ... case .Peeled(let delicious): if (delicious) { // ... } }

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Banana *banana = [[Banana alloc] init]; if (banana.delicious) { // ... } let switch case case } }

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@interface MonkeyDB : NSObject /** Creates a database backed by the store at the given URL. */ - (instancetype)initWithURL:(NSURL *)url; /** Loads a monkey with the given name, or nil if one doesn't exist. */ - (Monkey *)monkeyWithName:(NSString *)name error:(NSError **)error; @end

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@interface MonkeyDB : NSObject /** Creates a database backed by the store at the given URL. */ - (instancetype)initWithURL:(NSURL *)url; /** Loads a monkey with the given name, or nil if one doesn't exist. */ - (Monkey *)monkeyWithName:(NSString *)name error:(NSError **)error; @end

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@interface MonkeyDB : NSObject /** Creates a database backed by the store at the given URL. */ - (instancetype)initWithURL:(NSURL *)url; /** Loads a monkey with the given name, or nil if one doesn't exist. */ - (Monkey *)monkeyWithName:(NSString *)name error:(NSError **)error; @end

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@interface Tricycle : NSObject @property (readonly) NSString *brandName; @end

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@interface MonkeyDB (Tricycles) /** Looks up whether the given monkey owns a tricycle. If the monkey owns one, returns the tricycle. If not, returns nil. If an error occurs, the error pointer will be populated. */ - (Tricycle *)tricycleForMonkey:(Monkey *)monkey error:(NSError **)error; @end

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@interface MonkeyDB (Tricycles) /** Looks up whether the given monkey owns a tricycle. If the monkey owns one, returns the tricycle. If not, returns nil. If an error occurs, the error pointer will be populated. */ - (Tricycle *)tricycleForMonkey:(Monkey *)monkey error:(NSError **)error; @end

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MonkeyDB .monkey(name: String)

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MonkeyDB .monkey(name: String) MonkeyDB .tricycle(monkey: Monkey)

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MonkeyDB .monkey(name: String) MonkeyDB .tricycle(monkey: Monkey) Tricycle.brandName

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NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:@".monkeydb"]; MonkeyDB *database = [[MonkeyDB alloc] initWithURL:url]; NSError *monkeyError = nil; Monkey *monkey = [database monkeyWithName:@"Peepers" error:&monkeyError]; if (monkey == nil || monkeyError != nil) { // ...error handling. return nil; } NSError *tricycleError = nil; Tricycle *tricycle = [database tricycleForMonkey:monkey error:&tricycleError];

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NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:@".monkeydb"]; MonkeyDB *database = [[MonkeyDB alloc] initWithURL:url]; NSError *monkeyError = nil; Monkey *monkey = [database monkeyWithName:@"Peepers" error:&monkeyError]; if (monkey == nil || monkeyError != nil) { // ...error handling. return nil; } NSError *tricycleError = nil; Tricycle *tricycle = [database tricycleForMonkey:monkey error:&tricycleError];

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NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:@".monkeydb"]; MonkeyDB *database = [[MonkeyDB alloc] initWithURL:url]; NSError *monkeyError = nil; Monkey *monkey = [database monkeyWithName:@"Peepers" error:&monkeyError]; if (monkey == nil || monkeyError != nil) { // ...error handling. return nil; } NSError *tricycleError = nil; Tricycle *tricycle = [database tricycleForMonkey:monkey error:&tricycleError];

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NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:@".monkeydb"]; MonkeyDB *database = [[MonkeyDB alloc] initWithURL:url]; NSError *monkeyError = nil; Monkey *monkey = [database monkeyWithName:@"Peepers" error:&monkeyError]; if (monkey == nil || monkeyError != nil) { // ...error handling. return nil; } NSError *tricycleError = nil; Tricycle *tricycle = [database tricycleForMonkey:monkey error:&tricycleError];

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// ...error handling. return nil; } NSError *tricycleError = nil; Tricycle *tricycle = [database tricycleForMonkey:monkey error:&tricycleError]; if (tricycle == nil || tricycleError != nil) { // ...error handling. return nil; } return tricycle.brandName;

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// ...error handling. return nil; } NSError *tricycleError = nil; Tricycle *tricycle = [database tricycleForMonkey:monkey error:&tricycleError]; if (tricycle == nil || tricycleError != nil) { // ...error handling. return nil; } return tricycle.brandName;

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// ...error handling. return nil; } NSError *tricycleError = nil; Tricycle *tricycle = [database tricycleForMonkey:monkey error:&tricycleError]; if (tricycle == nil || tricycleError != nil) { // ...error handling. return nil; } return tricycle.brandName;

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NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:@".monkeydb"]; MonkeyDB *database = [[MonkeyDB alloc] initWithURL:url]; Monkey *monkey = [database monkeyWithName:@"Peepers" error:nil]; Tricycle *tricycle = [database tricycleForMonkey:monkey error:nil]; return tricycle.brandName;

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NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:@".monkeydb"]; MonkeyDB *database = [[MonkeyDB alloc] initWithURL:url]; Monkey *monkey = [database monkeyWithName:@"Peepers" error:nil]; Tricycle *tricycle = [database tricycleForMonkey:monkey error:nil]; return tricycle.brandName; Caught "NSInternalInconsisntencyException" º

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NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:@".monkeydb"]; MonkeyDB *database = [[MonkeyDB alloc] initWithURL:url]; Monkey *monkey = [database monkeyWithName:@"Peepers" error:nil]; Tricycle *tricycle = [database tricycleForMonkey:monkey error:nil]; return tricycle.brandName; Thread 1: EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION

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if (brandName) {
 // ...

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/** The result of an operation that could have failed. */ enum Result { /** If the operation succeeded, the result has a value. */ case Success(SuccessType) /** If the operation failed, the result holds an error. */ case Failure(ErrorType) }

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/** The result of an operation that could have failed. */ enum Result { /** If the operation succeeded, the result has a value. */ case Success(SuccessType) /** If the operation failed, the result holds an error. */ case Failure(ErrorType) }

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/** The result of an operation that could have failed. */ enum Result { /** If the operation succeeded, the result has a value. */ case Success(SuccessType) /** If the operation failed, the result holds an error. */ case Failure(ErrorType) }

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struct MonkeyDB { init(url: NSURL) func monkey(name: String) -> Result func tricycle(monkey: Monkey) -> Result }

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struct MonkeyDB { init(url: NSURL) func monkey(name: String) -> Result func tricycle(monkey: Monkey) -> Result }

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struct MonkeyDB { init(url: NSURL) func monkey(name: String) -> Result func tricycle(monkey: Monkey) -> Result }

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let result = database.tricycle(monkey) return result.brandName

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let result = database.tricycle(monkey) return result.brandName 'Result' does not have a member named 'brandName'

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let monkeyResult = database.monkey(“Peepers") switch monkeyResult { case .Failure(let error): return .Failure(error) case .Success(let monkey): let tricycleResult = database.tricycle(monkey) switch tricycleResult { case .Failure(let error): return .Failure(error) case .Success(let tricycle): return .Success(tricycle.brandName) } }

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let monkeyResult = database.monkey(“Peepers") switch monkeyResult { case .Failure(let error): return .Failure(error) case .Success(let monkey): let tricycleResult = database.tricycle(monkey) switch tricycleResult { case .Failure(let error): return .Failure(error) case .Success(let tricycle): return .Success(tricycle.brandName) } }

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let monkeyResult = database.monkey(“Peepers") switch monkeyResult { case .Failure(let error): return .Failure(error) case .Success(let monkey): let tricycleResult = database.tricycle(monkey) switch tricycleResult { case .Failure(let error): return .Failure(error) case .Success(let tricycle): return .Success(tricycle.brandName) } }

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let monkeyResult = database.monkey(“Peepers") switch monkeyResult { case .Failure(let error): return .Failure(error) case .Success(let monkey): let tricycleResult = database.tricycle(monkey) switch tricycleResult { case .Failure(let error): return .Failure(error) case .Success(let tricycle): return .Success(tricycle.brandName) } }

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let monkeyResult = database.monkey(“Peepers") switch monkeyResult { case .Failure(let error): return .Failure(error) case .Success(let monkey): let tricycleResult = database.tricycle(monkey) switch tricycleResult { case .Failure(let error): return .Failure(error) case .Success(let tricycle): return .Success(tricycle.brandName) } }

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1. Precise 2. Convenient

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let monkeyResult = database.monkey(“Peepers") switch monkeyResult { case .Failure(let error): return .Failure(error) case .Success(let monkey): let tricycleResult = database.tricycle(monkey) switch tricycleResult { case .Failure(let error): return .Failure(error) case .Success(let tricycle): return .Success(tricycle.brandName) } }

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MonkeyDB .monkey(name: return MonkeyDB .tricycle(monkey: return

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MonkeyDB .monkey(name: return .Failure(NSError) MonkeyDB .tricycle(monkey: return .Success( Tricycle.brandName)

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MonkeyDB .monkey(name: String) return .Failure(NSError) MonkeyDB .tricycle(monkey: return .Success( Tricycle.brandName)

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MonkeyDB .monkey(name: String) return .Failure(NSError) MonkeyDB .tricycle(monkey: return .Success( Tricycle.brandName)

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MonkeyDB .monkey(name: String) return .Failure(NSError) MonkeyDB .tricycle(monkey: Monkey) return .Success( Tricycle.brandName)

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MonkeyDB .monkey(name: String) return .Failure(NSError) MonkeyDB .tricycle(monkey: Monkey) return .Success( Tricycle.brandName)

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MonkeyDB .monkey(name: String) return .Failure(NSError) MonkeyDB .tricycle(monkey: Monkey) return .Success( Tricycle.brandName)

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MonkeyDB .monkey(name: return MonkeyDB .tricycle(monkey: return

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MonkeyDB .monkey(name: return MonkeyDB .tricycle(monkey: return

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MonkeyDB .monkey(name: return MonkeyDB .tricycle(monkey: return

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enum Result { func map(transform: SuccessType -> NewType) -> Result func flatMap( transform: SuccessType -> Result) -> Result }

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let monkeyResult = database.monkey("Peepers") let tricycleResult = monkeyResult.flatMap { (monkey: Monkey) in return database.tricycle(monkey) } let brandNameResult = { (tricycle: Tricycle) in return tricycle.brandName } return brandNameResult

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let monkeyResult = database.monkey("Peepers") let tricycleResult = monkeyResult.flatMap { (monkey: Monkey) in return database.tricycle(monkey) } let brandNameResult = { (tricycle: Tricycle) in return tricycle.brandName } return brandNameResult

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let monkeyResult = database.monkey("Peepers") let tricycleResult = monkeyResult.flatMap { (monkey: Monkey) in return database.tricycle(monkey) } let brandNameResult = { (tricycle: Tricycle) in return tricycle.brandName } return brandNameResult

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let monkeyResult = database.monkey("Peepers") let tricycleResult = monkeyResult.flatMap { (monkey: Monkey) in return database.tricycle(monkey) } let brandNameResult = { (tricycle: Tricycle) in return tricycle.brandName } return brandNameResult

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let monkeyResult = database.monkey("Peepers") let tricycleResult = monkeyResult.flatMap { (monkey: Monkey) in return database.tricycle(monkey) } let brandNameResult = { (tricycle: Tricycle) in return tricycle.brandName } return brandNameResult

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let monkeyResult = database.monkey("Peepers") let tricycleResult = monkeyResult.flatMap { (monkey: Monkey) in return database.tricycle(monkey) } let brandNameResult = { (tricycle: Tricycle) in return tricycle.brandName } return brandNameResult

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let monkeyResult = database.monkey("Peepers") let tricycleResult = monkeyResult.flatMap { (monkey: Monkey) in return database.tricycle(monkey) } let brandNameResult = { (tricycle: Tricycle) in return tricycle.brandName } return brandNameResult

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let monkeyResult = database.monkey("Peepers") let tricycleResult = monkeyResult.flatMap { (monkey: Monkey) in return database.tricycle(monkey) } let brandNameResult = { (tricycle: Tricycle) in return tricycle.brandName } return brandNameResult

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let monkeyResult = database.monkey("Peepers") let tricycleResult = monkeyResult.flatMap { (monkey: Monkey) in return database.tricycle(monkey) } let brandNameResult = { (tricycle: Tricycle) in return tricycle.brandName } return brandNameResult

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let monkeyResult = database.monkey("Peepers") let tricycleResult = monkeyResult.flatMap { (monkey: Monkey) in return database.tricycle(monkey) } let brandNameResult = { (tricycle: Tricycle) in return tricycle.brandName } return brandNameResult

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let monkeyResult = database.monkey("Peepers") let tricycleResult = monkeyResult.flatMap { (monkey: Monkey) in return database.tricycle(monkey) } let brandNameResult = { (tricycle: Tricycle) in return tricycle.brandName } return brandNameResult

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let monkeyResult = database.monkey("Peepers") let tricycleResult = monkeyResult.flatMap { (monkey: Monkey) in return database.tricycle(monkey) } let brandNameResult = { (tricycle: Tricycle) in return tricycle.brandName } return brandNameResult

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let monkeyResult = database.monkey("Peepers") let tricycleResult = monkeyResult.flatMap { (monkey: Monkey) in return database.tricycle(monkey) } let brandNameResult = { (tricycle: Tricycle) in return tricycle.brandName } return brandNameResult

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let monkeyResult = database.monkey("Peepers") let tricycleResult = monkeyResult.flatMap { (monkey: Monkey) in return database.tricycle(monkey) } let brandNameResult = { (tricycle: Tricycle) in return tricycle.brandName } return brandNameResult

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let monkeyResult = database.monkey("Peepers") let tricycleResult = monkeyResult.flatMap { (monkey: Monkey) in return database.tricycle(monkey) } let brandNameResult = { (tricycle: Tricycle) in return tricycle.brandName } return brandNameResult

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let monkeyResult = database.monkey("Peepers") let tricycleResult = monkeyResult.flatMap { (monkey: Monkey) in return database.tricycle(monkey) } let brandNameResult = { (tricycle: Tricycle) in return tricycle.brandName } return brandNameResult

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let monkeyResult = database.monkey("Peepers") let tricycleResult = monkeyResult.flatMap { (monkey: Monkey) in return database.tricycle(monkey) } let brandNameResult = { (tricycle: Tricycle) in return tricycle.brandName } return brandNameResult

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let monkeyResult = database.monkey("Peepers") let tricycleResult = monkeyResult.flatMap { (monkey: Monkey) in return database.tricycle(monkey) } let brandNameResult = { (tricycle: Tricycle) in return tricycle.brandName } return brandNameResult let tricycleResult = monkeyResult.flatMap { return database.tricycle($0) }

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let monkeyResult = database.monkey("Peepers") let tricycleResult = monkeyResult.flatMap { (monkey: Monkey) in return database.tricycle(monkey) } let brandNameResult = { (tricycle: Tricycle) in return tricycle.brandName } return brandNameResult let tricycleResult = monkeyResult.flatMap { return database.tricycle($0) } let brandNameResult = { return $0.brandName }

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let monkeyResult = database.monkey("Peepers") let tricycleResult = monkeyResult.flatMap { return database.tricycle($0) } let brandNameResult = { return $0.brandName } return brandNameResult

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let monkeyResult = database.monkey("Peepers") let tricycleResult = monkeyResult.flatMap { return database.tricycle($0) } let brandNameResult = { return $0.brandName } return brandNameResult let brandNameResult = { $0.brandName } let tricycleResult = monkeyResult.flatMap { database.tricycle($0) }

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return database.monkey("Peepers") .flatMap { database.tricycle($0) } .map { $0.brandName }

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return database.monkey("Peepers") .flatMap { database.tricycle($0) } .map { $0.brandName }

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return database.monkey("Peepers") .flatMap { database.tricycle($0) } .map { $0.brandName }

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return database.monkey("Peepers") .flatMap { database.tricycle($0) } .map { $0.brandName }

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No content

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No content

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No content

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let url = NSURL( fileURLWithPath: "/Users/modocache/Gift")! let latestCommitMessage = openRepository(url) .flatMap { $0.headReference } .flatMap { $0.commit } .flatMap { $0.message } switch latestCommitMessage { case .Success(let message): println(message) case .Failure(let error): println(error.localizedDescription) }

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let url = NSURL( fileURLWithPath: "/Users/modocache/Gift")! let latestCommitMessage = openRepository(url) .flatMap { $0.headReference } .flatMap { $0.commit } .flatMap { $0.message } switch latestCommitMessage { case .Success(let message): println(message) case .Failure(let error): println(error.localizedDescription) }

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let url = NSURL( fileURLWithPath: "/Users/modocache/Gift")! let latestCommitMessage = openRepository(url) .flatMap { $0.headReference } .flatMap { $0.commit } .flatMap { $0.message } switch latestCommitMessage { case .Success(let message): println(message) case .Failure(let error): println(error.localizedDescription) }

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let url = NSURL( fileURLWithPath: "/Users/modocache/Gift")! let latestCommitMessage = openRepository(url) .flatMap { $0.headReference } .flatMap { $0.commit } .flatMap { $0.message } switch latestCommitMessage { case .Success(let message): println(message) case .Failure(let error): println(error.localizedDescription) }

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let url = NSURL( fileURLWithPath: "/Users/modocache/Gift")! let latestCommitMessage = openRepository(url) .flatMap { $0.headReference } .flatMap { $0.commit } .flatMap { $0.message } switch latestCommitMessage { case .Success(let message): println(message) case .Failure(let error): println(error.localizedDescription) }

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openRepository(url) .flatMap { $0.index } .flatMap { $0.add() } .flatMap { $0.writeTree() } .flatMap { $0.commit("This is bananas!") } git commit --all --message "this is bananas"

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openRepository(url) .flatMap { $0.index } .flatMap { $0.add() } .flatMap { $0.writeTree() } .flatMap { $0.commit("This is bananas!") } git commit --all --message "this is bananas"

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openRepository(url) .flatMap { $0.index } .flatMap { $0.add() } .flatMap { $0.writeTree() } .flatMap { $0.commit("This is bananas!") } git commit --all --message "this is bananas"

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openRepository(url) .flatMap { $0.index } .flatMap { $0.add() } .flatMap { $0.writeTree() } .flatMap { $0.commit("This is bananas!") } git commit --all --message "this is bananas"

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openRepository(url) .flatMap { $0.index } .flatMap { $0.add() } .flatMap { $0.writeTree() } .flatMap { $0.commit("This is bananas!") } git commit --all --message "this is bananas"

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let entryCountResult = openRepository(url) .flatMap { $0.index } .map { $0.entryCount } git status --staged | wc -l

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let entryCountResult = openRepository(url) .flatMap { $0.index } .map { $0.entryCount } git status --staged | wc -l

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let entryCountResult = openRepository(url) .flatMap { $0.index } .map { $0.entryCount } git status --staged | wc -l

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let entryCountResult = openRepository(url) .flatMap { $0.index } .map { $0.entryCount } git status --staged | wc -l

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let entryCountResult = openRepository(url) .flatMap { $0.index } .map { $0.entryCount } git status --staged | wc -l

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let entryCountResult = openRepository(url) .flatMap { $0.index } .map { $0.entryCount } git status --staged | wc -l

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let entryCountResult = openRepository(url) .flatMap { $0.index } .map { $0.entryCount } git status --staged | wc -l

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enum Result { func map(transform: SuccessType -> NewType) -> Result func flatMap( transform: SuccessType -> Result) -> Result }

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enum Result { func map(transform: SuccessType -> NewType) -> Result func flatMap( transform: SuccessType -> Result) -> Result }

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enum Result { func map(transform: SuccessType -> NewType) -> Result func flatMap( transform: SuccessType -> Result) -> Result }

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enum Result { func map(transform: SuccessType -> NewType) -> Result func flatMap( transform: SuccessType -> Result) -> Result }

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enum Result { func map(transform: SuccessType -> NewType) -> Result func flatMap( transform: SuccessType -> Result) -> Result }

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enum Result { func map(transform: SuccessType -> NewType) -> Result func flatMap( transform: SuccessType -> Result) -> Result }

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enum Result { func map(transform: SuccessType -> NewType) -> Result func flatMap( transform: SuccessType -> Result) -> Result }

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let entryCountResult = openRepository(url) .flatMap { $0.index } .map { $0.entryCount } git status --staged | wc -l

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return database.monkey("Peepers") .flatMap { database.tricycle($0) } .map { $0.brandName }

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1. Precise 2. Convenient

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