Slide 33
Slide 33 text
ΤοδσόΠεʹ͓͚ΔDNNʹΑΔuser intent prediction
swipe-interactive behaviorɼtap-interactive behaviorɼbrowse-interactive behaviorͷߦಈάϧʔϓΛ࡞
swipe-interactive behavior
open page, leave page, swipe, tap͕جຊߦಈʢtapҐஔswipe࢝ऴҐஔܧଓ࣌ؒهʣ
time duration of a swipe, time gap between two actions, positional coordinates of actions
(tap position X/Y, swipe start position X/Y, swipe end position X/Y and swipe length on X/Y)
page indices, action indices and swipe directions
tap-interactive behavior
timestampɼpage indexɼevent indexɼbutton index
browse-interactive behavior
browse, search, collect, add to cart, purchaseͷ̐ͭͰɼ֤ߦಈʹରͯ࣍͠ͷ6ͭͷಛΛநग़
type index, top category index, leaf category index, page index, page stay time and timestamp
EdgeDIPN: a Unified Deep Intent Prediction Network Deployed at the Edge [Guo+
VLDB 2020] (Alibaba, Peking University)