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Cartographing Symfony Making sense of the Symfony Components when used standalone or in full-stack

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Symfony 2.0 Full List of Components BrowserKit ClassLoader Config Console CssSelector DependencyInjection DomCrawler EventDispatcher Filesystem Finder Form HttpFoundation HttpKernel Locale Process Routing Security Serializer Templating Translation Validator Yaml 22 components

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Symfony 5.2 Full List of Components Asset BrowserKit Cache Config Console CssSelector DependencyInjection DomCrawler Dotenv ErrorHandler EventDispatcher ExpressionLanguage Filesystem Finder Form HttpClient HttpFoundation HttpKernel Inflector Intl Ldap Lock Mailer Messenger Mime Notifier OptionsResolver Process PropertyAccess PropertyInfo RateLimiter Routing Security Semaphore Serializer Stopwatch String Templating Translation Uid Validator VarDumper VarExporter WebLink Workflow Yaml 26 NEW components
 *compared to Symfony 2.0

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core features utility features application features framework features

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74.336 Dependents Overall

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Core Features Asset BrowserKit Cache Config CssSelector DependencyInjection DomCrawler Console ErrorHandler EventDispatcher ExpressionLanguage Filesystem DotEnv Form HttpClient HttpFoundation Inflector Intl Ldap HttpKernel Mailer Messenger Mime Notifier Lock Finder Process PropertyAccess PropertyInfo Routing Security Semaphore RateLimiter Stopwatch String Templating Translation Serializer OptionsResolver VarExporter Weblink Workflow VarDumper Uid Validator Yaml

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Core Features Improve on core PHP functionality • HttpFoundation provides OOP on top of superglobals • String provides clear API around mb_* and other string functions • Uid provides OOP for handling UUID/ULID-strings • VarExport works around limitations of clone • …

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Core Features Asset BrowserKit Cache Config CssSelector DependencyInjection DomCrawler Console ErrorHandler EventDispatcher ExpressionLanguage Filesystem DotEnv Form HttpClient HttpFoundation Inflector Intl Ldap HttpKernel Mailer Messenger Mime Notifier Lock Finder Process PropertyAccess PropertyInfo Routing Security Semaphore RateLimiter Stopwatch String Templating Translation Serializer OptionsResolver VarExporter Weblink Workflow VarDumper Uid Validator Yaml

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Core Features Filesystem

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12.187 Dependents on Core Features

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Utility Features Asset BrowserKit Cache Config CssSelector DependencyInjection DomCrawler Console ErrorHandler EventDispatcher ExpressionLanguage Filesystem DotEnv Form HttpClient HttpFoundation Inflector Intl Ldap HttpKernel Mailer Messenger Mime Notifier Lock Finder Process PropertyAccess PropertyInfo Routing Security Semaphore RateLimiter Stopwatch String Templating Translation Serializer OptionsResolver VarExporter Weblink Workflow VarDumper Uid Validator Yaml

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Utility Features Components that can be used outside of Symfony, e.g. in libraries • Process • Finder • EventDispatcher

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Utility Features Asset BrowserKit Cache Config CssSelector DependencyInjection DomCrawler Console ErrorHandler EventDispatcher ExpressionLanguage Filesystem DotEnv Form HttpClient HttpFoundation Inflector Intl Ldap HttpKernel Mailer Messenger Mime Notifier Lock Finder Process PropertyAccess PropertyInfo Routing Security Semaphore RateLimiter Stopwatch String Templating Translation Serializer OptionsResolver VarExporter Weblink Yaml VarDumper Uid Validator Workflow

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Utility Features Finder

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Utility Features Finder

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37.240 Dependents on Utility Features

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Application Features Asset BrowserKit Cache Config CssSelector DependencyInjection DomCrawler Console ErrorHandler EventDispatcher ExpressionLanguage Filesystem DotEnv Form HttpClient HttpFoundation Inflector Intl Ldap HttpKernel Mailer Messenger Mime Notifier Lock Finder Process PropertyAccess PropertyInfo Routing Security Semaphore RateLimiter Stopwatch String Templating Translation Serializer OptionsResolver VarExporter Weblink Yaml VarDumper Uid Validator Workflow

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Application Features Application components, that usually work on top of the framework, core or utility features • Messenger supports Mailer optionally uses Serializer • Form relies on Validation (optionally), HttpFoundation and OptionResolver

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Application Features Asset BrowserKit Cache Config CssSelector DependencyInjection DomCrawler Console ErrorHandler EventDispatcher ExpressionLanguage Filesystem DotEnv Form HttpClient HttpFoundation Inflector Intl Ldap HttpKernel Mailer Messenger Mime Notifier Lock Finder Process PropertyAccess PropertyInfo Routing Security Semaphore RateLimiter Stopwatch String Templating Translation Serializer OptionsResolver VarExporter Weblink Yaml VarDumper Uid Validator Workflow

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Application Features Messenger

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9.627 Dependents on Application Features

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Framework Features Asset BrowserKit Cache Config CssSelector DependencyInjection DomCrawler Console ErrorHandler EventDispatcher ExpressionLanguage Filesystem DotEnv Form HttpClient HttpFoundation Inflector Intl Ldap HttpKernel Mailer Messenger Mime Notifier Lock Finder Process PropertyAccess PropertyInfo Routing Security Semaphore RateLimiter Stopwatch String Templating Translation Serializer OptionsResolver VarExporter Weblink Yaml VarDumper Uid Validator Workflow

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Framework Features Components that primarily build up Symfony as an application framework • HttpKernel ties config, routing, error handling for web app together • Config loads human processable config files and validates them • DependencyInjection takes config and creates PHP service configuration • Routing provides a way to determine which Controller should be used • ErrorHandler centralizes & streamlines error-/exception-handling • Templating renders output for Response

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Framework Features Asset BrowserKit Cache Config CssSelector DependencyInjection DomCrawler Console ErrorHandler EventDispatcher ExpressionLanguage Filesystem DotEnv Form HttpClient HttpFoundation Inflector Intl Ldap HttpKernel Mailer Messenger Mime Notifier Lock Finder Process PropertyAccess PropertyInfo Routing Security Semaphore RateLimiter Stopwatch String Templating Translation Serializer OptionsResolver VarExporter Weblink Yaml VarDumper Uid Validator Workflow

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Framework Features DependencyInjection

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15.282 Dependents on Framework Features * * Symfony Bundles

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Framework Features Asset BrowserKit Cache Config CssSelector DependencyInjection DomCrawler Console ErrorHandler EventDispatcher ExpressionLanguage Filesystem DotEnv Form HttpClient HttpFoundation Inflector Intl Ldap HttpKernel Mailer Messenger Mime Notifier Lock Finder Process PropertyAccess PropertyInfo Routing Security Semaphore RateLimiter Stopwatch String Templating Translation Serializer OptionsResolver VarExporter Weblink Yaml VarDumper Uid Validator Workflow

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core features utility features application features framework features less coupled more coupled

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core features utility features easier to use harder to use application features framework features

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core features utility features easier to use standalone harder to use standalone application features framework features

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Symfony 2.8 • Assets • ExpressionLanguage • Intl • Ldap • OptionsResolver • PropertyInfo

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Symfony 3.4 • Cache • DotEnv • Inflector • WebLink • Workflow

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Symfony 4.4 • ErrorHandler • HttpClient • Messenger • Mime • Notifier • VarExporter

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Symfony 5.2 • RateLimiter • Semaphore • String • Uid

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The Release/Reuse Equivalence Principle The Common Reuse Principle The Common Closure Principle The Acyclic Dependencies Principle The Stable Dependencies Principle The Stable Abstractions Principle

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ISO/IEC 25010

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Decoupled?! Using Symfony Components standalone is really difficult!

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NIH Why doesn’t Symfony just reuse existing libraries?

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Where is Waldo? Why doesn’t Symfony have feature X, Y or Z?

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