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Otavio Santana @otaviojava Survival Guide for the Java Architect in the Cloud Era member of KI group

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Otavio Santana @otaviojava Staff Engineer ● Java Champion ● JCP-EC-EG-EGL ● Apache Committer ● Eclipse Committer ● Eclipse Project Leader ● Book and blog writer Speaker

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Agile ● Individuals and interactions over processes and tools ● Working software over comprehensive documentation ● Customer collaboration over contract negotiation ● Responding to change over following a plan

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Breaking down the silos ● DevOps ○ NoOps ● BizDevOps Great wall of China

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Cloud "Cloud is somebody else's problem" Jacob Peter Gowy's The Flight of Icarus (1635–1637)

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NIST "cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction." National Institute of Standards and Technology

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Cloud Types ● Hardware ● Operations ● Knowledge

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Some of the Options Cloud PaaS IaaS CaaS SaaS Managed Application Services Managed Event Streaming Managed Database Managed API Gateways Managed Integration Decisions and Processes as a Service Backend as a Service (serverless)

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Cloud Trends ● Serverless Computing ● Quantum Computing ● Digital Natives ● Edge Computing ● Containerization continues to reign ● Mobile Cloud Computing

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Cloud Trends ● Cloud ● Cloud Ready ● Cloud Friend ● Coud Native

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Cloud Native Applications

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Cloud Native “Cloud-native is an approach to building and running applications that exploits the advantages of the cloud computing model.”

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Cloud Native “Cloud-native is a different way of thinking and reasoning about software systems. It embodies the following concepts: powered by disposable infrastructure, composed of bounded, scales globally, embraces disposable architecture.”

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Cloud Native “Independent DURS ultimately comes up in every discussion on cloud-native concepts; to independently Deploy, Update, Replace and Scale.”

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Cloud Native “Cloud-native is more than a tool set. It is a complete architecture, a philosophical approach for building applications that take full advantage of cloud computing.”

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Cloud Native “Cloud-native technologies empower organizations to build and run scalable applications in modern, dynamic environments such as public, private, and hybrid clouds. Containers, service meshes, microservices, immutable infrastructure, and declarative APIs exemplify this approach.”

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Cloud Native Cloud-native is a term used to describe container-based environments.

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Cloud Native A set of good practices to optimize an application in the cloud through: ● Containerization ● Orchestration ● Automation

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Challenges ● Rotes (Http/Cache) ● Security (grant access to application and database) ● Upgrade database and language ● Backups ● CI/CD

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Trade-off ● Complexity ● Risk ● Cost ● Knowledge management Use cloud ready SaaS services Complexity Cost Risk High Med - High Low Migrate existing workloads into cloud Build new apps cloud ready ^ ^

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Tips ● Use Managed Services --- Please - Dan Moore ● Why every Engineer Should Be a cloud Engineer - Michelle Brenner ● KISS It -- Chris Proto ● Source Code Management for Software Delivery - Tiffany Jachja ● Containers aren't Magic - Katie McLaughlin ● It's Ok if you're not running Kubernetes - Mattias Geniar.

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Infrastructure as Code ● Alignment with DevOps ● Speed and efficiency ● Consistency

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GitOps ● Git as the single source of truth ● Git is the single place we operate ● All changes are observable/verifiable ● CI/CD

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The Best Practices

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The 12 Factors App 1. Codebase 2. Dependencies 3. Config 4. Backing services 5. Build, release, run 6. Process 7. Port binding 8. Concurrency 9. Disposability 10. Dev/prod parity 11. Logs 12. Admin processes

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Old, but gold

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Microservices “Certainly, we always read great things about the microservices architectures implemented by companies like Netflix or Amazon. So let me ask a question: how many companies in the world can be Netflix and Amazon?” Conway's law

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JVM ● Optimizations on GC ● Improvements Containers (OCI) ● Release 6 months ● Application Class-Data Sharing (JEP 310)

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Metadata ● Reflection ● Build Time ● Java Annotation Processor Plug Cold Warm Encapsulation Reflection Java Comp Annot. Proc. Native

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Native Image ● Native ● Serverless ● GC ● JIT Hardware ISA SO JVM App Hardware ISA SO App

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35 Demo Time

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What makes us strong We are bringing passion and eXpertise into the team. High Coding standards Reliable and proven processes and quality testing Continuous Innovation Senior/Junior split 1:2 enables room for innovation Integration in KI group Strong backing and steady exchange with experts Flexible work style Individual and flexible, fully acustomed to our clients

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What makes us special Member of KI group – home of entrepreneurs, solvers & creators. © xgeeks | 02/12/2020 38 Software and data Human resources Business models, processes and company building Experiences, design & lifestyle Investments and ecosystems

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Thank you Otávio Santana Staff Engineer, Xgeeks Join us!! @xgeeksio