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PROBABILISTIC ALGORITHMS for fun and pseudorandom profit Tyler Treat / 12.5.2015

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ABOUT THE SPEAKER ➤ Backend engineer at Workiva ➤ Messaging platform tech lead ➤ Distributed systems ➤ @tyler_treat
 [email protected]

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Time Data Batch
 (days, hours) Meh, data
 (I can store this on
 my laptop) Streaming
 (minutes, seconds) Oi, data!
 (We’re gonna need
 a bigger boat…) Real-Time™
 (I need it now, dammit!) Big data™
 (IoT, sensors) /dev/null

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Time Data Batch
 (days, hours) Meh, data
 (I can store this on
 my laptop) Streaming
 (minutes, seconds) Oi, data!
 (We’re gonna need
 a bigger boat…) Real-Time™
 (I need it now, dammit!) Big data™
 (IoT, sensors) Not Interesting Kinda Interesting Pretty Interesting /dev/null

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THIS TALK IS NOT ➤ About Samza, Storm, Spark Streaming et al. ➤ Strictly about stream-processing techniques ➤ Mathy ➤ Statistics-y

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THIS TALK IS ➤ About basic probability theory ➤ About practical design trade-offs ➤ About algorithms & data structures ➤ About dealing with large or unbounded datasets ➤ A marriage of CS & engineering

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OUTLINE ➤ Terminology & context ➤ Why probabilistic algorithms? ➤ Bloom filters & variants ➤ Count-min sketch ➤ HyperLogLog

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Randomized Algorithms Las Vegas Algorithms Monte Carlo Algorithms Random Input Correct result
 Gamble on speed Deterministic speed
 Gamble on result

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Randomized Algorithms Las Vegas Algorithms Monte Carlo Algorithms Random Input Correct result
 Gamble on speed Deterministic speed
 Gamble on result

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DEFINING SOME TERMINOLOGY ➤ Online - processing elements as they arrive ➤ Offline - entire dataset is known ahead of time ➤ Real-time - hard constraint on response time ➤ A priori knowledge - something known beforehand

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BATCH VS STREAMING ➤ Batch ➤ Offline ➤ Heuristics/multiple passes ➤ Data structures less important documents search index

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BATCH VS STREAMING ➤ Streaming ➤ Online, one pass ➤ Usually real-time (but not necessarily) ➤ Potentially unbounded transactions caches fraud analytics

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3 DATA INTEGRATION QUESTIONS ➤ How do you get the data? ➤ How do you disseminate the data? ➤ How do you process the data?

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3 DATA INTEGRATION QUESTIONS ➤ How do you get the data (quickly)? ➤ How do you disseminate the data (quickly)? ➤ How do you process the data (quickly)?

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Denormalization is critical to performance at scale.

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How to count the number of distinct document views across Wikipedia?

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10b531cb-914c-4b3e- ac1d-11678dd72f7a 3,042,568 16-byte GUID 8-byte integer

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10b531cb-914c-4b3e- ac1d-11678dd72f7a 5d5d5a78-f98f-4eee- bc83-762b3c78f1ea 3558d299-45ef-4fc9- b9ec-902e4943c7f8 6febb745-c987-4c51- afd2-90a55f357d7b 6f3f199e-4cc3-4c68- 9d2a-00c31eb199f3 3,042,568 1,250,763 982,531 24,703,289 7,401,050

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Wikipedia has ~38 million pages.

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38,000,000 pages x (16-byte guid + 8-byte integer) ≈ 1GB

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➤ Not unreasonable for modern hardware ➤ Held in memory for lifetime of process so will move to old GC generations—expensive to collect! ➤ Now we want to track views per unique IP address ➤ >4 billion IPv4 addresses ➤ Naive solutions quickly become intractable

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DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS TRADE-OFFS Consistency Availability Partition Tolerance

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HAVE YOUR CAKE AND EAT IT TOO? Stream Processing Batch Processing App The “Lambda Architecture”

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Probabilistic algorithms trade accuracy for space and performance.

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“Sketching” data structures make this trade by storing a summary of the dataset when storing it entirely is prohibitively expensive.

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Bloom Filters B. H. Bloom.
 Space/Time Trade-offs in Hash Coding with Allowable Errors. 1970.

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Answers a simple question: is this element a member of a set? S ⊆ 
 x ∈ S

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SET MEMBERSHIP ➤ Is this URL malicious? ➤ Is this IP address blacklisted? ➤ Is this word contained in the document? ➤ Is this record in the database? ➤ Has this transaction been processed?

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Hash Table entry for each member

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Bit Array bit for each element in universe 0101101000101110010100100110101…

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BLOOM FILTERS ➤ Bloom filters store set memberships ➤ Answers “not in set” or “probably in set”

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Bloom Filter Secondary Store Do you have key 1? no no Do you have key 2? Here’s key 2 yes Necessary access Here’s key 2 Do you have key 3? no yes Unnecessary access no yes no

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BLOOM FILTERS ➤ 2 operations: add, lookup ➤ Allocate bit array of length m ➤ k hash functions ➤ Configure m and k for desired false-positive rate

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BLOOM FILTERS ➤ Add element: ➤ Hash with k functions to get k indices ➤ Set bits at each index ➤ Lookup: ➤ Hash with k functions to get k indices ➤ Check bit at each index ➤ If any bit is unset, element not in set

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BLOOM FILTERS ➤ Benefits: ➤ More space-efficient than hash table or bit array ➤ Can determine trade-off between accuracy and space ➤ Drawbacks: ➤ Some elements potentially more sensitive to false positives than others (solvable by partitioning) ➤ Can’t remove elements ➤ Requires a priori knowledge of the dataset ➤ Over-provisioned filter wastes space

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Bloom filters are great for efficient offline processing, but what about streaming?

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BLOOM FILTERS WITH A TWIST ➤ Rotating Bloom filters ➤ e.g. remember everything in the last hour
 ➤ Scalable Bloom Filters ➤ Dynamically allocating chained filters
 ➤ Stable Bloom Filters ➤ Continuously evict stale data

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Scalable Bloom Filters P. S. Almeida, C. Baquero, N. Preguiça, D. Hutchison.
 Scalable Bloom Filters. 2007.

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l P0 P0 P0 P0 P0 = error prob. of 1 filter l = # filters P = compound error prob. P = 1 - (1 - P 0 ) i=0 l-1

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P0 = 0.1 P = 1 - (1 - P0) i=0 l-1

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SCALABLE BLOOM FILTERS ➤ Questions: ➤ When to add a new filter? ➤ How to place a tight upper bound on P?

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SCALABLE BLOOM FILTERS ➤ When to add a new filter? ➤ Fill ratio p = # set bits / # bits ➤ Add new filter when target p is reached ➤ Optimal target p = 0.5 (math follows from paper)

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SCALABLE BLOOM FILTERS ➤ How to place a tight upper bound on P? ➤ Apply tightening ratio r to P0 , where 0 < r < 1 ➤ Start with 1 filter, error probability P0 ➤ When full, add new filter, error probability P1 =P0 r ➤ Results in geometric series: ➤ Series converges on target error probability P

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P0 = 0.1
 r = 0.5 P P = 1 - (1 - P0r i ) i=0 l-1

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SCALABLE BLOOM FILTERS ➤ Add elements to last filter ➤ Check each filter on lookups ➤ Tightening ratio r controls m and k for new filters

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SCALABLE BLOOM FILTERS ➤ Benefits: ➤ Can grow dynamically to accommodate dataset ➤ Provides tight upper bound on false-positive rate ➤ Can control growth rate ➤ Drawbacks: ➤ Size still proportional to dataset ➤ Additional computation on adds (negligible amortized)

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Stable Bloom Filters F. Deng, D. Rafiei.
 Approximately Detecting Duplicates for Streaming Data using Stable Bloom Filters. 2006.

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DUPLICATE DETECTION ➤ Query processing ➤ URL crawling ➤ Monitoring distinct IP addresses ➤ Advertiser click streams ➤ Graph processing

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Bloom filters are remarkably useful for dealing with graph data.

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GRAPH PROCESSING ➤ Detecting cycles ➤ Pruning search space ➤ E.g. often used in bioinformatics ➤ Storing chemical structures, properties, and molecular fingerprints in filters to optimize searches and determine structural similarities ➤ Rapid classification of DNA sequences as large as the human genome

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GRAPH PROCESSING ➤ Store crawled nodes in memory ➤ Set of nodes may be too large to fit in memory ➤ Store crawled nodes in secondary storage ➤ Too many searches to perform in limited time

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Precisely eliminating duplicates in an unbounded stream isn’t feasible with limited space and time.

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Efficacy/Efficiency Conjecture:
 In many situations, a quick answer with an allowable error rate is better than a precise one that is slow.

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Staleness Conjecture:
 In many situations, more recent data has more value than stale data.

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STABLE BLOOM FILTERS ➤ Discards old data to make room for new data ➤ Replace bit array with array of d-bit counters ➤ Initialize counters to zero ➤ Maximum counter value Max = 2d - 1

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STABLE BLOOM FILTERS ➤ Add element: ➤ Select P random counters and decrement by one ➤ Hash with k functions to get k indices ➤ Set counters at each index to Max ➤ Lookup: ➤ Hash with k functions to get k indices ➤ Check counter at each index ➤ If any counter is zero, element not in set

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STABLE BLOOM FILTERS ➤ Classic Bloom filter a special case of SBF w/ d=1, P=0 ➤ Tight upper bound on false positives ➤ FP rate asymptotically approaches configurable fixed constant (stable-point property) ➤ See paper for math and parameter settings ➤ Evicting data introduces false negatives

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STABLE BLOOM FILTERS ➤ Benefits: ➤ Fixed memory allocation ➤ Evicts old data to make room for new data ➤ Provides tight upper bound on false positives ➤ Drawbacks: ➤ Introduces false negatives ➤ Additional computation on adds

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Count-Min Sketch G. Cormode, S. Muthukrishnan.
 An Improved Data Stream Summary: The Count-Min Sketch and its Applications. 2003.

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Can we count element frequencies using sub-linear space? page views 7 4 11

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COUNT-MIN SKETCH ➤ Approximates frequencies in sub-linear space ➤ Matrix with w columns and d rows ➤ Each row has a hash function ➤ Each cell initialized to zero ➤ When element arrives: ➤ Hash for each row ➤ Increment each counter by 1 ➤ freq(element) = min counter value

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COUNT-MIN SKETCH ➤ Why the minimum? ➤ Possibility for collisions between elements ➤ Counter may be incremented by multiple elements ➤ Taking minimum counter value gives closer approximation

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COUNT-MIN SKETCH ➤ Benefits: ➤ Simple! ➤ Sub-linear space ➤ Useful for detecting “heavy hitters” ➤ Easy to track top-k by adding a min-heap ➤ Drawbacks: ➤ Biased estimator: may overestimate, never underestimates ➤ Better suited to Zipfian distributions & rare events

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HyperLogLog P. Flajolet, É. Fusy, O. Gandouet, F. Meunier.
 HyperLogLog: the analysis of a near-optimal cardinality estimation algorithm. 2007.

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How do we count distinct things in a stream?

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COUNTING PROBLEMS ➤ E.g. how many different words are used in Wikipedia? ➤ Counter per element explodes memory ➤ Usually requires memory proportional to cardinality ➤ Can we approximate cardinality with constant space?

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HYPERLOGLOG ➤ The name: can estimate cardinality of set w/ cardinality Nmax using loglog(Nmax ) + O(1) bits ➤ Hash element to integer ➤ Count number of leading 0’s in binary form of hash ➤ Track highest number of leading 0’s, n ➤ Cardinality ≈ 2n+1

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HYPERLOGLOG ➤ stream = [“foo”, “bar”, “baz”, “qux”] ➤ h(“foo”) = 10100001 ➤ h(“bar”) = 01110111 ➤ h(“baz”) = 01110100 ➤ h(“qux”) = 10100011 ➤ n = 1 ➤ |stream| ≈ 2n+1 = 22 = 4

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It’s actually not magic but just a few really clever observations.

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With 50/50 odds, how long will it take to flip 3 heads in a row? 20? 100?

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HYPERLOGLOG ➤ Replace “heads” and “tails” with 0’s and 1’s ➤ Count leading consecutive 0’s in binary form of hash ➤ E.g. imagine a 4-bit hash, 16 possible values: ➤ 0000 4 leading 0’s ➤ 0001 3 leading 0’s ➤ 0011, 0010 2 leading 0’s ➤ 0100, 0111, 0110, 0101 1 leading 0’s ➤ 1111, 1110, 1001 1010, 1101, 1100 1011, 1000 0 leading 0’s ➤ Assume good hash function → 1/16 odds for each permutation

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HYPERLOGLOG ➤ Track highest number of leading 0’s, n ➤ n = 0 → 8/16=1/2 odds ➤ n = 1 → 4/16=1/4 odds ➤ n = 2 → 2/16=1/8 odds ➤ n = 3 → 1/16 odds ➤ Cardinality ≈ how many things did we have to look? ➤ E.g. highest count = 1 → 1/4 odds → cardinality 4

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HYPERLOGLOG ➤ 1/2 of all binary numbers start with 1 ➤ Each additional bit cuts the probability in half: ➤ 1/4 start with 01 ➤ 1/8 start with 001 ➤ 1/16 start with 0001 ➤ etc. ➤ P(run of length n) = 1 / 2n+1 ➤ Seeing 001 has 1/8 probability, meaning we had to look at approximately 8 things til we saw it (cardinality 8) ➤ Cardinality ≈ prob-1 (reciprocal of probability)

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What about outliers?

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HYPERLOGLOG ➤ Use multiple buckets ➤ Use first few bits of hash to determine bucket ➤ Use remaining bits to count 0’s ➤ Each bucket tracks its own count ➤ Take harmonic mean of all buckets to get cardinality ➤ min(x1 …xn ) ≤ H(x1 …xn ) ≤ n min(x1 …xn ) 01011010001011100101001001101010 bucket counting space

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HYPERLOGLOG ➤ Benefits: ➤ Constant memory ➤ Super fast (calculating MSB is cheap) ➤ Can give accurate count with <1% error ➤ Drawbacks: ➤ Has a margin of error (albeit small)

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What did we learn?

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Data processing has trade-offs.

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Probabilistic algorithms trade accuracy for speed and space.

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Often we only care about answers that are mostly correct but available now.

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Sometimes the “right” answer is impossible to compute or simply doesn’t exist.

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But mostly…

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Probabilistic algorithms are just damn cool.

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What about the code?

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ALGORITHM IMPLEMENTATIONS ➤ Algebird - ➤ Bloom filter ➤ Count-min sketch ➤ HyperLogLog ➤ stream-lib - ➤ Bloom filter ➤ Count-min sketch ➤ HyperLogLog ➤ Boom Filters - ➤ Bloom filter ➤ Scalable Bloom filter ➤ Stable Bloom filter ➤ Count-min sketch ➤ HyperLogLog

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OTHER COOL PROBABILISTIC ALGORITHMS ➤ Counting Bloom filter (and many other Bloom variations) ➤ Bloomier filter (encode functions instead of sets) ➤ Cuckoo filter (Bloom filter w/ cuckoo hashing) ➤ q-digest (quantile approximation) ➤ t-digest (online accumulation of rank-based statistics) ➤ Locality-sensitive hashing (hash similar items to same buckets) ➤ MinHash (set similarity) ➤ Miller–Rabin (primality testing) ➤ Karger’s algorithm (min cut of connected graph)

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@tyler_treat Thanks We’re hiring!

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BIBLIOGRAPHY Almeida, P ., Baquero, C., Preguica, N., Hutchison, D. 2007. Scalable Bloom Filters; members/cbm/ps/dbloom.pdf Bloom, B. 1970. Space/Time Trade-offs in Hash Coding with Allowable Errors; ~diaz/p422-bloom.pdf Cormode, G., & Muthukrishnan, S. 2003. An Improved Data Stream Summary: The Count-Min Sketch and its Applications; Deng, F., & Rafiei, D. 2006. Approximately Detecting Duplicates for Streaming Data using Stable Bloom Filters; Flajolet, P ., Fusy, É, Gandouet, O., Meunier, F. 2007. HyperLogLog: The analysis of a near-optimal cardinality estimation algorithm; Stranneheim, H., Käller, M., Allander, T., Andersson, B., Arvestad, L., Lundeberg, J. 2010. Classification of DNA sequences using Bloom filters. Bioinformatics, 26(13); 26/13/1595.full.pdf Tarkoma, S., Rothenberg, C., & Lagerspetz, E. 2011. Theory and Practice of Bloom Filters for Distributed Systems. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 14(1); TheoryandPracticeBloomFilter2011Tarkoma.pdf Treat, T. 2015. Stream Processing and Probabilistic Methods: Data at Scale; processing-and-probabilistic-methods