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Drone CI/CD ⾃動化測試及部署

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About me • Software Engineer in Mediatek • Member of Drone CI/CD Platform • Member of Gitea Platform • Member of Gin Golang Framework • Teacher of Udemy Platform: Golang + Drone

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課程⼤綱 • Docker 基礎介紹 • CI/CD 服務簡介 • Drone 架構介紹 • Drone 基礎使⽤ • Drone 外掛撰寫

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Docker 容器介紹

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VM 虛擬機好處 • 不同的作業系統環境 • 善⽤資源分配 (CPU, RAM, Storage) • 透過 Hypervisor 管理 VM 快照

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Container 容器好處 • 容器檔案非常⼩ (Ubuntu 才⼗幾 MB) • 快速開啟 (不到⼀秒就可以起⼀個 Ubuntu) • 透過 Docker fi le 客製化容器內容 • 快速實踐 Deployment + Operation

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docker 基礎指令 • docker ps • 列出正在跑的容器 • docker images • 列出已經下載的 Images • docker image prune -a -f • 清除沒在使⽤的 Images (空間如果不夠)

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• docker container prune -f • 清除沒在跑的容器 • docker login -u xxxx • 登入 docker registry (GitLab 內建, 預設 DockerHub) • docker run -ti ubuntu /bin/bash • 快速建立 ubuntu 容器並且登入 Bash Shell • ⽤於測試及除錯

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建立 Docker 服務 • docker run -d -p 8081:80 nginx • docker run -d -p 8082:80 nginx • docker run -d -p 8083:80 nginx • -p port 對應關係 (host port : container port) • -d 丟到背景執⾏ • —name 容器命名 • -e 環境變數 • -v 掛載硬碟

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進入已存在容器 • docker exec -ti name /bin/bash • docker ps 可以知道正在跑的容器 • 除錯常⽤

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練習 • 在本機端架設底下服務 • redis (port 6380:6379) • mysql (port 3307:3306) • postgres (port 5433:5432) • ⽤ Go 或 Node 測試連線

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練習 • 架設 Go Module Proxy • • export GOPROXY=http://localhost:3010 • 掛載 local 端空間到 athens

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使⽤ Docker fi le

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FROM alpine:3.15 LABEL maintainer="Bo-Yi Wu " RUN apk add - - no - cache ca - certif i cates & & \ rm - rf /var/cache/apk / * COPY release/linux/amd64/agent /bin/ ENTRYPOINT [ "/bin/agent" ]

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編譯容器並上傳 • docker build -t appleboy/server:tag -f path . • -t 組織名稱/容器名稱 • -f Docker fi le 檔案路徑 • tag: 版本 (⽤來 deploy production) • docker push host:port/appleboy/server • host: docker registry host (預設上傳到 docker hub) • port: docker registry port

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使⽤ docker-compose.yml

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version: '3.1' services: prometheus: image: prom/prometheus:v2.31.1 volumes: - ./prometheus/:/etc/prometheus/ - ./data/prometheus:/prometheus command: - ' - - conf i g.f i le=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml' - ' - - storage.tsdb.path=/prometheus' - ' - - web.console.libraries=/usr/share/prometheus/console_libraries' - ' - - web.console.templates=/usr/share/prometheus/consoles' - ' - - storage.tsdb.retention.time=365d' restart: always grafana: image: grafana/grafana:8.2.6 depends_on: - prometheus volumes: - ./data/grafana:/var/lib/grafana - ./grafana/provisioning/:/etc/grafana/provisioning/ env_f i le: - ./grafana/conf i g.monitoring restart: always

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docker-compose 指令 • docker-compose up -d [service_name] • -d 在背景執⾏ • docker-compose down -v • -v 移除 volume 資料 • docker-compose logs -f [service_name] • 看單⼀服務 Logs • docker-compose pull • 更新全部 Image (每次 deploy 都需要做此步驟) • docker-compose exec db /bin/bash • 進入容器看 DB 資料

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練習 • 將 Go 服務搭配 redis + (mysql or postgres) • redis • mysql • postgres • ⽤ docker-compose 串起上⾯服務

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(JU)VC'MPX 14 Develop Git Push Git Tag Develop Git Push Git Tag Testing Deploy Deploy Deploy Production Staging Production Testing Deploy Staging

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GitHub Flow + Git Flow in opensource IUUQTHJUIVCDPNHPHJUFBHJUFB

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為什麼我不選 Jenkins?

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Why? • Complicated project setting • Write the plugin (Java language) • Maintenance? • Learning Curve? • Grow your team?

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為什麼我不選 GitLab CI?

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Why? • GitLab Only • Not Extensible

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Drone CI/CD 介紹

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Drone CI • Container native CI/CD platform • Easy to install & maintain • Isolate builds • Simple YAML Con fi guration • Integrates with several VCS Providers • Rich set of of fi cial plugins (any container can be a plugin) • Execute locally with simple command (drone exec) • open source (

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Everything is a Docker Container

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Drone CI Infrastructure Runner Server Step 1 git clone Step 2 make build Step 3 deploy app work space extra service Runner

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如何安裝 Drone + GitHub

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申請 GitHub Application

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Apply GitHub Application https: / /

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https: / /

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Drone Server and Runner In docker-compose.yml

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drone - runner: image: drone/drone - runner - docker:1 restart: always depends_on: - drone - server ports: - 3000 : 3000 volumes: - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock environment: - DRONE_RPC_HOST=${DRONE_SERVER_HOST} - DRONE_RPC_PROTO=${DRONE_SERVER_PROTO} - DRONE_RPC_SECRET=${DRONE_RPC_SECRET} - DRONE_RUNNER_CAPACITY=2 - DRONE_RUNNER_NAME=my - f i rst - runner

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Drone Web UI Introduction

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撰寫 .drone.yml 檔案

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kind: pipeline type: docker name: default steps: - name: greeting image: alpine commands: - echo hello - echo world

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kind: pipeline type: docker name: linux_amd64 steps: - name: build image: golang:1.17 commands: - make build_linux_amd64

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build_linux_amd64 : CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build \ - v - a - o release/linux/amd64/helloworld

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build_linux_amd64 : CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build \ - v - a - o release/linux/amd64/helloworld

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- - - kind: pipeline type: docker name: linux_amd64 steps: - name: build image: golang:1.17 environment: GOOS : linux GOARCH : amd64 CGO_ENABLED : 0 commands: - make build_linux_amd64

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build: go build - v - a - o \ release/${GOOS}/${GOARCH}/helloworld

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kind: pipeline type: docker name: linux_amd64 steps: - name: build image: golang:1.17 commands: - make build_linux_amd64 - - - kind: pipeline type: docker name: linux_i386 steps: - name: build image: golang:1.17 commands: - make build_linux_i386 .VMUJQMF1JQFMJOF

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- - - kind: pipeline type: docker name: linux_i386 steps: - name: build image: golang:1.17 environment: GOOS : linux GOARCH : 386 CGO_ENABLED : 0 commands: - make build_linux_i386 $VTUPN&OWJSPONFOU

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- - - kind: pipeline type: docker name: linux_i386 environment: GOOS : linux GOARCH : 386 CGO_ENABLED : 0 steps: - name: build image: golang:1.17 commands: - make build_linux_i386 (MPCBM&OWJSPONFOU

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Routing 將特定任務丟到特定主機 (GPU or High Memory)

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kind: pipeline type: docker name: default steps: - name: build image: golang commands: - go build - go test node: keyA : valueA keyB : valueB %30/&@36//&3@-"#&-4LFZ"WBMVF" LFZ#WBMVF#

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Parallelism 平⾏處理

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kind: pipeline type: docker name: default steps: - name: backend image: golang commands: - go build - go test - name: frontend image: node commands: - npm install - npm test - name: notify image: plugins/slack depends_on: - frontend - backend

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Conditions and Triggers

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kind: pipeline type: docker name: default steps: - name: build image: golang commands: - go build - go test when: branch: - master - feature / * kind: pipeline type: docker name: default steps: - name: build image: golang commands: - go build - go test trigger: branch: - master

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kind: pipeline type: docker name: default steps: - name: test image: golang volumes: - name: cache path: /go commands: - go get - go test - name: build image: golang volumes: - name: cache path: /go commands: - go build volumes: - name: cache temp: {}

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練習 • 任何程式語⾔進⾏ Lint + Testing + Build • Go 語⾔使⽤ golangci-lint • 測試 go test -v -cover • 編譯 go build -o release/linux/amd64/out

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- name: publish pull: always image: plugins/docker:linux - amd64 settings: auto_tag: true auto_tag_suff i x: linux - amd64 cache_from: appleboy/gorush daemon_off: false dockerf i le: docker/Dockerf i le.linux.amd64 password: from_secret: docker_password repo: appleboy/gorush username: from_secret: docker_username when: event: exclude: - pull_request

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- name: publish pull: always image: plugins/docker:linux - amd64 settings: auto_tag: true auto_tag_suff i x: linux - amd64 cache_from: appleboy/gorush daemon_off: false dockerf i le: docker/Dockerf i le.linux.amd64 password: from_secret: docker_password repo: appleboy/gorush username: from_secret: docker_username when: event: exclude: - pull_request

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Plugin Input

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- name: publish pull: always image: plugins/docker:linux - amd64 settings: auto_tag: true auto_tag_suff i x: linux - amd64 cache_from: appleboy/gorush daemon_off: false dockerf i le: docker/Dockerf i le.linux.amd64 password: from_secret: docker_password repo: appleboy/gorush username: from_secret: docker_username when: event: exclude: - pull_request

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PLUGIN_USERNAME=appleboy PLUGIN_PASSWORD=password PLUGIN_REPO=appleboy/gorush PLUGIN_TAGS=1.0.0,1.0

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PLUGIN_USERNAME=appleboy PLUGIN_PASSWORD=password PLUGIN_REPO=appleboy/gorush PLUGIN_TAGS=1.0.0,1.0

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如何製作 Plugins

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Go Plugin vs Bash Plugin (Any language you want)

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Bash Plugin

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kind: pipeline type: docker name: default steps: - name: webhook image: acme/webhook settings: url: http: / / method: post body: | hello world

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# ! /bin/sh curl \ -X ${PLUGIN_METHOD} \ - d ${PLUGIN_BODY} \ ${PLUGIN_URL}

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FROM alpine:3.14 ADD /bin/ RUN chmod + x /bin/ RUN apk -Uuv add curl ca - certif i cates ENTRYPOINT /bin/

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$ docker build -t acme/webhook . $ docker push acme/webhook $ docker run --rm \ -e PLUGIN_METHOD=post \ -e PLUGIN_URL= \ -e PLUGIN_BODY=hello \ acme/webhook ฤᩄ

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$ docker build -t acme/webhook . $ docker push acme/webhook $ docker run --rm \ -e PLUGIN_METHOD=post \ -e PLUGIN_URL= \ -e PLUGIN_BODY=hello \ acme/webhook ଌࢼ

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Go Plugin

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package main import ( "net/http" "os" "strings" ) func main() { body : = strings.NewReader( os.Getenv("PLUGIN_BODY"), ) _, err : = http.NewRequest( os.Getenv("PLUGIN_METHOD"), os.Getenv("PLUGIN_URL"), body, ) if err ! = nil { os.Exit(1) } } GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o webhook

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FROM alpine:3.14 ADD webhook /bin/ RUN apk -Uuv add ca - certif i cates ENTRYPOINT /bin/webhook

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練習 • 任何程式語⾔進⾏ Plugin 撰寫 • 申請 dockerhub 帳號密碼 • 透過 Drone ⾃動打包 Image 並上傳

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Deploy to Production Server via SSH Command

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- name: ssh commands image: appleboy/drone - ssh settings: host: username: root key: from_secret: ssh_key passphrase: 1234 port: 22 script: - mkdir abc/def/efg - echo "you can't see the steps."

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Promotions ⼿動部署

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kind: pipeline type: docker name: default steps: - name: test image: node commands: - npm install - npm run test - npm run bundle - name: deploy image: appleboy/drone - ssh settings: . . . trigger: event: - promote target: - production kind: pipeline type: docker name: deploy steps: - name: test image: node commands: - npm install - npm run test - npm run bundle - name: deploy image: appleboy/drone - ssh settings: . . . when: event: - promote target: - production

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$ drone build promote octocat/hello-world 42 staging $ drone build promote $ drone build promote octocat/hello-world 42 production

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