new version of context in React 16.3
- We Are JavaScripters! @17th
Mercari, inc.
Frontend Engineer
Sota Ohara
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about me
Sota Ohara / sottar
Mercari, inc. / Souzoh, inc.
Frontend Engineer
mercari NOW, CSTool
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React v16.3 is upcoming
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React v16.3 is upcoming
React v16.3 has released
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React v16.3 has released
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• New life-cycle methods
The functions that will be deprecated are:
• componentWillMount
• componentWillUpdate
• componentWillReceiveProps
New method is:
• static getDerivedStateFromProps
• StrictMode API
• AsyncMode
• Update React DevTools
• Update Context API
What’s new in React v16.3
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New context API
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• Typically, data in a React application is passed top-
down (parent to child) via props.
• So, we also need to pass the related entire site
values each layer components
it’s too painful !!
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• The value set in the context can be acquired from
any child component.
• New component types: Provider and Consumer.
• Refer to the ancestor as the provider
and the child as the consumer
• Providers and consumers come in pairs
New context API
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Basic Sample
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* A provider-consumer pair is created using
* requires a default value
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* The provider accepts a context value as a prop
* In the typical scenario, context value has in state.
and updated by calling setState.
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* The consumer uses a render prop API
* In the typical scenario, context value has in state
and updated by calling setState.
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FYI. What’s new in React 16.3(0-alpha)