Call me TP (
Taipei, Taiwan
Apache Airflow @ Astronomer
Python packaging (PyPA & others)
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Python Packaging LOL
So weird we must split it into topics
How did this thing happen?
What does the solution achieve?
How do we improve the situation?
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Why O Why
A ton of packages downloaded for no reason!
PyPI should automatically build wheels!
I can import my package but you can’t find it?
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A ton of packages downloaded for no reason!
Why O Why
PyPI should automatically build wheels!
I can import my package but you can’t find it?
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Per-artifact Metadata — History
PyPI is just a bunch of tarballs
Well, also zipballs
So simple it’s called the Simple API
Conditionals in
Wheel contains prebuilt metadata
Per-artifact Metadata — Advantages
Every file server is a Python package index
Just put artifacts in a directory!
Install a package with a “direct URL”
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Per-artifact Metadata — Improvements
A way to say I don’t have dynamic metadata
Serve metadata alongside with each artifact
Detect and degrade gracefully
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PyPI should automatically build wheels!
Why O Why
A ton of packages downloaded for no reason!
I can import my package but you can’t find it?
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Infinite Wheelhouse Paradox
How many platforms does CPython support?
Trick question! As long as it builds, it’s good
There is a very long tail of platforms
You can never build all wheels, theoratically
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Pull-based Platform Declaration
Basically feature detection
Declare needs for platforms to satisfy
Platform PEPs are Informational
As long as your binaries work for your users
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Sufficiently Large Enough
Make platform reflection easy
Create a “common enough” template
Simplify and externalise wheel-building
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I can import my package but you can’t find it?
Why O Why
A ton of packages downloaded for no reason!
PyPI should automatically build wheels!
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How did tools know what to uninstall?
Trick question! They didn’t LOL
Setuptools invented eggs (kind of like JAR)
Turns out many packages don’t work inside a ZIP
Let’s not ZIP them? Metadata become plain files.
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Plain files are pretty nice
Metadata as package resources (data files)
Reflection is automatic via import search path
Disabling user-site, PYTHONPATH, etc.
Are there any real technical downsides?
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None of these makes sense!
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Third System Effect
First effort (distutils) went OK
Second, not so much
You probably never heard of it
More difficult to gather volunteers
No central driving force
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From pip to PEPs
Set the ground rules for people to innovate
Small, reusable libraries for standards
Invite discussions to combine the parts
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Python Packaging Platypus
Evolutions make sense when they happen
Special advantages for particular use cases
Remember the lineage